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"Death Row", a TV documentation

Deeply impressing, the first (in Austria's TV broadcasted) 1 hour
report about "death candidates" (in Huntsville, TX) giving the
feeling of a realistic insight into the (legal) murder section of one of
those contemporary KZ.

If they ever will be overcome?

For every human being in the world there does exist an environment
where (s)he accepts to live with other people without violence (extreme case:
in permanent presence of intermediating people having enough body forces
not to be attacked "successfully") --
-- and this is by no means restricted to jails or sex prohibition or other
prohibition which so many people enjoy (to impose it on others ...) --

Three things seem to be necessary for such an environment:

Getting ACCEPTANCE (as an identity to be "awarded" physical/mental integrity)
-- where most jobworld developments in "modern" service sectors of economy
   (comparable to slavery societies) try "organising" people in e.g. computer
   program- like predefined "runarounds" instead of giving basis existence
   WITHOUT PRECONDITIONS and therefore jobs (only) when "BEING NEEDED";
Getting FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE in thinking, feeling and communication,
   running after money only for personal goals but not for daily need,
   *** this distinction is essential ***
   while being basically in presence or near "many" people (e.g. groups or,
   psychologically more correct, masses = "many people with not necessarily
   common goals/procedures/credo/propaganda/indoctrination etc.)
-- where (even environmentally better compatible) big cities are again and
   again attacked as "source of crime" and "place of devil" and so on
   (compare statistics on body violence crimes with population density)
   and where TV media and communication software more and more cuts the value
   of the individual by propaganda/indoctrination or program design;

*** theses two concepts are related to the many forms of "goodwill"
*** on which many people (alone or in groups) work with more or less success

Getting ACCEPTABLE FRAMES for personal development and information exchange
   (almost more important additionally: EMOTIONAL exchange, where most sects
   and churches try to restrict e.g. sex -- one of most important emotional
   exchange sources -- to a "bought habit", bought by diverse marriage forms
   with or without rings and documents)
-- where more and more developments in East and West try to link any
   self development (in whatever dimension) onto money or ideology:
   money has its sense only when free exchange is guaranteed (...),
   and ideologic slavery of the year 2000 is as "strong" as ever all over
   the world, just its violence towards souls is hidden "better";

Could you find a reasonable argument why not to reproach to psycho~
"professions" (income related activities incl. sciences)
that thoughts on such simple things (frame conditions) -- and their
enlargement and development, to make the world better (NOT the people)
when giving them to people --
seem just "over" since the time of Sigmund Freud and his contemporary

"Optimism = Russian, Pessimism = Chinese"

A spreaded european joke says
"optimists learn Russian (language, for the future) --
 pessimists learn Chinese ..."

While Clintons short visit to Peking generated at least (3 days long)
uncensored TV transmission (of the visit; to US watchers -- how much of
uncensored TV was there even about the short visit in CHINESE TV??),
small Austria's visit of Chinese dictators (later "leader", now "president"
titulated in TV, radio, newspapers or other news media) ran quite different:

less than 10 years ago (ca. 1992/93/94, long after the fall of the wall)
Vienna's inner city was completely locked for public traffic (to prevent
demonstrations against Chinese human rights practices) by 2/3 of the
present government
(= the EU presidency from July to December 1998):

Beside former chancelor Franz VRANITZKY,
nowaday's Foreign Minister Wolfgang SCHUESSEL (was economic minister)
and nowaday's chancelor Viktor KLIMA (was traffic minister)
did not erect any word of protest.

The official "mega event" celebrating Austria's EU presidency on July 1st, 98
(including Rainhard Fendrich, Alfons Haider and the Symphonic Orchestra)
takes place on Heldenplatz (heroes' place, the place with the big bows, at
the entrance to the inner city of Vienna near the parliament)

-- it's the place where HITLER was welcomed 1938, when he "brought"
   the "membership" in grossdeutschland's reich with all those
   "economic advantages", "political mitbestimmung (deciding from inside)"
   and whatever the propaganda told.

The author fears that EU practices will approach to Chinese reality
instead of exporting freedom, indepence and human liberties to Asia
for 3000 millions of hierarchy suppressed individuals there
(the half of them in monarchy-like states, the rest under party dictators)
-- and regarding the job "career" (and WHAT people had WHAT success when
evaluating WHAT in his life) development, slightly starrts feeling
somehow politically persecuted --

but political asyle came out of fashion, and "even if" why and where
(and what) then, in an eventual asyle? ...

nowaday's dictator "education" systems leaders are called "presidents"
(which makes asyles "unnecessary" ...)

and refugees are called "economic refugees" or even "organised criminals",
i.e. the police is in charge, not eventual refugees organisations (...)

