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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #93

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #93

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The Edgar Cayce Companion

If anyone has read "There is a River", they would know that Edgar Cayce had a companion with him by the river.

It was an angel. It was his angelic self.

Some physical minds would like to think they have a guardian angel.

The physical mind does have one, but it is a little different than what the physical mind has normally perceived. 

According to the Readings, it is the mind of the individual that transforms itself into its angelic self that then communes with the Creative Force WITHIN.  

Every physical mind has the innate ability to transform itself into its own companion called the angelic self.

IF the physical mind is willing to seek, it will find HOW the mind may transform itself by studying The Edgar Cayce Companion.







According to the Readings, Judy was one of the leaders of the Essenes...

...who was a teacher and guide to Jesus from when he was 12 to when He was about 16 years old..*

*Reading 1472-3 or page 216 of The Edgar Cayce Companion and Reading 2067-11 or page 219 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Here is a remarkable match up of letters to His Pattern.


The letter J is His symbol of taking UP the cross (t) and following Him.

The letter S is His symbol for His (S)pirit

(S)(t)udy and (J)udy match His Pattern.

Here is another match up that the physical mind may fail to see because it has been told that it is against the Law of Webster to move the letters.

When His (S)pirit from within and the (S)pirit of the individual soul are joined As One from two opposing view points by the active force of the mind that is willing to transform itself, the symbol made is the symbol of infinity.

The symbol of infinity also re-presents everlasting life that is a match up  to the Pattern.

When S and S are re-united they also form the symbol of the figure 8.

According to the Readings, the body is the Pattern of the soul, and the physical body, is of a circuit, in the form of an eight.*

Just another coincidence?

*Reading 1800-6 or page 246 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The symbol of eight being 8.

The symbol of eight, with movement, may easily become the symbol of infinity.

When the mind, as the active force, has re-united with the Spirit who has fulfilled every letter that makes up the written law, the "gravity" of the situation has been overcome. 



MOM and the Pattern


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern for the mind to follow.

Also according to the Readings, God is Love and Love is God.

It is well understood that the mother of Jesus was Mary.

Many claim that Jesus was immaculately conceived by His mother Mary.

Probably today the most beloved word used in the English language is MOM.

According to Mr. Webster the word OM is a affirmation or assent intoned as part of a mantra or as a symbolic mystical utterance during meditation.

If the mind should enter the word MOM like this M(O)M, it will find the mirror images of the word OM.

MOM may be likened to the reflection of OM on water which is the universal symbol for truth when the mind enters the word.

Watch how the word MOM may also match the Pattern by the mind that is the builder that moves the letters as His into His Pattern.

The Word MOM may easily become an acronym for the words "mind over matter" which may be what Mary produced and Jesus, the Word made flesh became.

Also watch how MOM, when viewed from another point of view, may also easily become the acronym for a "walk on water" which is what the Pattern was reported to have done.

According to the Readings, nothing is by chance.

Perhaps there is even a more emotional feeling and arousal and re-cording of the beloved word MOM within the created body that even the physical aspect of the mind has yet thought to consider possible.



The Pattern and the Power


According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern and Christ is the Power.

Most people may ask...

...what in the world does that mean?

First of all, forget the blocked word mean that is as written in stone and handed down in the written law that is now in the form of Webster.

How mean is that?

Who says that the mind cannot enter into this word and move the letters? 

Here is one mind that will right now.

(m)ean has just moved to (w)ean as it partakes of the hidden manna.

Back to the Pattern.

The Pattern is the actions and words produced by the entity named Jesus.

That is the Pattern that the mind uses to test its own words and actions to see if it is following the Pattern.

Jesus went to the cross. That is an action.

This is how the mind enters a word to produce a Pattern of that action.

The letters of the word "the" are moved like this...


He went to the cross (t). 

That is an exercise in attunement for His atonement.

Now back to the Christ.

Christ is the Power of the ACTIVE Force of the mind of Jesus...


...the RE-ACTIVE Creative Force that was the essence of His created body.

His mind was perfectly attuned to the Creative Force or essence of the created body which is the same essence of all creation.

His mind and the essence of His body were As One that is a perfect match to the Law of One where two or more may be As One yet be two or more.

Hence, the Father was in the Son and the Son was in the Father.

Jesus was Adam in beginning who was the Son of God, who left the Father by taking the Father's letters as His own through free will ...,

...and then returned, as Jesus, to the Father, the God, the Creative Force within, by returning the letters, again by free will.

Hence, the Revelation that His Spirit, His mind, that continues to be As One with God, is Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8

The mind of Jesus made the atonement so that our minds may follow that Pattern and make attunement.

The key to attunement is re-presented in Revelation 1:8.

All that it takes is for the mind to cord the letters it has been using as its OWN to HIS spiritual Pattern...

