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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #98

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #98

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The Angelic Mind

When the mind, as the active force, moves letters as its OWN, the viewpoint of the mind remains stationary, for it continues to move letters into thoughts that reflect its OWN point of view.

Likes attract likes; Remember?

When the mind begins to move its OWN letters as HIS, it will move towards HIS viewpoint.

Likes beget likes; Remember?

The physical aspect of the mind is literally stuck in its own physical consciousness for it moves letters as if they are weighted down and etched in stone.

Here is the fixed CORD of letters that the physical conscious mind is allowed to use.

This fixed CORD of letters IS as etched in stone for the mind is never allowed to move the order in which the letters within this CORD have been set.

When the child learns these ABC's, it is already beginning to "block" its mind into a fixed physical consciousness.


That is WHY the mind must be born again...,

... and WHY the Spirit stated it is Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8

When the mind really understands AND acknowledges that the Pattern of HIS Spirit has fulfilled everyone of these letters....,


..., THEN the mind may move the Letters according to HIS will and not its OWN.

When the mind knowingly makes this "type" of letter movements...,

...the mind begins to move away from Self consciousness to His consciousness, the Christ Consciousness.

If the mind will simple re-cord the letter S that it has learned to cord to Self to His Spirit...,

...then the mind and Spirit will begin to move As One.

This is HOW the mind rolls away the (S)tone that has blocked its mind.

The mind may easily move letters As His, because The Spirit of the Law has fulfilled every letter of the written Law.


It is against the written law for the mind to move the letters of the word angle.

The mind gets to view this word form its fixed point of view of Self consciousness and that is all. 

If the mind should follow the Spirit of the Law.., may easily move the letters of the word angle.

In fact, it WILL move just one letter that just happens to be the first "route" letter of the word Lord.

(W)atch this (M)atch.

ang(l)e just becomes ange(l).

The mind has just moved from its own point of view angle to the point of view of its angelic self.

In deed, every mind as the builder and active force, may re-cord its transformed angelic self to His Spirit by emptying out the letters corded to Self and re-cording them to His Spirit.


Allow the mind to detach the letter S from SELF and re-cord to HIS Spirit within.

(S)ELF just becomes an angelic elf...,

...and the Spirit within will have this simple welcome greeting for the returned letter.


...for now the letters are HIS.*

*Revelation for the mind 1:8



After The Go-spels


Within His Book, the Bible, immediately  after the Go-spels, a whole bunch of letters are moved to churches.

That is part of the Pattern.

Within the Book of Revelation, that is within His Book, a whole bunch of letters are sent to churches.

That is part of the Pattern.

According to the Readings, within the human body is the temple of God or the Creative Force.

According to the Readings, there are seven major GLANDS within the human body that are referred to as churches.

If the Pattern is for the mind to send letters to the churches...,

...then it would make perfect sense for the mind to send letters to the churches within the created body.

The mind is able to do that when the letters that it moves are acknowledged as His.

The physical mind only sees the blocked physical word GLAND.

When the mind moves the letters of this word as His...,

...GLAND becomes (G)land.

The letter G being the first "route" letter of the word (G)od.  

Therefore, the GLANDS within the human body, according to the Law of One, are (G)od's (LAND). 

When the mind sends letters, as His, through these Glands...,

... the Glands will (O)PEN to receive and re-cord them.

The mind should remember that the letters G-O-D, that formed the Word GOD, ARE Spirit, and WAS the Word that was corded to GOD in the beginning*

*John 1:1

The mind should also remember that the positioning of G-O-D in the FIXED cord of letters totals exactly 26...,

...which is the exact same number of letters that the mind is allowed to move today.

Allow the mind to FACE the truth within its (own) created body (now).

When it does, it will meet its Maker...,

...the ONE (F)ather...,

...FACE to  (F)(ACE)..



No Short Cuts


Remember, there are no short cuts to mental and spiritual success.  

It (success) must be labored for, and service rendered.
And in patience and in truth, keep self unspotted from condemnation, - from others or from self's own conscience.
For, a soul, an entity, does not enter by chance...,

...but that indeed there may be in the experience of each soul that love, that mercy, that grace which is manifested in the experiences of those who HAVE LEARNED the lesson, 

"Seek ye the Lord while He may be FOUND!"
Make His purposes thine own, and THEN all the material, the mental things that go to make a pleasant experience in a material sojourn will come unto thee.
But in patience, in love, in gentleness, in kindness, seek first to show thyself WORTHY of being granted that mercy, that love, which a loving Father-God seeks to manifest in the experience of all who seek His FACE.
2117-1 F 31 (Salesgirl, Children's Nurse, etc.) 2/27/1940

Echoed from the


Nothing by Chance - Including History


According to the Readings, nothing is by chance to the Spiritual aspect of the mind.

