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The Physics of Time Speed

The concept of Time Speed + the Partition [our reality/real universe] = New Physics.

1. Abstract
2. Modus operandi
3. Introduction
4. The existence of time speed
5. Gravitation at work
6. Our reality
7. Gravitation revisited
8. "Energy" from the concept of time speed
9. The electromagnetic wave (EMW)
10. Energy of the EMW
11. The De Broglie wave
12. The electron
13. Electron-positron pair annihilation
14. Muon creation and decay

15. Development/comments section

The physics of time speed

1. Abstract:

This homepage is dedicated to the elaboration & presentation
of a theory of everything (TOE) based on two main concepts.
The first one presents the speed of time as the basis for
everything that exist. The second present a clear partition
between our reality and the real universe we are trying to
understand, in other words, the position of humankind in the
universe. This second concept is extremely powerful in its
consequences on everything we know, or think we know.
Both concepts come from common knowledge, and among other
things, the theory of relativity. Both are fairly heretic
views. Finally I would like to be forgiven for throwing so
many ideas in so few words; the development will come, and
with your help, we may expect an incredible harvest in
science, philosophy etc.

2. Modus operandi:

Various concepts and ideas will be presented briefly without
going into much details (!) at first. Each concept\section will
bear a number to which one can refer in e-mails to me. Ideas within a
section will also have a letter. Later expansion on each subject
will bear the same integer and letter followed by a decimal number.
All figures will be assigned the section number and a numeric
decimal.One final suggestion; read all through at first, then come
back on what bugs you as you may understand later in the text.
For now, the address for e-mail is

3. Introduction:

The concept of time speed came up after trying for 25 years
to understand gravitation. Understanding gravitation in so simple
terms as with the concept of time speed (January 98), forced me to
go back on the basis of science itself,the observer and his reality.

In the following series of texts\sections , I will try to present
in the clearest and simplest possible way, those two concepts
mentionned above, and apply them at explaining various physical
phenomena. First, I will present evidence of the speed of time,
as well as reasons for it to have been overlooked for so long.
Secondly, I will explain the partition between our reality
and the real universe, and in doing so, set a definitive causal
relationship between what we experience and what is. From there
I will apply the concept of time speed to specific problems of
modern physics. In most cases, I will try to provide an illustration,
for most of the process aims at giving an intuitive visual representation
matching what is actually known of these phenomena with the help of
these two concepts.

4. The existence of time speed

In a gravitational field, it has been theorized and proven
by the theory of relativity that time slows down. Therefore,
if you place a series of clocks vertically in the gravitational
field above the earth, they will beat slower, if close to the
surface, and beat faster away from earth(4.a). From that, one can
infer that there is a time speed gradient in a gravitational

fig 4.1 earth gravitational field and time speed gradient

5. Gravitation at work

From there it is easy to understand how gravitation works.
If a particle position cloud of probability is placed in a
time speed gradient, the probability will always be greater of
finding it where time runs slower (5.a); the center of mass will
follow this "force" causing the object to fall(5.b).

6. Our reality

Here I will show that time and space as we know them mean
nothing to the universe.(6.a)

Let's start with time, the duration, the static measure.
We stop time on paper, in equation, on stop watches, in
a millions of ways; yet, the reality is that NOBODY ever
stopped time. This time never stops, not for any measures,
for nobody(6.b). But the flow of time is very real and measurable.
The concept of time as a lenght has no meaning to the universe,
and has only meaning for us(6.a).

Now, space as a lenght. The fastest speed in the universe is
said to be that of light. This means that we can't connect
simultaneously two distinct points in space, even by a simple
line. What do we do when we measure the distance between two
points ? We do just that. We just assume simultaneity because
of our position as "observers"(6.c). But if we were to be actors,
like everything else in the universe, and take the place of one
of the two points, we would see and understand right away that
the other point is in fact away in time(6.d)! The concept of distance
has no meaning to the universe, only to us, the conscious observers.
Distance is typically a concept of observer, a third party.

How do we think, see and calculate with the static measures
of time and space ? Our brain does the integration to convert
this dynamic universe into a metric reality(6.e) which is easy
in macroscopic terms, but in the quantum world, we need equations
to do it for us.

Newton's mathematics of integration have humanized
mathematics and comprehension by making accomplices the notions
of time and space with the notions of time flow and motion, a link
between our perception and concepts of a real dynamic universe.(6.f)
This has led to the actual mathematical impass of the observer;
a link he doesn't know about, exist throughout all his scientific
knowledge, between his reality and the real universe he tries to

This shows that the real universe has no place for the
observer and his perception of static dimensions; and, this is
our reality(6.h) ! Most of what we know is about our experience of
the universe, not about the universe itself(6.i). The real complexity
is in our experience of the universe, as the universe itself is very
simple. In other words, modern physics, our experience of the universe,
may fit in a 500 pages book, but the real universe may take only 20
pages to describe(6.j)!

