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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #94

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #94

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Genesis 1:11*

*"...after his kind whose seed is in itself..."

A seed that is in itself. Those words do not speak of a seed within an apple or a orange, but a seed in ITSELF.

The Words of Genesis 1:11 exactly match the match the words of the Readings that the mind should enter into itself that is formed by its own consciousness.

How does the mind do that?

It enters its own consciousness by entering through words that have formed that consciousness.

The physical consciousness has been formed by blocks of words that the words themselves are blocked and the mind must remove that blockage.

How does the mind do that?

The mind, according to the Readings, is the builder, and it is able to remove the blockage by moving the letters of the blocked words that have blocked the consciousness by simply moving the letters of the words so that the new words fit or match His Pattern.

This is an example of a simple movement that allows the mind to break through the confines the blocked words and its physical consciousness and enter into the Pattern of His Consciousness.

Here is the mind at work.

The letters of the word "the" are moved so that "the" becomes (t)he...,

and (t)he is an exact match to His Patterrn of Consciousness.



John 1:1


John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word,  and the 
Word was WITH God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

What was the Word that was WITH God and was God?  

That Word had to be G-O-D that was WITH God in the beginning.

Guess what?

The mind of today uses a string or cord of 26 letters to think and communicate.

Guess what positions G, O,  and D hold in that cord of letters?  

Add up those Positions?

A coincidence?

No way?

G-O-D was the Word that was with GOD in the beginning and the Letters G-O-D are Spirit and the letters G-O-D are still the letters of the Word with GOD today.

It is the Spirit of the mind of Adam...

...that severed the cord of letters from GOD and took them has His own.

Thus, the Spirit, emblematic of G-O-D was severed from GOD until Jesus, the Word made flesh, re-corded the Spirit of the letters G-O-D back to the Father GOD.

In the ending, the mind is using 26 letters and the positioning of G-O-D is exactly 26.

Maybe this is a sign that the mind should follow Him, and re-cord its letters back to His Spirit.

His Spirit did say He is Alpha and Omega did He not?*

Revelation for the mind--Revelation 1:8


It is Physical and May Become Spiritual


A little know-sis whose name is Ruth. 

The MIND is born to learn to think physical.

That mature physical mind may have an immaculate conception that is spiritual in the nature that may be born out of its physical mind.

Thus, the mind may become BOTH physical and spiritual...

...IF the mind is willing to conceive.

IF any mind thinks it cannot conceive, then it probably has another conceptual  thought coming that is waiting in the wings.



Entering the Mind


Entering into the mind.

According to the Readings, in order for the mind to enter into a higher consciousness..., must first enter into itself, its own consciousness, which is its own mind.

How does the mind do that?

No problem.

The mind simply enters the words that have formed and are attached to its own consciousness...,

...severs them from their physical attachments and re-cords them to His Spiritual Pattern.

Here is how the mind enters Self.

(S)elf has become a (S)piritual elf which is as being converted to a little child that is according to His Pattern.

Here is how the mind may go within by  entering the mind.


The mind transforms itself from a (n)egative to positive when it moves and casts out the (n).

That leaves the mind as the word mid.

As the mind begins to move, as it is being transformed, it is moving in a new direction which is within.

That re-verse direction for the mind goes from mid to dim..., 

...and seeks the additional light from the Creative Force within...,

...for now likes attract likes...,

...for the mind has made the transformation from the negative to the positive to match the Creative Force within.



Three Ponts of View


Three points of Reference.

The gap between the physical mind and the Creative Force is difficult to determine if the mind is at one point of view and directly looking toward the other point of view.

However, if the mind should separate and become two parts and one part is able to view both points of view...,

...then a determination of the gap can be made.


The physical mind often tries to reach and grasp the spiritual Creative Force within the body directly.

 It cannot be be done.

The mind needs to first split off...,

 and then part of the mind is able to see both the spiritual and the physical sides at the same time.

This is why the Readings state that the mind must leave itself.

Actually the mind splits off into two parts, one is the physical self...,

...and the other is the angelic self.

The angelic self is able to overcome the gap and re-cord the connection between the physical and the spiritual.

It does so by moving letters from both points of view. the angelic self is where transformation takes place within the mind.

So it is crucial that the mind learns how to produce its angelic self from within its own mind.

This can be done because the angelic mind and the physical mind may be As One, yet two, which is according to the Law of One.



Edggar Cayce's Companions


His Companions

Edgar Cayce's first and foremost Companion was the Bible.

From that relationship developed his relationship with a new Companion called his Angelic Self.