Therefore, the history of this world, including the spiritual words that have been as set in stone in His Book, the Bible, are not by chance.

That would also include the spiritual words of The Edgar Cayce Companion that have been set as in stone.

ALL words written by the hand of a human being are as set stone.

Whether or not the words emanate from truth within or from the mind of self may be discerned or determined by the Pattern that follows the Law of One.

If One word may be separated into two or more words...,

. or two or more words are combined into one Word that reflects His Pattern...,

...then the word emanates from the truth within.



The physical mind sees this blocked word as simply History.

The consciousness of the physical aspect of the mind shall NOT move this word.

It is against the Law that is as written in stone.

Watch what happens when the spiritual aspect of the mind moves the letters that follows...,

...NOT the written law...,

...but the natural Law AND the Law of One.

History easily becomes Hi(ss)tory

His two letters s, as seen as one, yet may be  two or more, according to the Law of One...,

...may be moved into His Pattern according to the natural law. 

Therefore, History may easily become...,


...His story.

(His story) does include the beginning and the ending.*

*Revelation 1:8



A Coincidence      -05-06-2000


Every physical mind has marvelled from time to time about some event that happens in their lives to be like..,

..."What a coincidence!"

From the point of view of the physical conscious mind the event does appear to be a coincidence.

It is NOT a coincidence.

The physical aspect of the mind gets a glimpse of the Law of One and passes it off as a coincidence.

There is a a very thin veil between the physical and spiritual consciousness of the mind that prevents the physical conscious mind to see truth clearly.

When the vibrations of the word veil are moved, the mind may see clearly...,

...for HIS letters of the word veil may be easily moved to the word live...

...that easily matches His Pattern of ever lasting life.

The "superior" intelligence of the physical aspects of the mind may say...,

...yes "but"...,

...the letters of that word may also be moved to the word evil.

The spiritual aspect of the mind will say to that mind, as a builder..,

...but does it MATCH His Pattern?

Of course, the answer is NO.

In essence, here is the difference between the spiritual aspects of the mind and physical aspect of the mind.


The spiritual aspects of the mind, born again, will follow the natural law that states that the Letters are His...,

...and the mind moves and manifests them from within according to the Jesus, the Pattern, whose Spirit is as As One with God, the Father or Creative Force within.


The physical aspect of the mind, that has NOT YET given birth to the spiritual aspect of its own mind..., 

...will simply continue to follow the written law that was presented to the mind from without.

This law is as written in stone and is not corded to the Spirit...,

...who had the stone rolled away as His Spirit rose from the grave.


The written law will only allow the physical aspect of the mind to work with block letters that form block words that form the blocked physical consciousness.

This cycle of building -- blocks the mind into its OWN consciousness of Self that is difficult to move away from...,

...unless it makes an immaculate conception and births a new mind out of itself that IS WILLING to take UP its cross (t) and follow His Pattern.

Likes beget likes.


Here is HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind will simply move the stone and pre-sent the One Spirit who went to the cross.

Letters are Spirit moved by the mind when they are acknowledged by the mind as HIS

Remember Revelation 1:8

With that in mind, here is HOW the stone was rolled away from the tomb of the WORD made flesh.

The Christ Conscious mind of the Pattern simply rolled away the word attached to the stone like this...,


There is the tone of His Spirit


There is the (S)pirit of the One that went to the cross (t).

This HOW the Spirit returns the same way  as the mind has seen him go.

Just As Jesus, the Pattern, His Spirit,  ascended into the cloudiness of the mind...,

...His Spirit has returned through the same cloudiness of the mind. 

The physical aspect of the mind will seek a physical sign in a physical cloud that is outside itself.

No sign will be seen by that mind.

The spiritual aspect of the mind will see a sign WITHIN the word attached to CLOUD and will see the sign LOUD and CLEAR.

There is Christ (C)

There is Lord (L)

There is LOUD

There is EAR.