The realisation of this, is the real conclusion of the theory of
relativity; the theory of relativity only described the limits
of our reality. "Relative" is just another word for "subjective"(6.k).
This conclusion has for consequence a limit on our knowledge as well.
Most of what we measure is not the universe. Most of what we expect
has to have measures(6.l). All the laws of physics are description
of "how" things happen, short of saying "why" they do happen(6.m).
This is because of the metric approach of science that can only ask "how"
and never "why", because any "why" answer would not be open to metric
refutation, and time speed is such a dimensionless, much
overlooked concept.(6.n) Any "why" found by intuition in the real
universe runs the risk, once translated back into our reality's
terms, of reverting back to another "how"(6.o). Intuition is in
this respect, the way around the Copenhagen interpretation(6.p).

Our reality is still, altough very complex, only a partial
vision of the universe, or a special interpretation of it.
We have to conclude that our reality is a subset of this real
universe(6.q). This place a very precise causal relationship
between what we experience, and what is happening in the real
universe; the cause "Why" is in the real universe and the result
"how" is our experience in our reality(6.r). A primitive
transformation that can help understand our dimensions in the
real dynamic universe is to divide by TIME, to give them
a dynamic properpty e.g. E/S energy/second = power(6.s).

fig 6.1 our reality, a subset of the real universe

7. Gravitation revisited.

It was said earlier that gravitation caused the clocks to slow
down. But, because our reality is a subset of the real universe,
and because a time speed gradient is not something common to
our reality(7.a), we have to conclude that time speed is in fact
the cause, and "gravitation" is the result or, our experience of it.
In other words, in the real universe, there is a time speed gradient
around a mass that we experience as gravitation in our reality(7.b).

fig 7.1 time speed and gravitation in subset

8. "Energy" from the concept of time speed

Two masses at different heights in a gravitational field have
different potential energy. We can infer that this potential
energy reflects the different time speed prevailing at each
of the locations of the two masses(8.a). Therefore we can represent
what we call "energy" as a difference in time speed(8.b). As we will
see later, "energy" is a static concept only proper to our reality(8.c).

9. The electromagnetic wave (EMW)

The EMW is often referred to as pure energy. Let's try to
represent the EMW as a wave of time speed variation. As in the
gravitational field, we will need a difference in time speed,
and it will move from higher time speed toward lower time
speed(9.a). You fill the usual sine wave by higher time speed
in the hump at the back(to the left), and lower time speed in
the depression in the front(to the right). The absciss his the
line of local time speed, that of the observer.It moves by itself
in one direction as high time speed follows lower time speed.
This sequence of low time speed and high time speed IS momentum(9.b).
If you overlay the usual textbook representation of a radio wave,
you see that the magnetic vector is where time speed varies(9.c),
and the electric field is where variation of time speed changes
direction(9.d). There would be an electrical coupling between the
front end and back end of this electromagnetic-time speed wave(9.e).
Contrary to our reality, here the electric field is closed (loop)
and the magnetic vector is open (monopole)(9.f).In this I specify
that the EMW is a perfect example of behavior in the real universe,
as it is part of it(9.g). Actually the term "photon" is a concept
or representation typical of our understanding in our reality.
The nature of EMW is that of a wave. Mixing concepts of our reality
and concepts of the real universe is common. Some well known
equations are litterally upside down, because we have our reality
on one side and the real universe on the other(9.h). The EMW
can have four different "spins"( 4 x spin number 1); along a
single line the EMW can have two choices of direction and two choices
of polarization. Because polarization is an integral part of
momentum and position, and therefore subject to the uncertainty
principle, it cannot be used in experiment where values other than two
angles of polarization at 90 degres are expected or measured(see
Bell's causality/locality violation experiment).

fig 9.1 sine wave time speed EMW

fig 9.2 same with E & B

10. "Energy" of the EMW

One thing that always seem to me to contradict intuition is
the saying that a radio waves kilometers long has less energy
than a light EMW a few angstroms long. With the concept of
a dynamic real universe, and the knowledge of our integrating
perception, it is easy to understand the real difference
between the radio wave and the light wave; one takes much
longer to deliver it's "energy" or momentum than the other(10.a).
The real difference is in the RATE OF DELIVERY of this momentum(10b).
It is actually believed here that all EMW have the exact
same momentum ("energy"), but spreaded over a different time line (the
wavelenght)(10.c). We may understand the EMW as a rate of
delivery of momentum , and a receiver as a rate of receiving
this momentum; both interact in what we call an oscillator(10.d).
This is the best expression of how we see and interpret things
in our reality, and how different they are from events in a
dynamic real universe(10.e). As energy is a static concept, I
can't accept it in the real universe(10.f); I will replace it by
momentum(10.g). We will then describe all photons as having the
same momentum, but spreaded over a different time line (wavelenght)
(10.h), each representing a different rate of delivery of it's
unit momentum "h" (10.i).

