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10. "Energy" of the EMW

One thing that always seem to me to contradict intuition is the saying that a radio waves kilometers long has less energy than a light EMW a few angstroms long. With the concept of a dynamic real universe, and the knowledge of our integrating perception, it is easy to understand the real difference between the radio wave and the light wave; one takes much longer to deliver it's "energy" or momentum than the other(10.a). The real difference is in the RATE OF DELIVERY of this momentum(10b). It is actually believed here that all EMW have the exact same momentum ("energy"), but spreaded over a different time line (the wavelenght)(10.c). We may understand the EMW as a rate of delivery of momentum , and a receiver as a rate of receiving this momentum; both interact in what we call an oscillator(10.d). This is the best expression of how we see and interpret things in our reality, and how different they are from events in a dynamic real universe(10.e). As energy is a static concept, I can't accept it in the real universe(10.f); I will replace it by momentum(10.g). We will then describe all photons as having the same momentum, but spreaded over a different time line (wavelenght) (10.h), each representing a different rate of delivery of it's unit momentum "h" (10.i).