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Battle of Hoth: trip the 3 walkers.

Echo Base:1. Take the 1st hall to your right and open a hatch to the right of a red pole. 2. in the next corridor, blast the stack of small containers to find a secret room. 3. at the 1st bridge jump carefully to your right to a small ledge. 4. cross the bridge and go through the cave and take a right. 5. at the beggining of the 2nd stage you'll see a pair of generators. Look behind the right generator. 6. after #5 go across the catwalk and go straight and jump the gap. 7. at the 2nd pair of generators face right and jump over the rail and land on a ledge to reach the generator and look behind it 8. do the same to the left generator. Do 7&8 before you activate the generator 9. when the hall cracks open, wait near the entrance of the hall till a point appears 10. in the corridor past the AT-ST, find a secret room behind some containers.

ASTEROID FIELD. shoot all 6 red asteriods.

ORD MANTELL: 1. time your jump to reach the mid-air point at the beggining of the stage. 2. the next is on the left side of the 1st barrier. 3 the 3rd is on the right side of the 5th barrier. 4.look inside 1st car with walls. 5. the next is in mid-air after the left train drops into toxic waste. 6. when the tracks merge, jump to the left and go to the last car in line. 7. from 6, go to the next car and go up the stairs and go around back. 8. go to the next car for 7 and look above the low wall. 9. on the 2nd last train, look on the right side of the front car. 10. when fighting IG88, go on top of the junk pile to your left. 11. from 10, walk up the spiral ramp and jump into the smelter ( don't worry, you won't take much damage.) 12. exit through escape hatch and go in the next smelter.

GALL SPACEPORT: 1. exit the Outrider and go behind it and jump on the rocks to help you up. 2. After the 1st Wampa,look for a slim rock tower after a narrow bridge. 3. In the base, you'll find a point in mid-air. You need the jetpack first. 4. fly on top of the tower you find the jetpack on. 5. from there, fly to the first rock pillar and look diagnolly up to your right. 6. before you tak the anti-G ferry jet down the cliff to a small room. 7. after 6 fly up and go to the cave mouth and fly up and left. 8. after the ferry docks, fly across the chasm anf fly forward and slightly to the left. 9. defeat the AT-ST and fly up to the column of switches and search around it 10.enter the air shafts and hover over the fan blades in the 1st vertical shaft. 11. look up and left from the entrance of the large round room. 12. on the 2nd ferry ride, a point appears after the 2nd probe droid. 13.look high above the imperial shuttle in the 2nd landing bay. 14.When you fight Fett, run to the gap to your left and jet down the tower. 15. from 14 go to the other side of the tower and jet down to a platform.

MOS EISLEY: ( be sure to defeat the swoop gang first. ) 1. jump diagnally right off the first ramp to the roof of a low building. 2. in the plaza after the 1st ramp go to the lft of the giant crashed ship. 3. jump diagnally right off the 2nd ramp the roof of a low building 4. from 3 jump across the street to the awning and then to the point. 5. from 4 take the main road and take a right at the building with a black stripes 6. from 5 follow the stripe back around the front of the building to another alley. 7. take the street and turn left into a small alley just before the next big plaza. 8. find another building with a black stripe and take the alley around it. 9. exit the town and look in an alcove to your left along the city walls. 10. make a high jump over the 1st sarlacc ( pit monster ) 11. jump the 2nd sarlacc. 12.take the side ramp and jump the 2nd stone bridge in the desert.

IMPERIAL SUPROSA: 1. go through the 1st door in the stage and go to the room on your left 2. after the 1st maze of rooms go right and look behind the gun turret (on the ground) 3. search behind the back left corner of the 1st set of revolving doors. 4. go through the 2nd set of revolving doors and stand on the slope near the entrance and jump on the low wall. 5. in the next level down get on the revolving platform and jump on one of the big machines. 6. get back on the revolving platform and jump on the next big machine. 7,8: I can't quite tell you how to get them but they're in the cargo bay and you'll see some boxes stacked up but don't destroy all of them or 7 and 8 will be impossible to reach. Flip all the switches and search every room and destroy the containers except the ones I told you to find them. 9. on the 3rd level of the chamber blast a container in a room that can be opened manually. 10. After you beat the loader droid look behind the super computer.

SEWERS: 1. the lighted alcove before the 2nd spinning wheel is actually a secret door. Open it to find the point. 2. from the entrance to the first large pool look under the platform. 3. follow the pipe out of the pool room and check underwater in the next chamber. 4. fly to the top of the next shaft with many platforms and follow the tunnel. 5. from 4 backtrack to the shaft and drop one step to another tunnel. Follow it to the next shaft and drop all the way down and follow the tunnel. 6. go thru the security door and dive to the far left corner of the pool ( watch out for dianogas ) 7. swim the long tunnel and into the next chamber and look near the center posr. 8. follow the tunnel into the next room and search underwater for a hole in the center post. 9. past the gears, find an area with walls and a center pole made of bricks and look on the right side and a little above your head will be a little hole with the last point.

XIZOR'S PALACE: 1. in a chamber after the curved hall flip the switch that opens the exit to the room and look behind you. 2. when the 1st elevator opens fly up and hit the upper switch then fly down. 3. jump off the 2nd bridge and fly to the right to a secret room. 4. when you start stage 2 hit the 1st switch and fly up the elevator shaft. 5. in the 1st set of gears jump below the second gear. ( Be careful ) 6. from 5 open the back wall and follow the path outside and fly up. 7. in the next area float down the 1st and 2nd (in the middle) gears 8. at the space elevator find a hidden room on the 1st platform from the bottom. 9. look for a hole in the space elevator near the bottom. 10. after the bombs are set, exit the room and in the large chamber fly across the room and open a hidden room to the left.
