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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #95

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #95

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Jesus the Pattern

According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern and Christ is the Power.

"How can Jesus be God and a begotten son of God and a creation at the same time?" 

Jesus is the Personality and Pattern of the Spirit of God conceived immaculately through the mind and body of Mary.

Jesus was the Personality and the Word of God made flesh. 

God is the name of the Creative Force or the essence of ALL creation, including the essence of creation within Jesus, and was called the Father by Jesus.

Jesus is the Pattern of the Law of One, which states that two or more may be As One yet two or more."

The Spirit of Jesus also fulfilled every letter that was used to write the Law of One,

Thus, He became As One with the Law of One and the Pattern of the Law of One.

The Father was in Him and He was in the Father.

      "Second Did God himself or a Angel or Jesus himself declare that he is God or exclusively the begotten son of God?" 

The Pattern of the Law of One was also in the mind of Mary who was chosen to make the immaculate conception.

The Angel was As One with the Creator and As One with the mind of Mary according to the Law of One. 

     "Third if Jesus is God or part of God, then why did he pray? 

      In fact prayer is always in submitting, needy and dependent one for the mercy of God. isn't it?"

Prayer is part of the Pattern that every mind should follow. Prayer is acknowledging and speaking to the Father within that is within every living created body. 

     "Fourth if Jesus is God or part of God then why did he admit in not being good?'

The Pattern is that the every mind is born physically and must be re-born Spiritually according to His Pattern."

 Jesus was the Personality of God, the Word made flesh, to become a Pattern that would show the mind, and its companion, the soul, HOW to return to the Father, its Maker.''

The Pattern is that everyone is born in to sin, or away from the Father.

Jesus, as the Pattern shows the free will mind HOW it may return to the Father within.

The Pattern is, when the re-union is complete, that Pattern is called Christ.

Very simple.  Very profound.   



Christ is The Power


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern and Christ is the Power.

Ok, the Pattern Is simply to  take UP your cross (t) and allow your mind to follow Him in your own words.  

What is the Power?

When Jesus as the reincarnated Adam fulfilled every letter used to write the spiritual written Law...,

...all Power was granted to Him as all
things were granted to Him including letters.

His Mind is the Pattern that re-united with His created body that is the Pattern of the soul.

Thus, He became the Pattern of the re-union of the mind, body and soul.

Every mind has the ability to attune to that Pattern or Ideal.

As of today, the focus of the human race has not centered itself on the mind's 
natural ability to move towards the Ideal.

The church or temple going forward will have to begin to focus on this ideal for the Pattern is in the mind and human body and NOT in a church or temple down the road.

The Power is when the mind, as the active FORCE, attunes itself As One with the Creative FORCE...,

The Christ Power is the re-union of these two FORCES that are Patterned after Jesus, THE Christ.

No other soul will become Christ...,

...but ALL souls become become As One with Christ by attuning their minds with their created bodies.   

The irony is that when the human race really gets going down the right road,
it will find that the Edgar cayce Readings on Spirit were absolutely positively correct.



The Next Steps Within


These are the most guiding words ever presented in the Readings.

The are located on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion and in Reading 275-14.

From Edgar Cayce's point of view, these words emanated from WITHIN him.

From our point of view these words emanate from without.


"Follow that known in thine OWN present as i-e-i-o-i-o-umh...,

...for the raising of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces..., it arises along that which is set WITHIN the INNER man as that CORD of life...,  

...that once severed...,

...may separate..,

...does separate, that balance between the MIND, the body, the soul."

Here are some next steps given to this writer from WITHIN.


Step. <  That known in thy presence by the mind are vowels.

Vowels are movement letters of a CORD of letters, today called the alphabet, that is THE cord of letters moved by the mind known in thy present.

Step < The movement of letters WHEN re-corded to Spirit...,

...and THEN moved...,

...will raise the Creative Force WITHIN...,

...for NOW the letters have been re-corded to the Creative Force by the mind as the builder.  

Step < Not just the vowel letters , but ALL the letters the mind moves need to be re-corded to His Spirit or the Creative Force.