And when hearing about "wetbacks" and the "Mexican Fence", the
really frustrating thing is that


                                       seems to differentiate smoothly to
import such



                          AT FIRST

                                       in quality and quantity seeming
not too far from US reality (which of course probably is different from
those freedom, liberties and independence pledges in the constitution)

But where will all this go and how far will "reality" (and "interpretations"/
evaluations of it) go from constitutions and civil liberties and "what's right"
(which too often differs from what's law)?


Fairy tales about "leadership", "organising" (of matters or people)
and more of that stuff

1) "Better organising" MATTERS has NO SIGNIFICANCE on concepts+relations
   towards other people, and even less does it mean anything about a
   "GOOD HEART" towards other people.
   (the result then is called "leadership" instead of searching common
   interests without an "against")

2) In contrary: "Better Organising" MATTERS means some probability of
   "Better Organising" people --
   but "Organising" or "Treating" or "Evaluating" ("DECIDING ABOUT")
   human is inhumanity itself: it's the basis of a slavery society and
   the contrary of HUMAN relations.

3) NOT using physical body forces for work (public + office jobs)
   does not mean anything about a "GOOD HEART" towards other people.

Though most "deciding on others" (plus taking income from e.g. taxes)
-- whatever might be thought of it as such --
happens by

(1) either CONCLUDING from someone's "abilities" (or will) organising MATTERS

(2) or even renouncing (resisting to the temptation of) organising PEOPLE
    is denounced as "disintegration" or "lacking social intelligence"
    (citation Dr. Helmut Czuba, 1991, whereas the statement 
    "no stupid questions exist, just stupid answers"  still holds correct)

    ;remark: it should not be overseen that "organising people" mostly
    happens in analogous ways to arranging flowers in a window -- and
    arranging flowers (or bottles) is definitely not what humans should be 
    (even if it is arts like origami) the way referred to ...

(3) or -- if not by any way of "concluding" -- the rest of "leadership" is
    "educated" (translates into "made/examined to be hierarchy-conform")
    and recruited from "academic" and other buereau/office positions.
    (Untrue? Just write!)

    ;remark: most legislators, attorneys or judges did not do any social or
    caritative MANUAL work within YEARS while "framing" others by rule (law)
    or by decision (verdict, regulation) ...
    arguments for this incredible discrepance between reality and the need
    of "good hearted people" for proposing generally acceptable solutions
    are concepts like "truth", "justice", "security/safety", "public need"
    and so on.

Much more to write about, but how to stick to a short comment, then?

"playing free markets": the new european theatre

5 axles x 8 tons = 40 tons maximum weight for trucks on the autobahn highway
5       x 2      = 10 tons
leading to 4 times as much drivers (or less environmental destruction
by less truckloads because of reduced profit of transports):

is the calculation really more complicated than this?

The "potato story" of transporting (2000 miles/3000 km) potatoes from harvest
to washing to cutting to frying to packing has been written so often...

Of course not an ideal case for freight companies, the calculation basically
holds true:
while railways and ships (downstream) allow comparable transportation times
(when transporting heavy trucks without unloading/loading cycles),
tailback reality cuts efficiency on long distance already today,
and near distance (ups, tnt, dpd, ...) services long ago switched to
smaller cars.

However, in these branches of transportation, costs increases (by more cars
and smaller units) have been loaded upon the many small companies
(loosing social security but having to pay the gasoline)

Since a similar development is not to be expected on long distance transport,
the benefit of a 2 ton axle limit on autobahns would clearly be an
environmental improvement on long distance (decreasing the capital-to-human
ratio there by less trucks surviving), while improving the financial
situation on near distance, and/or plant investments (for processing near or
on the spot).

Why this, though, will not happen in the EU, has a simple reason:
Industry and Economy activity     seems     much higher (more active)
when more (people and things and transports ...) are moving around...

With "cost truth" of transportation this has not 100% to do.
Cost truth also could be reached by calculating at margin costs
(making railways and ships cheaper for trucks on long distance):
But how to play "free markets" when not moving + driving? ...

Is a POLITICAL union necessary for a common currency (=one money)?

The short answer is "NO".
The explanation is longer but basically the same as for WTO/GATT treaties
(and why they function worldwide).

Another example for a treaty functioning on non- political basis
(and although such grave human right violations as legal murder by death
"punition" are upright there) is the USA- Canada- Mexico (new) common market.

