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NZ Millenium National Skydive Championships

Taranaki 27-31 January 2000

Thursday 27 January 2000 - Practice Day

On 'Hold' due to wind for most of today. Jumping commenced around 2pm. Most teams managing to get in around 3 practice jumps.

Friday 28 January 2000 - 1st Competition Day

Today was far more fruitful. We were joined by our IPC guest Judges (Lindy Williams & Lisa Jonsson) from Australia. All teams completed the required 6 rounds. Two more Rounds are due for tommorrow, but at least there are now enough jumps completed to give a legal result. Some accuracy Rounds were completed this evening as the cloud base lowered.

Saturday 29 January 2000 - 2nd Competition Day

Today started with a high overcast, a number of low wispy clouds, & a fine misty drizzle. A fun jump load went up first thing in the morning & found the cloud base at 10,000', but with lots of low drifting clouds, rain, & worsening conditions, a decision had to be made. Jumping was stood down until 1.00pm with a 15 minute standby following that until further notice. A screening of the compilation tape was held in the main hangar building to much applause by those watching. At around mid-afternoon jumping was called off for the remainder of the day.

On a 15min call from 8.30am tommorrow. Weather forecast is for rain & high winds (40kph).

A gathering was held in the main hangar tonight with a great BBQ feed (Thanks Doug! & all those club members who put in the effort!). It was a great lift to any dampened spirits. There were speeches of Thanks to those that made the meet possible, & some presentations of gifts were made to those who were given special mention.

A screening of an impromptu, but very professional, comedy/horror video (made by team BJammin) had people rolling in the aisles!! :-) Not a production for polite company however, so only a select few are ever likely to see it (If they beg)!

Sunday 30 January 2000 - 3rd Competition Day
The weather delivered as promised, with rain blowing into the judges room sideways! Some Teams are preparing to bale out early & head back to Auckland, having completed six rounds. A number of people watched a very well made video by DigitaLink of the World Meet at Corowa in 1999. The remaining teams have elected to stay to try to further their scores & the traditional Accuracy rounds remain to be completed. It is hoped that the weather will have abated & be fine tommorrow.

Monday 31 January 2000 - Spare Day

As hoped, today dawned fine & sunny with clear skies & winds of only 4 knots. Had the jumping started from 7.30am there should have been several loads up before conditions deteriorated, but with only the Accuracy Event to be completed and the later start time of 9.00am, the opportunity was lost. Rising winds built to around 20-24 knots by 9.30am although the weather remained fine.

A big meeting with the judges, organisers, & etc. was held, with the decision being made to call the results of the Formation Skydiving, & Accuracy, based on the rounds already completed.


The Winners of the Open 4-way Competition are

The Winners of the Intermediate 4-way Competition are

The Winners of the Open Traditional Accuracy Competition are

The Winner of the Intermediate Traditional Accuracy Competition is