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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #91

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #91

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Open 05-01-00

To the physical aspect of the blocked mind...,

...this is the only way the word Open may be viewed...,

...according to the written Law of Webster whose letters and words formed thereof are as etched in stone.


To the spiritual aspect of the mind who has learned that His Spirit has fulfilled every letter used to write the law...,

..the letters of the word Open may be moved at will to reveal an instrument that will help express the words manifesting from within.

Open  (O)pen

The mind, as it opens the word, will find that the pen that it has at hand becomes the spiritual (O)pen that manifests the Spirit within.  

As the mind transforms itself to match the Spirit within to the Creative Force of the body...

...the words will begin to flow from within the created body...

... out through the hand...

...through the movement of the (O)pen....

...and then manifested and transformed to and through the flow of physical ink onto physical paper that again becomes as etched stone.

This flow sort of matches the spiritual  water (truth) turning into the physical flow of wine mentioned in the Bible that contains His Pattern. 

The FLOW of manifestation begins with the attunement of the mind to the Creative Force within.

It is the attunement of the mind that creates the correct vibrations throughout the created body to allow the words to FLOW from within as the Spirit begins to move with, and through, the mind because now the letters moved by the mind are corded to His Spirit.

Again, the physical aspect of the mind blocks its consciousness because it is only used to using blocked words.

The spiritual aspect of the mind may easily expand this word by the movement of His letters to  FLOW(ER).

R representing the opening and movement of the first root letter B of the (B)rain and (B)ody.

E representing the (E)arth plane.

The mind, in deed, as the builder, does open like a flower...,

...when the flow of water (truth) flows from within.

I t is NOT a coincidence that that word Brain begins with HIS Symbol B and opens to HIS Symbol R and THEN truth (rain) flows from within.





According to the Readings, an entity will sometimes gain and sometimes lose in its approach to the Ideal within depending upon the will of the mind during each reincarnation.

The physical aspect of the mind only sees the word close.

The spiritual aspect of the mind that opens the word close will also find the word lose.


(C) being the first root letter of (C))hrist.

Thus, IF the mind remains closed, it cannot open and will lose ground in its attempt to gain Christ Consciousness...

...that emanates from within and moves through and out the body... the active force of the mind that is willing to move letters within as HIS.

Allow the mind to give it a try. What has it got to lose? Perhaps only a few letters that it took for granted anyway.
