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Welcome to Jimmy's Homepage!

Okay, hi, its been six moths sice I last updated my homepage! Alot has happened since then, I've met lots of new people, and made alot of new friends. Well, why you ask, becasue I am fianlly in University, it couldn't come fast enough! Well, what else has been going on!? I am majoring in drama, if that interests anyone in the slightest? Well, most of you have been to this page know that I have many hobbies. I love acting, reading, singing, writing, walking, and many other's. Acting, reading, singing and skiing are my favorite hobbies! Since a young age, acting and reading have always come easy to me, I think that I have been born to be onstage! I hope to one day become a film actor, or in somekind of musical theatre, actually if a genie came down and granted me three wishes, the first would be to be on Broadway. Ah, I love the stage, there is nothing like being in front of an audience, portraying someone that your not! NOw, reading, well, this has been another passion of mine, book after book, whatever I can get my hands on, I will read it. I mostly read Fantasy novels, but anythig will do! I have just recently discovered a really great author, whose four novels (each of more then 800 words) I read in one week! This author has a way of gripping you by the eyes, until you have read page for page, eagerly awaiting what come after the next sentence. Who is this author that I speak so highly of, you ask? WEell, its none other then the author of the Sword Of Truth Series Terry Goodkind , he is so wonderful, I don't know what I would do without his novels! But, there is one author that cannot be surpassed by any other, and her name is Mercedes Lackey! Well, that's it, the rest is for you to discover, I will though, be addinf alot more as the year goes on. . . Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!

Here is my area devoted to Mercedes Lackey being the top of my "Fav" authors list. Mercedes "Misty" Lackey, as she is known to her fans has written many novels. The Last Herald Mage being my favorite of the many books she has written! Here are pages done by me, and other fans dedicated to the wonderful author!

My page Dedicated to Mercedes Lackey
A really neat page about Mercedes Lackey
Nette's homepage, My keypal.

Those are a few of the links that I will be putting up about Mercedes Lackey!

Please visit my favorite authors and their books page. Or check these links out!
Kate Elliott a new up and coming fantasy author, who is absolutley great, this is my page to her...
My page dedicated to R.A. Salvatore.
R.A. Salvatore another favorite author.
Jennifer Roberson yet another great author.
Melanie Rawn: another great author.
This site will be dedicated to another fine author known as Lynn Flewelling!

Here are some links of my friends and Family...

My stepbrother Dereks homepage. If you like wrestling, visit this page!
Scott the other stepbrother's homepage
My Best friend
Sarah's homepage. You like Leonardo Dicaprio? Visit this page...

Titanic My page dedicated to this absolutely incredible movie....
My I Know What You Did Last Summer Page...

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