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Check out the three links below. All Advantage, Go To World, and UtopiAD are three companies that pay you money just for using the internet like you normally do. All you have to do for All Advantage and UtopiAD is sign up and download small viewbars that stay open whenever you're browsing. It's only a 10-15 minute download, and you will make money off of it (it really adds up). For Go To World, you have to download the Go To World Browser, which takes a little longer, but is also well worth it. Also, if you refer a friend to any of these companies and your friend signs up, the company will also pay you for the time your friends spends online. It's a really great deal! And you can run both All Advantage and UtopiAD at the same time, allowing you to make twice as much money! Check it out!


Nathan's Web Page

I am trying to sell my MAGIC cards.

Magic Cards

Also, check out my friend's band's site. The band's name is Laekan and they're an alternative band from Bedford, MA. The band consists of three seniors, and they just released their first CD. Check it out. The site has mp3's and Real Audio, as well as photos of the band and other cool stuff. Also, be sure to sign the guestbook and join the mailing list!

Laekan's Home Page

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