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Lodi's Bio Or Stats...Whatever you wanna call em!

Here Is A article from WCW magazine About Lodi

Lodi, Lodi is, very simply, the Stevie Richards of 1998: A fruitcake who just wants to be part of the pack - and is willing to do anything, anywhere to be accepted. Hence, the signs, etc. "If he wants to go out there and make a fool of himself in order to appease me, to get to my good graces, so be it. I'm not one to discourage anyone from showing their own individuality. I never would encourage conformity. If that's the way he wants to be, so be it, as long as he doesn't offend me," Raven said. Added Riggs, "Lodi is the Eddie Haskell of our group. No one really likes him, but he hangs out with our group; he makes us laugh. We can beat him up when we want to - and he enjoys it. We tolerate him. He's there to promote us. He strokes whatever egos we do have. He knows, if he screws up, we're gonna beat him up." The 5-foot-l0, 220-pound freak claims Raven loves him. This, though, we find hard to believe, especially because, during our meeting with The Flock, Raven must have punched Lodi 10 or 15 times, just because. "Raven's the best; all the chicks flock to Raven. Man, I wish I could be like Raven. He's a rock star. More than that, he's a God. I've never seen anyone take more pain than Raven does, nor give it out. Raven's cool. He's my hero. Raven rules," the energetic Lodi said. Does Raven hate you, Lodi? "NO WAY! Not a chance. He hated that Stevie Richards. He loves me; I'm his boy. That's why he lets me hang out with him and The Flock. And, ya know, I get right in the front row for Nitro, Thunder and all the cool Pay-Per-Views."