This is how the spiritual mind with Spiritual ears may (H)ear...,

... for the mind now knows His voice within..,

...for the mind Has attuned to His Spirit and now they move As One according to His Pattern.

The re-union is symbolized by (H)is letter...,


Again, NOTHING IS A COINCIDENCE to the spiritual aspect of the mind that is willing to seek and find HiM through the movement of HIS letters that will match HIS Pattern.



Webster - The Letter of the Law


Webster's Dictionary is emblematic of the of law that is as written in stone for the mind to follow.

The letters that form words in this book are attached to things...,

...and according to the Readings, thoughts are things...,

There is NO thought of Spirit corded to the letters MOVED by the mind to produce words in this book that is as the written Law for the mind to follow.

As the letters are NOT corded to His  Spirit...,

..they will only form words that are blocked and blocked from Spirit.

Remember Spirit IS letters WHEN the mind acknowledges them as such, THEN moves them with that thought IN mind.

What a coincidence that the physical mind will often say, "what does that word mean?"

How mean can that be?

Understanding and wisdom comes from within.

Meanings are learned by the physical mind from without.

The same word evil...,

...that means mean..., viewed as live from the point of view from within, and live is not mean.

Ask the editors of the dictionaries whether or not there is any attachment of Spirit to the letters they MOVE to form the blocked words that are conveniently set before the mind to digest.

Their answer will most assuredly be HUH?

As nothing is by chance, ask them where did the letters ORIGINALLY come from, and why are they in the form we use today.

Their answer will be that they were handed down from generation to generation...,

,,,derived from the written law that has been handed down from generation to generation.

How cool is that?

Set 30 or so of your relatives around in a circle, and tell the first one a short story.

Then let that story be passed around around the room, one to another, so that it returns  to its originator.

No way that story will be exactly the same.


A dictionary should really be two books in One.

The first book allows the mind to move letters as its OWN, as block letters, to build a blocked Self conscious mind that allows the mind of Self to first learn to  know itself.

The second book then allows the mind to move the letters, as if they are re-corded to His Spirit that will allow the mind of Self to move out of the self conscious stage..., re-born...,

...and enter into the universal consciousness that allows the mind to tap into the universal wisdom that far exceeds the simple "meanings" that the physical conscious mind learns from without in such a "meaningful" book such as Webster.

The human mind has unlimited ability for growth...,

 ...IF..., can see its way through the blockage of its Self conscious mind built with blocked words whose letters have NEVER been allowed to be re-corded to His Spirit by the mind of self.

Allow the mind to take another look at the origins of words in Mr. Webster's Book.

Allow the mind to take another look at the Pattern found in His Book, the Bible.

Allow the mind to another look at page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion and see if the "severed cord" might apply to Mr. Webster's Book that has been handed down from generation to generation.

Then allow the mind to review Revelation 1:8 that is a Revelation to the mind if there ever was one.

See there  if the "severed cord" might apply to the re-cording of Spirit and letters As ONE...,

...keeping in mind that any Revelation must be considered as new new(s) for the mind.     

If that does not get the mind's attention, then that mind will simply continue to bang its Self conscious head against the block wall..., it continues to cope with trying to follow the letter of the law...,

...rather than considering the possibility that it may begin to follow the Spirit of the law that has literally overcome the gravity of the situation.  



The Acts of the Apostles and the Pattern.


Again, the Pattern is a whole bunch of Spiritual letters moved into words by different minds immediately after the four Go-spels and then moved as letters to others.

AS letters of Spirit are MOVED from within into words, and IN the PROCESS of being set in writing...,

...the mind, the  soul, the body, and the  Spirit are moving As One.

Once the spiritual words are written down they are as set in stone and become as the Pattern for the mind to follow.

According to the Readings, the mind is the builder and the active force.

If the mind simply reads spiritually written down words that are already etched as in stone..., essence, it is simply trying to follow the written law that most people have been unsuccessfully trying to follow for the past two thousand years.

If the mind simply reads scripture or the written law, it is acting as an observer and is not taking an active role that the Readings suggest.

The mind, as the the builder, and the active force, needs to learn HOW to manifest from within.

It is the PROCESS of manifesting that RE-CORDS the mind, body, soul, and Spirit together As One.

That is the ACT of Creation. The Creation is the result of the ACT.

According to the Readings, praying is speaking within and meditation is listen within.

Is it possible for the mind to pray and meditate at the same time?

