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Customizing Ideas

      I've been thinking a long time about ponies to customize. Most of all the rare ponies. Customizing is always hard and I figure, since so many people want the mailorders, UKs, ect why not find the molds and materials to make them? I mainly mimic ponies but I haven't come up with too many of my own ideas. I am atempting to do several ponies but with limited time, money, and ponies to do it with. So my project is going rather slow but you can try my ideas (If you post them on the web PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT FOR MY IDEA!!You WILL get flamed if you try to steal my idea. And don't steal original ideas...they are listed on another page)

      Getting started you will have to write a list of things you need from your local craft store. Making a new pony or mimicing one can be VERY hard to do you will have to go through several steps before you can even get started.

For supplies here are some things you will need:

A thin paintbrush
A medium sized paintbrush
Acrylic paint (desired colors)
Rit Dye
Craft hair
Elmer's Glue
A very small knife
Nailpolish remover

I also made a little FAQ on these items...

What is Rit Dye? Rit Dye can be found in just about any craft store for $2-3 it can get expensive. They don't have any extraordiary colors. If you want to make a pony a special color you'll need to use Ayrlic paint. From what I heard you can dye hair with the rit dye. It can be very useful.

What do I do with this craft hair? Craft hair comes in very basic colors,Blonde(it's sorta yellow)black,brown and white. White is probably the best color to use. Another problem with the craft hair is most of it is curly. If you want to know how to straighten it, go further down to read the procedure.

What is Acrylic paint and what is if for? Acrylic paint is the paint that people use for contemporary projects and other such painting jobs. the cheapest is about 69¢ and it can go as high as $6 but you can stick with the ones that are under a dollar. It gets thick if you are painting so paint quickly. It also chips sometimes, so don't let your fingernails graze your pony after painting it.

     Please read the following it will give you a general idea of what you will have to do to make a new pony.

Dyeing your pony| A New Symbol| New hair

Dyeing your pony

     Remove any symbol or hair the pony once had and please clean your pony. The dye will stay better if it's cleaned off first. If you don't it will show through the dye. Dye your pony the desired color, follow instructions on the rit dye packedge. Let her dry and you can start working on painting her.

Removing symbol- acetone or nailpolish remover is perfect for removing symbols!

Painting the symbol on

     Painting is the hard part. Some people prefere to draw it, they sell those gel rollers in tons of shades. I recomend drawing a symbol on in pencil first. The small symbols are very hard to do! You might want to make a stencil, I tried using one, but the shape just didn't turn out right. On TAFs painting is very hard but if you are doing a bigger symbol, painting might not be a bad idea. But I really recommend gel rollers if you can't hold your hand steady or you are doing a TAF symbol.

New hair (and hair in general)

Removing hair- take the head off and use tweezers to pull out the plugs, if the head won't give in try using a small knife to cut off the glue, try not to puncture your pony! Or cut yourself, cut AWAY from yourself, I gave myself a bad cut on my hand when the knife slipped. Remove tail if nesscary,you'll probably need tweezers to pull out the washer and tail. If the tail is good remove it and reuse it.

Possible Mildew- if you don't know what mildew is, you'll know when you take a pony's head off. If the insides are all black, you have a mildew problem. You can usually tell from the outside because the pony is faded from the mildew, or there is tail rust. I take nailpolish remover, put it on a Q-tip, and try getting out all that I can. When you think most of it is out, remove the tail (the washer is probably all rusted, so throw it out) and put a bathroom cleaner inside the pony. Let it sit a few days or so and it will kill any mildew that remains. But if there is no mildew, well then that's good because it's a gross job having to remove it all.

     Craft hair is a good thing to use when you need new hair. Most of the time it is that will take an extra step in making the hair the way you want it. Cut out desired length and straighten it with a cool iron. Put it between 2 pieces of fabric when ironing. If you want to dye the hair another color use rit dye. If you don't want to use craft hair use a pony with good hair, but try not to take it from a pony with a good body.

Getting the hair in the plug can be annoying but you can fold it in half and stuff it in and put glue on it. Or just have it as one long piece of hair not folded, put some glue on it, and stuff it in the plug. I've never replaced hair, but it seems hard. My friend suggests getting a curved needle and just threading it through, if you don't have a curved needle...just bend one to the right shape. I am not an expert on doing the hair. But with going on the newsgroup I did copy some text down. on the first method I didn't catch the e-mail address or nickname (SORRY!)

"What I found even works better than a needle, is the floss threads that are made for people with braces... you can find them in most drug store, or just ask your dentist, they are blue needle-looking things, only they are made out of plastic, so they are more flexible, and they are thinner than needles, so you can fit more hair through the plug. If you want you can even rip it in half so that you use it like a needle on the way in, then you just slip it out from inside the ponies head, leave it loose while you do the next plug, feed the next plug through the loop of the last (inside the head), and you weave the plugs together so that you only have to tie a knot or glue in the very last plug, and they will never come loose. Hope you all get the picture... I agree that this is a very hard thing to explain, and probably everyone will have a slightly different method that works for them."


