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McPangie's Web Productions


Digital Art
Poser Freebies
Web Sets & Backgrounds

Web Design

Kule Linker

Annalee Blysse

I am the "official" webmaster for Annalee Blysse, author of sensual and erotic romance. If you're in the mood for a good read, stop by and check it out the website. Of course, there are other great romance and erotic romance at New Concepts Publishing. They publish in both electronic and trade paperback - which are available at Waldenbooks and soon Borders, as well as Click thru on their banner.

Never A Sunset

New Concepts Publishing

E-Pamphlet Series for Romance Writers

I started putting up little e-pamphlets with helpful links for romance writers on They are full of kule linker, with a few tips. And also, writers could have me include their websites and such (for free). Well, they'd have to buy the e-pamphlet to find out how.

Images For Sale

I have digital images available for web designers and graphic artists to use. If you use any of those images in a web set, let me know, and I'll add you to my "kule linker" page.

Stock Photos, Royalty Free Stock Photography, Photo Search

Let your creative work live and breathe...

Thanks for visiting. Ya'll come back now.

Best viewed at 1024 x 768.

Questions? Comments?
Please feel free to send any comments, or suggestions to Angie McPangie.

Information About Adult Content
This website may contain adult content, and it links to the websites of authors and artists where the subect matter
contains adult content. Any web developer who finds a web set or background to their liking, yet
maintains a child-friendly website, may use my shareware graphics without linking back.

Image & Content
Unless labeled as shareware, my other images on this website may not be copied. A few images (such as banners
that link to other websites) are used according to those websites terms of use... please refer to those websites prior to use.
This website has been around in a very similiar form since 1997, and all rights are reserved.

(last modified 06/03/05)

Copyright © 1997-2005.  All rights reserved.