From that relationship emanated the Edgar Cayce Readings.

From that relationship emanate the A.R..E., the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

From that Relationship emanate a book called The Edgar Cayce Companion.

From The Edgar Cayce Companion book...,

... emantaed a relationship called The Edgar Cayce Companion Club...,

...that has been formed to help minds to  become a Companion in Spirit to the essence of those Readings.       

In order for Edgar Cayce to manifest the words of a Reading, he took a spiritual nap.

Watch what the mind may see when it enters the blocked word Companion.

(C) (om) (pan) (ion)

There is the symbol and first root letter of the Word (C)hrist.

There is om.

There is pan, which when "viewed" from within is nap.

There is ion which is the movement of "electrons" that transforms the mind from negative to positive. 

Thus, Companion s a perfect word to describe the process that "associates" the Edgar Cayce Readings to the manifestation of the Creative Force through the mind that is the builder.



Imprinting the Pattern on the mind


Imprinting the Pattern

 Once Edgar Cayce imprinted the Pattern on his mind, the "rest" came "relatively" easy.

The Pattern was Jesus, The imprint was formed by the Words of the Bible that Edgar Cayce became so familiar witth.

According to the Readings, Jesus was the manifested Personality of God.

He is the Spirit of God.

He is the Pattern of God.

He is the Spirit of the Creative Force within every living human body.

He is the Spirit within the created body  that the mind may re-cord to.

That re-cording may be done by the mind through the re-cording of its own letters to His Spirit....,

...and then allowing the mind look for His Pattern in the mind's words and in the words of others.  

In order for the mind to know if it is on the right course of returning to the Maker..., must be familiar with the Bible.

The Bible is lengthy and presents the entire written law. 

The mind need only to absorb enough get the feel of the Pattern or His Spirit of the Law.

Remember,  His Spirit fulfilled every letter that was used to write the entire written law.

That is WHY His Spirit stated it is Alpha and Omega.

WHEN the mind moves letters re-corded to His Spirit, His Spirit will move accordingly...,

...for the letters of the mind and Spirit may then move As One.



Our Own Letters or His


The difference between scared and sacred is the movement of only one of His letters by the mind that has learned not to take His letters for granted, nor as its OWN.

His letter is C and is the first root letter of His Word (C)hrist.

His Spirit stated in Revelation 1:8 that His Spirit IS Alpha and Omega.

Do we need to know the Greek alphabet to know His Spirit?

Maybe not.

Maybe any letters that any mind uses have always been Spiritual and the mind has just not yet accepted that as factual.

Was not Jesus the Word made flesh?

Were not the Words that Jesus spoke Spirit, and that they emanated from the Father within Him?

If Jesus was the Word made flesh and the Words emanating from within Him were of the Father and were Spirit, would not the letters that formed those Words also be of Spirit?   

Did He not speak Words of Spirit, and there were those that did not understand what He was saying even though they had ears with which to hear?

Were not all "things" given unto the Son of God?

Are not letters "things" that the mind has taken for granted and uses as its own?

Is not Revelation 1:8 a symbolic Revelation for every mind of every language, or is it just for the Greek mind?



Adam and the Spirit of God


In the beginning Adam talked to God.

Where was God?

In the very beginning, the Word was the Spirit that was with God.

That Spirit was the Word G-o-d.

That Spirit of God, G-o-d, left God and entered the earth plane and was the Spirit within Adam.

G-o-d was the Spirit that formed and was within the created body of Adam.

Adam then took the letters of Spiritual communication as his own to form his own consciousness rather than the consciousness of the Spirit G-o-d that was with God in the beginning.

That is WHY the Spirit in the end makes the great Revelation 1:8 that the Spirit of G-o-d states that it is Alpha and Omega...,. 

...the letters that the human mind has taken for granted, yet they were never granted to anyone except to the Son, or Spirit of God...,

...G-o-d, the Word made flesh.



Been There -Done That - Go This Way


After about 50 years of being there -- doing that, the following combination of books may lead the mind into the attunement to its Maker.

They are in order of importance:

The King James Bible

The Edgar Cayce Companion

Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus

There is a River
These are the only books that any mind needs to acquire to learn how to attune the mind to the Spiritual essence within the human body.

According to the Readings, once the mind is able to enter its own consciousness as Edgar Cayce did, the NEXT steps are literally given from within.

This writer has experienced some of those next steps given from within and know that the study of these books is definitely the way to go.  

The Readings are true and the mind is able to enter within and receive the next steps from within when the mind moves into attunement.

These books are like road maps that will guide the mind in the right direction.