...and then when the mind, as the active force, moves the corded letters, the Spiritual re-active force within the created body will move accordingly.

The Teacher is the essence of the created body. 

The student is the physical aspect of the mind learning to open to the spiritual aspect of its mind that leads to everlasting life....

,,,as the mind remains with the soul after death of the body and never forgets what it has learned.

Very simple, yet very profound.

Happy Mothers Day to every MOM     



One Place of Worshio


In the near future, everyone will worship in a structure that is designed the same way. 

That structure is called the living created human body...,

...created not by the hands of man...,

...but by the mind of God called the Creative Force that is the same essence of everything that has ever been naturally created.



Could a Cloud be a Sign



Consider this.

The physical aspect of the mind sees clouds all the time and the clouds are always moving.

Does the mind see any Spiritual signs in the moving clouds?

Probably not.

Now consider this.

There is a word the physical mind has attached to a cloud.

That word is C-L-O-U-D.

There is never any movement to this word.

CLOUD is always CLOUD according to the written law.

Now what if the mind could move the letters of the word CLOUD...,

...could the mind then see any possible signs?

Well one thing for sure, C(L)OUD may  easily be moved to COU(L)D by the mind that is able to be the builder.

In this movement, only the letter (L) was moved which is the first letter corded to the word (L)ord.

If the letter L is corded to the Lord, would not the movement of L also be a movement of the Lord.?

Here is another movement of CLOUD that is quite interesting.


C is the first root letter attached to the word Christ who, according to the Pattern described in the Bible, will return in a cloud.

Because He was the WORD made flesh, it is the movement of His Words by the movement of His Letters that may become LOUD and (C)(L)(EAR) to the EAR.

In essence, the Pattern of spiritual signs may emblematic to the movement of a heretofore stationary word, such as  CLOUD, that has been firmly attached to the CLOUD that is always moving naturally. 

Rather than planting your cross (t) where there is NO movement, perhaps the mind would do well to allow the mind to take UP its cross (t) and follow Him in Spirit where there is...




When a Sign is a Sign



A sign is a sign when the mind moves its own letters as His like this.


G is the first root letter attached to the Word God that was the Word that was attached to God in the beginning.

When the mind moves that attachment as His...,

...(G)od will move accordingly...,

 and the former word SIN will be  transformed into the movement of His word SI(G)N along the way.

Revelation 1:8 states to the mind that  Spirit is letters.

The mind moves letters to form its own consciousness.

IF the mind will re-cord those letters to His Spirit, as Revelation 1:8 suggests, His Spirit will move in accordance with the mind moving those letters as His. 

It is very simple and here is the deal.

Revelation states that there is the Pattern of the beginning and the ending to letters.

Watch this movement.





AS the mind learns to take up its cross (t) and follow Him in the mind's own words...,

...He will lead the mind and that is the promise and the deal.


If the mind thinks this is play on and within words, that mind is correct.

When the mind moves the letters as His...,

...both the mind and His Spirit are moving in synch, and that is called attunement for His atonement. 



Inspirational Quote


Here is an inspiratonal Edgar Cayce qoute echoed by the




262-105  1/24/1937

The Creative Force


According to the Readings, the Creative Force is the essential Force in everything of natural creation.

That Force is within the created human body, and the human mind may attune to that Force, or it may not, depending upon the free will of the mind.

The Creative Force is the opposite of the destructive force...

...just as live and lived are the opposite of evil and devil.

The mind may choose the direction of its movement.

The Creative Force is the life everlasting Force of creation that is never destroyed and is the Power that the mind may become As One with.

At this very moment, every mind that sees these words is housed in a created body Powered by the Creative Force that Jesus called the Father and the Readings sometimes referred to as the Spirit or God or the Ideal.

According to the Readings, the mind may never become the Ideal, but the mind  may become As One with the Ideal, the Power or Force of creation.

The mind may seek and find HOW that is done in the Edgar Cayce Companion.   


Christ           05-14-2000


According to the Readings, Christ is the re-union of the atoned mind of Jesus to the Creative Force within His created body that has become the Pattern of every mind to follow.

Hence, Christ is the Power emanated by the active force of the mind of Jesus that has combined, through atonement,  As One with the Creative Force that is the essence of all creation.

The human mind, because of free will, is the active force, and when it moves and  attunes itself to the Creative Force, both Forces then move As One force and the Power of Christ is manifested. 

This is why the Readings state that the mind and created body of Jesus is the Pattern...,

...and the atonement of His mind to the Force within His created body is called Christ...,

...and Christ Consciousness is the Power of the Positive Force, in the movement of  words, that may then be manifested through the attuned mind and created body of those minds willing to make attunement to the Creative Force within the created body. 
