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MadBull98's Phat Peeps Page

Some Links (Some Are For My Other Pages on this site)

Stuff sound fx.
StoG & I have got some buttons & links on page8. Now there are phat rap lyrics! SO click here now please!
Stop surfin & come here to dance!
Page 6 is here. And so is South Park!
Try Page 5 of my site! Cool Pics
Try page 4 of my site! B.I.G & Bone Thug Pics
Try Page 2 on my site!
Try page 3 on my site!
Yo MANY Rap Pix. The largest selection!
Yo check out my tight linx

> LinkExchange
LinkExchange Member
Wassup! MadBull98 is loose! I would like to let you know this site has had over 50 hits. I wouls like to thank you for supportin me, Valerde, Pissdude, SToG, and all the others who made my web site possible. Soooo don't miss any thing. I'm updatin my site weekly. E-MAIL ME IF U LIKE THE SITE! Also please vote me best site of the month. just put in "" When you get there put in my directory name (ak/mooneydirectory)Thank you soo much Just E-Mail me for any reason of it if u want! Up dated 7/3/98 at 5:28 eastern daylight time! I'm doin my best to make you all happy. I want you to come back once a week to look at updates and all that stuff.

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