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wHy BoFer BeiNg a ComPuTer GeEk?

Gawsh, if i had the time i could make some rad ass page that everyone wuld *grunt* over and i could say 'Hey, check out mi homepage d00d' and they will be like 'wowsers, that is so funking cool..yer mi hero'..BuT wHy BoTHeR? I would rather have a fucked page and have a life so sorry all you computer nerds out there but My PaGe Is GuNNa SuCk and i am dammin proud of it!!!

"A substitute for humanity
is the life i have created here for me
i need to escape my eroded mind
i pray that my sanity is not all that i find"

-D'arcy (not Kristen but D'arcy)

like MUSIC links and i guess i will out in some GUITAR TABS and some of my lame ass Poetry and you can also see the people i hang with on the net. Here is a Depression / Suicide Posting place..please use it responsibly..these are real issues faced by real people.... oh oh and this is for the Macster

Alright, i write a zine called Platinum..issue 2 is coming out real real soon. If you want to contribute or even just get a copy *shock* email me and i will send it out to you. Back issues are avaliable and i swear that it is going to be good :P *dreaming*..anyways, #2 has storys about suicide, team dresch, bad bodily habits as well as CD reviews and a whole lot of other stuff i haven't decided on yet so YEAH!!!!!!!!

Here i will put sumfin bout Sleater-Kinney cuz i luv them to death and we all know that Corin wants to hang out wif me and *grin*

k, ThiS Is ThE ParT WheRe I SaY HelLo 2 Mi BeSteSt, CoOleSt IrC BuDdLy FrOm #SkAtErS It IzzZz.......


*waving frantically* YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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