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Jedi Master Yoda's Murky Swamp

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This page is dedicated to loving memory of the greatest Jedi Master the Star Wars galexy has ever encountered. Yoda will always be with us.

Here is a bit about myself. I am a huge fan of Yoda. Yoda is by far the character that I most enjoyed. I have dedicated a small part of my life to the collecting of Yoda paraphenalia. So far I have attained the old and new Yoda action figures, a life size Yoda cardboard cut out, a Yoda pez dispenser, a brass Yoda key chain, a Yoda modle, a Yoda Christmas ornament, a Yoda mask, a Yoda binder, 2 Yoda t-shirts, and more.

Read the biography of Yoda

Learn to become a Jedi

Star Wars Bloopers (This is for you Kev)

Star Wars Humor (This is for you Shawn)

The Complete Yoda Listings

Below you will find......

The Yoda Quiz

The Yoda Quiz

Click and drag under the questions for answers.

1 What object did Yoda take from Luke's supply case?

A tiny power lamp.

2 What kind of stick did Yoda carry?

Gimer stick.

3 What did Yoda cook for Luke?


4 What kind of snakes were used on the Dagobah set?

King snakes and boa constrictors.

5 What did Yoda call the place where he sent Luke to learn about the dark side of the Force?

"A domain of evil".

6 What three words did Yoda use to describe the dark side of the Force?

"Anger, fear, aggression".

7 What did Yoda tell Luke about adventure?

"Adventure...excitement...a Jedi craves not these things".

8 Who played Yoda?

Frank Oz (Yoda's puppeteer)

The Complete Star Wars WWW Listing
The Complete Star Wars WWW Listing