Of course it functions, it even functions over continent distances,
as the ASEAN treaty shows.

These treaties and areas actually do not have a common currency ("one money")
but within each (North America and ASEAN, respectively) economic ties and
currency relations are so close that
-- either in one case the currency exchange rates remained basically
constant even without freezing them or forcing into a common currency
(North America, where only peseta changes reflect democratic and wealth
developments which otherwise would have led into US company crashes)
-- or that in the other case (ASEAN) currency problems of one currency
immediately led to the same problems in all the other currencies within the
treaty area.

The effects in both these cases were the same as if they had one money
(USD or yen, with the Mexico exception).

The difference + rest of the story is:
State body and "security needs" (in form of a defence union) in EUROPE
will deflect currency problems (standing for external political tensions)
quite fast into military violence to the inside (like China) or to the
outside (like always in the past)...

This reality is what people were cheated over by the massive propaganda
("persuading the population of the necessity of ...")
in each single country at the time of joining the EU.

(argument: we must join the political union to participate at the economy;
turning into: construction of an Eurasian new -- political -- superpower;
with a strong option for shaking off "unproductive" democratic obstacles)

Example Hong Kong: even Great Britain did not fight for democratic freedom
there any more... 

Cardinal Von Schoenborn: perfect marketer of church but honest so far

A TV talkshow featured the roman catholic cardinal Von Schoenborn in Vienna,
short time before the pope's visit mid of June.

As far as sect or church clergy (beside social or caritative activities)
can be honest at all (when considering what irrationalities are successfully
imposed to people by preachers, starting with "proving god" etc.), Schoenborn
seems to be.


Asked about increasing numbers of people leaving church and ever lowest
numbers of religious order members, he brought perfect marketing, speaking
about "church becoming smaller statistically only, by numbers only" but
emphasizing "increasing responsibilities" which are fulfilled many times
today by non- clergy in the church communities where religious orders worked
centuries ago (schools, hospitals etc.).

Perfect marketing. Structures are described and stabilized.
Restructuring remains within (conservative) frames, probably also with regard
to the pope's leadership and structure conservatism (the 2nd "vaticanum" is
out of fashion for more than 10 years already).

Since Schoenborn is the main profitmaker of the "affair Groer" (where the
predecessor cardinal was reproached to have sexually abused young men),
this means with some probability (restricted by the fact that restructuring
frames are not freely choosable for him) that Schoenborn is only profitmaker
(and not initiator) of the "Groer affair":

Which is somehow securing, when thinking of the enormous "behind doors-"
power of roman catholic "High clergy" in Europe.

Future emphasis Schoenborn formulated to
"transparence of what happens, of processes; protected intimacy of people"

This was a good point for people, too.

The inner circle: beamtengewerkschaft

this is a special structure where public officers have own labor unions,
in the example of Austria the beamtengewerkschaft (dominated by the roman
catholic near- field- organisations FCG and OEAAB).

actuality comes with the enormous propaganda festival in form of the
pope's visit mid June in Austria which is an essential backbone for
the passive mainstream of population reigned by this gewerkschaft group:
(a group claiming democratic midstream but being anti- democratic wherever
possible and operating hierarchies and verticalisms in public life)

this inner circle group (see above) is organized like UdSSR nomenklatura
until 1989 (cf. oligopoles, democratic exclusion, majority terror, etc.)
and it delegates and distributes power by controlling access and existence of

1) administration (central group: federal officers, but also regional and
   local public officers)

2) courts and judges and public attorneys (not all of them in formal
   hierarchies because law says that judges are impossible to fire or to
   displace -- but which judge gets which case is managed by time
   consecution within "normal" hierarchy of court administration)

-- both by means of defined hierarchies in public service (BDG, VBG laws of
   public officers employment --

3) legislation (federal and regional)
   by the means of reputations (cf. propaganda, p.r., neurotic tendencies)
   and publicity versus courts and criminality

It might be considered and condemned (by judges ...) as law- contradictory
to formulate that this inner core of beamtengewerkschaft (makes) produce
fitting laws to be executed by closely related judges and a

§§§           (here the homepage editor blocked on June approx. 11th,
§§§            and no keyboard key was usable for /txtserve any more;
§§§            other netscape navigator applications worked ok)

so the member relation of (public officers) labor union members shall be
brought into conscience.

Control is in the hands of labor union leaders closely related to bishops and
other high clergy without that in middle europe practically nothing happens.
Church and clergy are organised and intended hierarchic (=anti-democratic).
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