" I made a custom out of a baby Bouncy, and took the time to thread black hair through every hole! If you string them just right, and tightly, you don't need any glue. Just string about 5-8 strands of hair through a needle (pull the hair through the needle so you really have about 10-16 strands), tie a knot at the end. Push the needle through the head (starting from the inside first to hide the knot), then, keeping double the length you need outside the head, push the needle back through the closest hole. Repeat this until you run out of thread, (needle should be on outside of head on your last stroke). Remember those strands you left double long? Go back and cut them in half, right at the center, and you have two perfect strands coming out of two holes at each cut. I only recommend this when you can use doll replacement hair where you can have a long piece to start with. Too bad this can be difficult to explain! Someone shoud offer a "custom pony 101" night course. "

Mimicing already made ponies

TAF Babies| Pearlized Babies| Mimicing Mimic

TAF Babies

     The painting job on TAFs are hard because the symbols are so smalled and not very detailed. So what some people might want to do is buy those new pens coming out. They have pastels, white, silver,and tons of other shades.

1) Baby love melody

     Baby love melody was my favorite pony. I am never going to be able to afford her, so I am working on her. Here are the things you need: A baby in her pose, perferably customize material : cut hair, marker, paint smeared etc. Don't use a pony that has been chewed on. The Purple Valentine twin is a perfect candidate.

     First remove any symbol or hair the pony had, dye her purple with rit dye. Let her dry and I recommend for the symbols a pink and white pen. If you get a good stencil you can try to paint it on, but a white pen works best for the ribbons. You might want to get a picture of her to mimic the pattern. Finally the hair, you can try dyeing craft hair with rit dye but it might not work. So you might want to use another pony's pink hair.

2) Baby Milky way.

     This has the be the easiest of all the TAF babies. Northstar has her color and pose. Finding a bad condition Northstar maybe hard, don't ruin a perfectly good one. Anyways remove the symbol and the hair. If you get white craft hair, straighten it. Next is the painting, get a stencil for this, a 5 pointed tiny star is very hard to paint. Also, she doesn't have a glittery symbol like mom, it's just silver. Draw all your stars in pencil so it's eraseable. Or get a silver gel roller pen, which might save you some time, except the stars will be VERYhard to get perfect. Follow instructions for putting hair in. She will probably turn out better than any other mimicked pony. You can also bleach Northstar's hair but I've never tried that.

3) Baby Dancing Butterflies

     You'll need a baby bouncy with cut hair but with no body damage. If you can't find one get one in her pose and dye her yellow. Yellow hair is pretty common on ponies and you can probably find it on a pony with a bad body but with good hair. Remove it and save it till you are ready to replace hair. If you can't get yellow hair, try the craft hair. Get mommy to mimic off of or a pic of Baby Dancing Butterfiles. Next, well do your best on the butterfiles!! And finally when she dries, put the hair in.

4) Baby Up Up and away

     There is no baby pony in her pose with her color so you will have to dye or paint her that color. Pale pink hair is not hard to find on ponies, so remove the hair on the old pony and save it for later. When you get a body the right color, mimc mommy's symbol or use a picture of baby's to do the ballons. When she dries put in the hair.

5) Baby Sugarberry

     I don't think they made a white baby in her position, so you'll have to paint her. I don't think rit dye comes in white. Next try getting some hair her color. Her symbol is probably the hardest to do next to Dancing Butterfiles. I suggest getting a picture of the real Baby Sugarberry.

6) Baby Sweet tooth

     She also didn't have any baby in her pose and color, so you'll have to paint her. Mommy's hair is good to use if you can find one good for parts. Try painting on the symbol, which could be hard. Unfortunatley gel rollers don't come in Baby sweet tooth's colors.

Pearlized babies

(NOTE: this is NOT my idea, it was Jenn and Chanth's Idea...but I did alter it a bit)

1) Baby glory- the pearlized babies were a bit different than their mothers. Glory was blue so paint her blue. Then get her pearly paint, Chanth suggests thining it, and I think the pearly paint goes on too thick, so take her advice ^.^. It's pretty simple

2) Baby Surprise- Unlike her mother she is yellow instead of white, so paint her yellow and put on her pearly coat. You might want to add a second coat adding the pearl and yellow together.

3) Baby moondancer- she didn't change except for her hair but it wouldn't be hard replacing since Mommy moondancer is usually hurt =(. So take some of her hair making pearly moondancer's color. All you have to do is add the pearly coating.