Step < Of the mind, body, and soul...,

... in the beginning, only did the MIND, with its free...,

...had the power to sever the cord of life, (Adam)  ...,

and only NOW does each and every mind have the power to re-cord the cord of life which are the letters the mind moves to the Spirit or Creative Force WITHIN. 

The Following verification is taken from the King James Bible.

These are the Words of Jesus,  the Word made flesh, the Pattern for the mind to follow.

"The WORDS that I speak unto you, THEY are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.

The Pattern, the Word made flesh, spoke with words made from a CORD of letters that had to be corded to Spirit that were Life...,

...and were of the Creative Force, His Father , God WITHIN Him. 

They were, and still may be, when the MIND, as the builder, re-cords them back to His Spirit that matches His Pattern.

The Words stated in Revelation 1:8 also verify that letters and Spirit are As One and should be used as such...


...the mind is willing to also build itself spiritually by re-cording its letters to Spirit rather than to continue wander off trapped in its own ego consciousness.



Beginning and ending of starts


The physical mind that has only been taught to see the word from the outside...,

...will only see the block word starts.

The spiritual aspect of the mind is taught to enter within the word and re-cord the word to His Pattern that is an exercise in  attunement of the mind to His Spirit.

The mind may open the word like this.


st re-presents the (s)pirit to the cross (t)---His in the beginning.

st re-presents the (s)pirit taking up the cross (t)---Ours in the ending.

Look what two letters remain...A and R

A represents the Law of One and R re-presents the movement or flow of words or the Law of One from within like as in "There is a (R)iver."

AR also re-presents RA, the high priest, most recently reincarnated...,

...and is in ending of the messenger's name who most recently brought us this information...,


A key point to remember is, that in Spirit, there is no gravity to the Spirit of the Law that is written as in stone...,

...for His Spirit has overcome and fulfilled every letter used to write the written law...,

...and HIS letters may be moved at will from within.

His Spirit said "I AM Alpha and Omega"*

Revelation 1;8

When the mind uses letters as its own, it must continue to follow the gravity of the situation of words that are as written in stone for thou shall not move them

It is against the Law.

Thus, His Spirit will also not move.

Blessings to you and David who have the courage to break the written law, enter within, and follow the Spirit of the Law that emanates from WITHIN.

If the mind tries to comprehend what has already been created under the sun, it 
must follow the letter of the law because it is doing so on its own.

If the mind wants to follow the Son, it may follow the Spirit of the law...,

...for He has fulfilled the letter of the law and the mind will open and participate in creation, as a builder, who may be As One with the Son who is One with the Father, God, who is the Creative Force that emanates from within the created body.

As the Voice emanating from the sleeping Edgar Cayce would say...,


The Readings and the Law of One


The Readings have followed the Law of One even through to the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The essence of the Law of One states that two or more may be As One, yet two or more.

The entity, Edgar Cayce was able to manifest the Readings for his mind became attuned to his created body each time he gave a Reading.

His mind and his created body were As One yet two. 

Many of the individual Readings were applicable to many individuals and those Readings are presented As One in the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Thus, the Law of One that Jesus was the Pattern for, The Father speaking through the mind and body of the Son, has been manifested even through the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Few books, if any, other than the Bible itself,  may make that claim.


Enter Here


The Edgar Cayce Companion Book is like a manual for the mind of the soul that says think this way and go look here...,

...and THEN the next steps of the seek and ye shall find search for your Father will be given from WITHIN,

The only way the mind will ever know that is is true is to take the first steps and enter WITHIN,

The Edgar Cayce Companion will show the mind HOW to take those first steps WITHIN the temple of its own self consciousness.   

This writer has experienced some of those steps from WITHIN and every mind has the natural ability to enter WITHIN and experience the next steps directed to that mind from WITHIN.

This experience is the natural law that has all but been forgotten in today's materialistic society.

It is ironic, but the return to the natural law is the next step in the unfoldment of consciousness WITHIN the human mind.

The natural law is the return route the mind will follow that will lead the soul back to As One with the Father.

The Readings have opened the door and have provided the first steps for that return to begin.
