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    Hello guys!

    This is Robert Q. Tran from Austin Texas USA. I originally came from South-East Asia. I am a Vietnamese person who grew up in Uncle Sam's Country. My culture is like Chinese culture. I am a Civil Engineer. I get a my BS and MS in Civil Engineering Degree at the University of Texas at Austin. I would like to introduce myself to all people on the world. I also welcome to all of you who want to visit my web pages with different purposes as understanding asian culture, my educational aspect, or my business. If you have any recommendations about my web pages, do not hesitate to give me your words. I appreciate it.

    Thank you.

    Please visit my sponsor All About You Nail Salon


    Angelfire Communication
    The University of Texas at Austin
    My Web Sites at School
    My Resume
    Culture and Tradition of Vietnam
    Vietnamese's Web
    My Pictures

    Email to Web master: khanht@mail.utexas.edu