4) Baby Firefly- baby firefly underwent no changes so she just needs her pearly coat.

5) Baby Blossom- also underwent no changes just needs her coat.

6) Baby cotton candy- no changes, just needs pearly coat.

Mimicing Mimic

(okie not just yet...I have a story about Mimic...take your seat...but don't eat the cookies, they've been there a while)

     For a few weeks there was a really big craze with the Church of Holy MOC Mimic. Everyone wanted a Mimic around that time. I felt bad for people who didn't have a Mimic. She is a prime example of the magic in My little pony. And by an accident I met (well not really) someone with a MOC Mimic, or so my friend says. My friend likes ponies, but she also likes to piss me off. She said her friend Christina has a MOC Mimic in her attic and I told her I could probably get a lot of money from everyone I know to chip in and buy Mimic. However my friend says Christina wants to keep it for her kids which is bull because it's just laying there in her attic collecting dust. So when I get Christina's e-mail address I am going to ask her if she has Mimic. So weather she exists or not has yet to be found out.

  I got my Mimic from my friend (same one who knows Christina). She was in SAD condition, purple marker on her and my friend STUPIDLY started chipping away at her thinking maybe under the vinyl the marker wouldn't be. But it just made like 4 unnatractive nicks on her. She melted her horn (the tip) because it was about to come off, well that just pissed me off. She had mildew and everything. I was able to fix her up pretty good, the marker still shows but it is very faded out. She is one of my prized ponies, especially since I didn't have to pay for her. So with the fact that there are ruined Mimics out there, and Mimics on e-bay that are overpriced...I think it's time there were some custom Mimics!

Why is Mimic SOO Popular?

I've heard a lot of people complain that Mimic is too much and some people have asked,"What's so special about her?" So with that in mind I made a very nice list as to why she's so rare and special:

1) Her pose- only TAF Milkyway, Princess Sparkle and SS Bangles have her pose. Which makes is a rare pose and it's a cute one.

2) Her color- Mimic has the color of a very light lime. (unlike mine ^.^) No other pony has her color.

3) Her hair- no other pony has the exact same multi-colored tropical mane like her.

4) Avaliblity, to my knowledge Mimic (and that whole set of ponies) was only sold for a year. It's really odd that you see several Lockets, Quackers, Bright eyes, Tic-Tac-Toes but not as many Mimics.

5) Her symbol- no other pony has a parrot symbol!

6) Demand- it's pretty obvious she's in high demand. She's just about on ever want list I see, and most of the time one of the top 20...if you are still thinking $40 is too much to pay for her, Remember that people are making it go for $40. If one person bought it for that, lots of other people will too.

Well I'll get off my soap box now and start giving you instructions to making your very own MIMIC!!!

     Making a custom Mimic is hard in itself. The ONLY pony you can use for this project is TAF Milkyway. Princess Sparkle's Meddalion makes it impossible for you to make a new symbol and you can't use a SS pony for customizing. UNLESS you take off all the flocking, but that is an extra step. You will need a TAF Milkyway in bad condition, I stress bad because TAF milkyway isn't the easiest pony to find. She can have a hair cut (but she does need a little bit of white...but you can use craft hair) marker on her, worn symbols, anything except bite marks or any puntures and abnormalities to the plastic. When you get a customizable milkyway here is what you will have to do:

1. Remove symbol completely

2. Remove the head; Clean mildew, remove hair (if they are just stubs, throw them away), if there is salvagable hair, keep it.

3. Get a light lime green paint (a tropical color, and if it's too light or dark try using black or white to make it the right color)

4. Paint Milkyway VERY carefully trying not to make brush strokes.

5. Paint the symbol on. Ask someone you know who has a Mimic to give you a nice closeup of the symbol. Draw it on with a pencil first, painting in the lines. later on you can go over the pencil marks with the brush.

6. Go hunting for hair.

     The hair will be one of your harder tasks. You need about 3 different ponies to get the colors you need. I have made a list of the color and pony you need to use.


Morning Glory
Flutter Yum Yum
any of those tropical ponies. Sweet notes, Tootie tails ..
Baby surprise
Baby Shady


Moonshadow (new pony)
Powder's Stripe
SS Paradise or any pony with that shade of hair


Magic Star
Dancing pony with green hair (I forget the name)

Not many ponies have this color green, but Medley is pretty common

     White hair. You can use the craft hair or if Milkyway had any white hair left, use that. For each pony you will cut off only a quarter of it's mane or tail to make Mimic's Mane and tail. So you can re-use the hair or try trading with people who do customs.

     The only real conflict I have run into is the eyes. I don't know how or where you can get jewels like that. The craft store may have them but I think Mimic would look nice without those icky eyes! If you try this Please E-mail me with the results!