11. De Broglie wave

We can also interpret the De Broglie associated wave with
a time speed wave that accompany a particle in motion(11.a).
It is understood that to get the relativity effect, the
particle has to "ride" this wave, sitting in the front
lower time speed part of the wave(11.b). This way, it's clock
does beat slower, and the the difference in time speed
between it and the observer causes the relativity predicted
increase in mass(11.c) or, the slowing down of it's lifetime as
in the decay of the muon.

fig 11.1 moving particle in it's De Broglie wave

12. The electron

Electron-positron pair annihilation produces two gamma rays
of .51Mev. Where do those gamma rays come from ? From the electron.
The electron will now be presented as a curled up gamma ray(12.a).
Imagine this gamma ray curled up in two, with it's nodes on the
axis of motion(12.b). As such, it is two lumps of time speed, a
lower and a higher time speed lump in opposite positions with
respect to the axis of motion(12.c).First thing you notice is
that IT HAS to spin because a higher time speed always runs after
a lower time speed(12.d)(Actually it was presented earlier as the
definition of momentum). If you look at the position of the
magnetic vectors, you see that, by the rule of right hand, this
structure, along with the possibility of inverting the nodes
positions, can lead to four types of "electrons". Two positive
with counterspins, and two negative with counterspins(12.e).
To change the charge of the "electron", you either change the
spin direction or change the position of the nodes(12.f).

The De broglie wave has an electrical coupling between the front
and back end of the wave(12.g) like the EM wave(9.3). When the
electron is in movement, this coupling (+) goes from the back
end of it's momentum wave to the electron (-) in the front end(12.h);
this leaves one extra negative line sticking out at the back end(12.i)
which gives the electron an asymetry that is revealed, as we know, in
a perpendicular magnetic field were it causes the electron to turn
on one side(12.j). Actually it is this extra negative line that stears
the high time speed back end of the wave(12.k) and changes the
direction of the momentum. This would work also for particles with
a positive charge. This description is not final as electric and
magnetic fields even as true concepts, actually represent more
complex aspects of the speed of time(variation and changes of direction).

fig 12.1 one curled up gamma ray

fig 12.2 four different electrons

fig 12.3 electron in momentum wave

13. Electron-positron pair annihilation

From discussions of the previous sections, we can come up
with a plausible scenario for pair annihilation. When electron
and positron meet, many processes happen. First their environement.
The two De Broglie associated waves cancel each other as two momentum
of opposite direction(13.a). Their different speed of approach will
become one and the same as the opposite electric charges attraction will
even their difference(13.b), permitting an exact associated waves
cancellation(13.c). Then, The two curled up gamma rays will mix in one
short lived entity(13.d), just to emerge as opposite going linear
gamma rays(13.e). We may expect some sort of delay in this short
life of mixing in the event where the two particles meet with
same spins as seen face to face, because they both have angular
momentum in the same direction(13.f) This going from angular
(our material reality) to linear (real universe) with 2Pi is
conveniently placed in most quantum equations(13.g)

fig 13.1 two particles meeting with De Broglie waves

fig 13.2 mixing state

fig 13.3 two gamma emerge

14. Muon creation and decay

This scenario uses the curled up gamma "electron" and the
associated De Broglie wave as presented above. First, the
muon creation; charges will be left out as it would apply
equally to negative or positive muons(14.a). In this scenario,
the electron acquires very rapidly a speed near that of
light as in a collision; the De Broglie wavelenght is now
the same as that of the curled up gamma ray (the electron)
which find itself squeezed in, in it's lower time speed
front end of the wave(14.b). There, the momentum of the De Broglie
wave is caught in the spin of the electron and the two
different time speed lumps are now spinning around the electron,
in opposite positions with respect to the axis of spin,
and motion(14.c). This electron coated with this extra momentum
is the muon. The extra mass (207Me) is the relativity effect
of the extra momentum/time speed around the electron(14.d).

Muon decay. 1.5 X 10^6 second after, the muon decays, and
the two extra lumps of time speed, one low and one high speed,
are ejected in opposite directions(14.e). Because these lumps are
one, just high time speed and the other, just low time speed,
they do not cross the local time speed base line, and therefore
they do not/cannot interact with anything(14.f). These are the two
different neutrinos produced in muon decay(14.g). At this time I
have no idea if the decay time relates to the partial
exhaustion of the two extra time speed lumps(14.h) i.e. I don't
"know" if the two neutrinos carry each half of the total momentum from
the original De Broglie wave(14.i).

fig 14.1 electron squeezed in De broglie wave

fig 14.2 the muon

fig 14.3 muon decay

Development/comments section

9.g.1 equation upside down

One such equation is that representing the lifetime of
an unstable particle from the uncertainty principle(9.g.1.a).

h/2Pi read: unit angular momentum
T = ----- ---------------------- = T = mean Half lifetime
E energy

Strangely, to give meaning to this in the real universe
I would look for an equation like the following; after inverting
the equation and then by dividing by "second" on one side of the
equation(9.1.g.b) :

E/S read: power 1
------ = ------------- = --- = Frequency of
h/2pi*S unit angular energy T resonance

This is more meaningfull because time as a lenght has no dimension
in the real universe; T * S^-1 = 1 (9.1.g.c) .
Note how 2Pi is used to adapt h to a concept of the real

(7.b.1) Gravitation

Everything being made of EM waves, the difference between
the real universe and our material reality appears to be only
the transformation between linear momentum and angular momentum
of the time speed wave concept. So, in essence, the time speed
gradient of gravitation appears under the angular momentum
version of the universe.


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