Welcome to Amanda's World
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Welcome to Amanda's World

hi, i'm amanda, and this is my home. pretty exciting huh? i'm pretty much done with my page... everything is to my liking. well, most of it. thank you for visiting, and please come back.
PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK... I love hearing from everyone who visits my webpage... even if it's only your name. PLEASE!

ICQ Number... 11946519
AOL Instant Messager...Mandie27


My Favorite Links

Some of My Favorite Quotes
Click here to go to My Life
My Phantom of the Opera page
My Piercing and Tattooing page
My Suicide Story
My Page on Cutting
some of my best friends
Webrings that i belong to
Wright State University's Lambda Union
A local group for teens
Piercing Mildred - Where You Can Pierce WIthout The Pain
Student.com - A Great Place To Find Out About School
Tonys Online - A Link To Today's Broadway Shows
Flesh Canvas Online - A Great Tattoo And Piercing Site
Bluemountain Postcards - Send An Online Greeting
Body Modification Ezine
PridePals Webpage
The Chathouse - A Great Place To Chat
Moviewavs.com - Find A Sound From Any Movie


Adopt-A-Maureen (tm)

Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.



: phantom_rose@hotmail.com
White Ribbon Campaign

Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide
And remembering those who we've lost

[ Mirror Site]



last updated 10/10/99