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Jeana, Rachel, Jess, outside in Boston

Jeana, Jess, Rachel, & Brandon

Jeana and Puc!!!!!!!!!!!!

April, Wyatt, Jody, & Jeana before the prom

Apey, Jeana, Jody, drummer from Ghoti Hook

Jessica and Jason

Hey everybody, whats going on??? I am Jeana and this page is about me. I know it sucks but read it anyways. I am a sXe christian from Summerville, SC. I want to say hey to all my friends: Jody (Rockstar Marlo...I love him!), Rachel (she's the bomb), Jonathan (Lil'playa Marlo), Ryan, Jessica L, Jessica M, Jeremy M, Josh I, Apey, Caleb & Disregard, Coop, Refuge, Randy W.(Pokey), John (No show Marlo), Brandon W (TuPunk Marlo), Brandon D, Scott & Sheryl (Want another BREADSTICK!!!), Mom, and Mom#2 (Terry D.) Andy, April, Wyatt, Edward Jones, Eric, Peter, Everyone at PS.150(Verse 2), and anyone else I forgot (sorry!!!) I love you!!! About me: I love christian punk music, and some ska and hardcore. Some of my favorite bands are: MxPx, (MY FAVORITE BAND IN THE WHOLE WORLD! I LOVE YOU MIKE!), The Cootees, SLICK SHOES, Value Pac, GHOTI HOOK, *MARLO'S RIDE*, The Supertones, Insyderz, Five Iron Frenzy, Craig's Brother, Whitmans Mold, The Skadaddles, Refuge, EVERYDAY LIFE, NO COMPROMISE, 7th Vision, Stavesacre, The Halo Friendlies, The Huntingtons, and a lot more. Be sure to go to Marlo's Ride's page, they have pics and lyrics now..... I have lyrics to a lot of good bands, so vist my lyrics page! I also like Mac n' Cheese, its the best food! Breadsticks from Fazolies (or however way you spell that) are awesome too. I like skating, and going to shows, and praising GOD! My favorite skating company is Poot! and I love Hook-ups too. I like playing the guitar, but I really want to play the drums, but I am too poor to buy a set. Thats pretty much it. Oh, yeah, I am Poot! Actually, Im Jeana, but people call me POot! thats my favorite skating company. Well thats it for now, If you have any ideas that will make my page better, please email me and let me know. Oh, and if you have any prayer requests, email me and I will be sure to pray for you! You have to sign my guest book before you leave too. Bye! Oh, if you dont have the new MxPx, or Slick Shoes, go get it!!! They are awesome!

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Cool Links:

More POot! (Marlo's Ride)
Ghoti Hook (PUNK)
Marlo's Ride's Lyrics!
Cool Music/G-rock, get outa hell free
Marlo's Ride homepage (They are so cute!) (PUNK)
Edward Jones... simply the best
Tooth and Nail
The Cootees (PUNK)
Teletubbies (SKA)
Lyrics To My Fav. Songs!
Cool POOT! pics! (go, the pics are cute!)

My favorite bands:
