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Chinese 中 文 English Comics
冇 耳 仔 Love Letter Cartoon 1
壽 桃 Wordperfect Helpdesk Comic Strip 1
對 聯 Citizenship Test Comic Strip 2
人 傻 看 不 開 Prison VS Work Comic Strip 3
釣冰魚 Costume Party Dilbert
扭曲 Latex Business Cartoon 2
性搔擾 Washing Machine Peanuts
冇o左你吾得 Marriage Humour Nancy
老板的意思 Ice Fishing Baby Lawsuit
動物園 Barbie April Fool
肥 皂 液 Answering Machine Computer Parts
借宿 Vet Visit Men's Remote
一字 Mental Patients A Letter Home
上學 Adam & Eve Dog Plays Cards
無題 2 Drunks Red Fire Engine
眼鏡 Politics??? Computer Sales Jargon
考車牌 Men are... Not Changed
搗 蛋 小 孩 Sunday Sermon Fertilizer
招 生 考 試 Don't lie Feces Test
神 經 病 患 者 Tombstone Bark Like a Dog
3 Wise Men Teacher's Pet
見 到 唔 應 該 o既 野 Welfare Office Elephant's Fear
夫 婦 50_50 Purty Mouth
試 用 板 Angel 2 AM
洗 手 Cat & Rooster Old Lady
水 滾 Negotiating Pee Dog
溫 度 計 Prize Winning Essay Explain this
幸 運 日 Blonde Joke 1 Ziggy 1
白 癡 Sperm Count Ziggy 2
馬 桶 Smart Dogs Garfield 1
別 的 醫 生 Blonde Joke 2 Garfield 2
不 該 生 氣 50th Anniversary Xmas Lawsuit
只 要 裝 行 李 The Proof Old Master 1
等 一 分 鐘 In Love Old Master 2
得 獎 來 的 Pull Buddy Pull Old Master 3
夢 話 Big John Doesn't Pay Old Master 4
道 歉 3 Defective Parts Fishy
去 醫 院 Balloons Pray
偉 大 科 學 家 Which Half? -
請 願 2 Italians -
大 苯 象 Praying -
難 題 3 Engineers -
可愛的小孩 A Lie -
麥 o麥 A Born Salesman -
上學 Turkey & Bull -
父親是﹖ Motivational Speaker -
Last Meal -
國文課 Seeing Eye Dog -
光頭 Government Employee -
拉面皮 Baked Beans -
給媽媽的信 Spagetti -
手機響聲 Season Pass -
- Taxi Driver -
- Slow Down vs Stop -
- Wishes -
- Cowboy -
- Pearl Harbour vs Titanic -
- Ugly Baby -
- Spank the Newborn -
- Laxative to Cure a Cough -
- Washroom Graffiti -
- Discrimination -
- 4 Lessons to Learn -