Probably not.

But it is possible for the mind, body, soul and Spirit to move As One and at the same time..., the mind learns to move the letters within As His.

The goal of the mind is not simply to quote or mimic the written Law...,

...the goal of the mind is to use the Pattern or Spirit of the written law that the mind may follow..., attune itself to the Creative Force within its OWN created body...,

... so that manifestations of words may be made...,

...that the mind compare to the Pattern to see if it is MOVING in the direction of attunement. 

The mind uses the Pattern, of the written law, not the written itself..., test how well it is doing in its attunement process within..., the Creative Force that is within the created body.

The mind of each Self must do the building.

Learning HOW to build is one thing.

Standing by and simply reading the spiritual words of others already etched in stone has no effect on attunement other than allowing the mind to, perhaps, more clearly see the test Pattern, that the mind as the builder, needs to follow. 



A Seed Within Itself


These words are a very important part of the Pattern.

A seed that is within itself after His kind.

This is an exact match that the Readings refer to...,

...that out of the physical aspect of the mind may be produced a spiritual aspect of the mind that is attuned or Patterned after his kind.

According to the Readings, the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

Out of the born physical conscious mature mind may be born as a young spiritual mind that may attune to the Creative Force within.

The human mind does have the capability to conceive does it not?

The mind is certainly capable of conceiving an IDEA.

Is it not possibility for the mind to simply move ONE more letter as His and conceive the IDEA(L).?

As the Readings state, likes beget likes.

Every mind has the the opportunity and the ability..., conceive out of itself...,

...a child-like aspect of the mind...,

...that is attuned to the Spirit within its own living human created body.

His Spirit, that is the Pattern  that re-corded to the Father, God..., the Spirit that every mind, and its constant companion, its soul, may re-cord to.

That is possible because of the Law of One, that states that two or more may be As ONE, yet two or more.

According to the Pattern, one must be AS a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, which, according to the Readings, is within the living human created body.

Adults try to enter within by doing meditation to empty out all its thoughts and to be still.

That's pretty cool, but does that activity fit the Pattern in the Bible or the Pattern verified by the Readings? 

Maybe not.  

Be truthful now, has anyone ever seen a little child meditate?

Has anyone ever seen a little child even sit still for even a few moments?

Remember, that the Readings state that the mind is the builder and the ACTIVE force.

That just doesn't jive with keeping the mind still.

Here is a suggestion that the mind might try instead of sitting still and trying to empty out all its thoughts.

As the Readings state thoughts are things.

In essence, all thought is formed by the movement of only 26 letters that are things that the physical mind of every child has learned to move into words at a very early age.

Instead of the mind trying to empty out a zillion thoughts that it has accumulated to date... 

...why not simply empty out the 26 letters used to produce those thoughts...

 and return them within to His Spirit...

...and THEN allow the mind, as the builder and active force, to move them as they are now re-corded to His Spirit.

This would allow the mind and Spirit to move..., if hand in hand...,

...with the mind doing the moving...,

...and the Spirit doing the directing according to His Pattern. 

The Pattern talks about gifts of od the Spirit.


"Ask not what His Spirit may give to you, ask what things your mind may give to His Spirit"

arkroc June, 2000


What a wonderful gift that the mind of Self could make, if it would only give the letters that it has used as its OWN to the Spirit within.

Letters are the tools of the trade for the mind, so why not take them in...,

...and then use them as tools of trade in our Father's business with His Son at our side every building step along the Way?



Need help understanding Matthew 18:3


How does one be converted to a little child, and where is the kingdom of heaven?

Can someone help me with this?

It is in Matthew 18:3 


Here is part of the Pattern.


"And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven."*

*Matthew 18:3


Here is a little research and enlightenment that the members of this group may try.

See if you can get a response from some people, who may be in a position to know, just what Matthew 18:3 means. 

Ask them HOW does one convert themselves to become as a little child...,

...and just where the kingdom of heaven is that I can enter into as a converted child?

Post your answers here....,

...anonymously of course.

There is a lot of People on the internet who seem to have answers for everything.

Let's see what they may suggest. 

Lets TEST the waters to see if their words match the Pattern established by Jesus and verified by Edgar Cayce.


Remember these words in the Readings.

Q - Are we entering the period of preparation for His coming?

A - Entering the TEST period, Rather*

*Reading 5749-2 or page 233 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

