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My Life

Well this is my life, from a mark hamill lover point of veiw

Hey! My name is Danielle Skywalker and I am the owner of this home page and i am about to take you for a trip down luke lover memeory lane! Birth: I was bron Aug,13, 1982 to a family of sci fi freaks, my mom who is a treki and my dad who loves the movie 2001 a space oddessy.
Home Life: I am from the hot town of Bakersfield california*its hot enough to be tatoonie*I am a total star wars fan or as all my friends call me a star wars freak!I dance ballet at The Bakersfield Ballet Theater

Friends:My best friend on the net is Jennifer(she thinks i am insane for liking mark hamill)she is a great friend! my friends at school include My friend Vinutha,Christina,Celia,Neeharica,Alex,Amy,Jennifer,Kristen,jenny,Revael,and Mandy I would like to dedicate this picture to my friends Vinutha and Christina beucase i know they will just love it My internet friends are Tionne 15,Leebeo,Corinna sii,Gheg Brak,Miss Leia Organa,Buffy Summers 123,Lord Vader,Rancor,Leia My hobbies are, role playing,star wars games,watching star wars,admiring Mark Hamill/Luke Skywalker(i praticaly have a shrine for him in my room)collecting star wars, reading,drawing,painting,dancing(at parties and at ballet)talking,incence(i am sort of a hippy)writting lets,making home pages,meeting new people,and driving my family crazy by talking about star wars and mark hamill all the time!

Family memebers:mom(Mark Cay) dad(dan)brother(aaron)and my couisn Melissa(i consider a sister) well i hope you enjoy my home page and send me an e-mail!
may the force be with you
