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From Tanocraft Limited Plot No 8, Sector 23 Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi - 74900, Pakistan. Tel (92-21) 5060519-518 Fax (92-21) 5865801 Dear sir, We are exporters of finished Garment Leathers,Shoe Uppers and Linings. Ours is an "A-Class" Tannery ranking among first TEN in Pakistan, equipped with fully automatic modern machinery of European origin and capable of producing 900,000 - 1,200,000 sq.ft per month. Our main products are: 1, COW AND BUFFALO GARMENT LEATHER,TYPE OF FINISHES: a, Pure drum dyed leather full naked look or polished. b, Semi Aniline finished full grain Nappa Leather. c, Skipper (oily Nubuck type buffed grain). 2, GOAT AND SHEEP SKIN CLOTHING (Garment Leather Type Of finishes): a, Nappa Aniline,polished finish (full grain) good shine and brightness b, Semi Aniline Nappa (full grain) plated or polished ,medium to high shine. c, Pigment finished-medium to high shine. ISANI GROUP OF COMPANIES to which we belong,is engaged in multifarious business and industrial activities which include, Construction,Edible Oil and Leather tanning,manufacture and export of finished leather and leather made up. THE GROUP IS LED BY OUR CHAIRMAN Dr. Muzaffar Ali Isani. He is Ph.D. in Economics from Georgetown University Washington D.C. U.S.A. Apart from his academic qualifications he is also an experienced industrialst and businessman with more than 15 years experience in all facets of industrial and business activities. The group activities are being monitored by Mr. Isani with the assistance of qualified & professional team of managers. THE COMPANY TANOCRAFT is a public limited unquoted company which was established on 5th August 1986. It is a complete modern tanning plant from wet blue to finished leather. It has been engaged in export of finished leather since its inception. II. INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES & SALIENT FEATURES FACTORY BUILDING Our factory consist of two storeyed building. The total area of our factory plot is 72,000 sq.ft. the total constructed area of building is 67,172 sq.ft comprising of ground floor 23,832 sq.ft. 1st floor 21,670 & second floor 21,670. Our factory is situated in the prime area of Industrial Zone of Korangi with all requisite facilities. 1. PLANT Our tanning plant consist of all facilities required for the processes-right from wet blue to Finished Leather. The installed capacity of our plant is 900,000 - 1,200,000 sq.ft. per month.The major processes available at our plant are as under: PROCESSES: WET SHAVING,DRY SHAVING,SAMMING,SETTING,DYING DRUM,PILLING, HANGING,CONDITIONING,VIBROMATING,ROLLER STAKE,VERTICAL, STAKE,TOGGLE,TRIMMING,GRAIN BUFF,FLASH BUFF,FINI FLEX, HAND BUFF,MEASUREMENT,ROTO PRESS,HYDRAULIC PRESS, SAMPLE DRUM,DRY DRUM,CHAKRAM,SELECTION,GLAZING,POLISHING, SPRAY 2. POWER: The main sources of power are available at our factory such as: a) Electricity b) Natural Gas. The electricity power supply standard is as under : Voltage 440, Phase 3, Cycle 50. Apart from the above, emergency standby electricity generating system is also available. 3,WATER : We have sufficient water storage facilities & connection with underground & overhead water tanks. 4. RAW MATERIAL : As our factory is situated in main Tannery Zone therefore Raw Material is readily and conveniently available at reasonable price. Apart from acquisition of raw material locally (Sheep, Goat Skins, Cow & Buffalo Hides) we have also been importing Sheep and Goat Skins from African and Middle Eastern Countries. 5. LOGISTIC : Our factory is located in main Korangi Industrial Area. Fortunately our factory is situated at a place which is not far away from air and sea ports : both the facilities can be easily obtained with in a reasonable time. 6. CLIMATIC CONDITION : The climatic conditions in our area is : 1) Temperature ranges between 26 to 42 centigrade, average temperature being 30 centigrade. 2) Humidity ranges b/w 25% to 70% average humidity is about 60%. 3) Rainfall ranges between 20 mm to 165 mm, average rainfall is about 60mm. There is no unusual climatic condition in the area. 7. LABOUR : Our operations are mostly automatic & semi automatic. But leather technicians/ operators/skilled labour and workers are essential for smooth operations of our plant.There is no scarcity of skilled & unskilled labour. Both are available at reasonable cost. 8. PROSPECTS : We are interested in those parties who may be willing to provide us Export/Buy back agreement of total out put/Joint venture. HUMAYUN MAJEED Executive Director
