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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #9

The Pattern and the Fig Tree

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 18 1999
6:28AM EDT

As the Pattern, Jesus, came upon the fig tree in the WAY as He was entering into the city of Bethany...

...and found no fruit growing thereon.. 

...He spoke unto the tree and said let no fruit grow thereon forever.

The fruit tree immediately withered away.*

*Matthew 21:19

Why did the Pattern allow this to happen?

First, the fig tree normally produces figs that have many seeds WITHIN themselves which are a major mark of the Pattern.

This tree didn't even have figs to produce seeds...

...and it was in the WAY as He came forth.

This activity very much parellels the Door being closed on the five virgins from entering WITHIN the kingdom of heaven...

...because they were not ready when the Bridegroom arrived.*

"Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the DAY nor the HOUR WHEREIN the Son of man cometh."*

*Matthew 25:13 


How to Watch...

...every HOUR...

...every DAY...

Simply RE-TURN the mind's letters WITHIN...

...and the mind's (W)atch will always be re-corded to his (M)atching Vibrational (M)ovement.

Why? because (W) WITHIN... the essesce, or truth...

...of the (M)ATTER, of the human Created body. 


The Pattern and A R

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 18 1999
12:36PM EDT

The physical mind grows up thinking that the Letters of the alphabet are simply a string a letters...

...that mind ONLY uses to mature ITSELF into consciousness and understanding.

That is exactly right...

...IF the mind does not want to unfold* according to the natural Law...

...and IF it wants to be forever bound 
to the written Law.

*See page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The born process is to use HIS Letters as the mind's own letters...

...simply long enough to gain Self consciousness.

The born AGAIN process is to re-turn the Letters WITHIN...

...leave Self...

...and return to the Christ consciousness WITHIN...

...and bring the mind's letters with it because the letters are His.

When the mind does this...

...HIS cord of Letters is re-stored to the Christ Spirit, or to the Creative Force WITHIN. 

The Self conscious mind becomes the Christ Conscious mind for it has re-turned HIS letters according to His Pattern.

The mind of Self has been converted to the mind of (S)elf... it now takes on His Spiritual Vibrations...

...for the cord of HIS Letters is now directly connected between the two.
And what is that Pattern?

In the beginning there were 3 Spiritual Letters that formed...

...the Word God...

...that was the Spirit...

...that was with God...

...and was AS ONE with God.

That was in the beginning*

*John 1:1

Those "Initial" Spiritual Letters were...

... G.O.D. ...

As the Created universe expanded... did the number of HIS Spiritual Letters.

That string or cord of HIS Spiritual letters now stands at 26.

(Sin)ce the beginning, 23 additonal seeds of Spiritual letters have sprung forth from HIS "initial"
seedling containin the three seeds....

...just as the seeds that are in itself...

...after HIS kind*
*Genesis 1:11

If any mind thinks that this is not the genentic code of the...


...unheard of severed cord... described on Page 111 of The Edgar Companion...

...then let that mind count the positions of G. O. D. in its "own" alpha-bet string of Letters...

...and see what that total is.

This is EXACTLY WHY the Spirit stated He was Alpha in the beginning and will be Omega in the ending.*

Revelation 1:8

In the beginning the Spirit was AS ONE with the letters that formed the Word.
Then the mind of man began to use them for its own Self desires...

...of physical word...

...that it viewed WITHOUT.

In the end, the mind of man will return WITHIN... re-cording the Letters WITHIN to the Father, the Creative Spirit. WITHIN. 

Returning to the Father, the Maker, the Creative Force WITHIN is the destiny of every soul.*

*See page 42 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 


The Pattern and A R

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 18 1999
4:16PM EDT

HIS letter A and His Letter R represesnt...

....the (R) MOVEMENT of (A) two or more AS One...

...according to the Law of One. 

The MOVEMENT of His Letters A and R also represent the MOVEMENT of another high priest.

...A R... ...R A...

Whenever there is a MAJOR change, movement, evolution or development in a NEW Appplication of the SAME religious thought...

...regarding the Law of One...

...R A appears...

...this time as Edgar Cayce... the forerunner...

...of the influence of the Christ 
Consciousness WITHIN*

*See pages 231, 413 and 439 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

It is not by chance that the LAST two letters of of Edgar's FIRST name just happen to be A R.

"There is nothing by chance...there is only the renewing of the First Cause."*

*Page 161 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 


The Pattern and The RAM

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 18 1999
6:28PM EDT

Here is just one more clear indication of the Pattern...

...that it is the Letters of the mind that are sacrificed to the Lord WITHIN.

In His Book, Genesis 22:13, there is a remarkable story How God tested the Loyalty of Abraham... sacrificing his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering, upon the altar.

As Abraham was about to make the sacrifice... angel of the Lord WITHIN appeared and told him to stop... the angel of the Lord WITHIN could see he feared God...

...seeing that Abraham was not willing to withhold His only son from God.
Just then a RAM appeared and was caught in a thicket by his horns:

Abraham offered the RAM up as burnt offering instead of his Son.

The angel of the Lord called unto Abraham OUT of heaven WITHIN a second time...

...and blessed Abraham...

...and said that WITHIN Abraham's seed shall all the nations be blessed because he obeyed the Voice of the angel WITHIN.

This is the sign of the sacrificial RAM...

...whose horns were caught in the thicket...


This sacrifice moved the Spirit THROUGH (M)atter in communion or communication with Abraham.

Again, there are the Letters are R and A.

Even the horns are there ( ) to catch the sacrificial letters (RA)M as they are returned WITHIN.

A coincidence?

There is nothing by chance.*

*Page 161 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The Pattern and A.R.E.

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 18 1999
7:02PM EDT

Again, here are the letters A and R as acronym letters of the organization established by Ra/Cayce.

The E is symbolic of the earth plane of the human Created body that is the (E)nlightment WITHIN the temple of the body on the earth plane.

A and R are symbolic of the NEW APPLICATION of His Spiritual MOVEMENT WITHIN this (E)arth plane.

WITHIN the A.R.E. itself...

...there is a certain movement of circulation...very much like WITHIN body... that the members may receive circulatory Readings regarding various subject matter...

...that was manifested THROUGH the 
"sleeping" Edgar Cayce.


The Pattern is a Cord of Letters

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 19 1999
12:04AM EDT

The Cord of His Spiritual Letters was woven into a Spiritual Pattern of Words called the Bible.

It is fitting that at the end of His Book... Revelation 1:8...

...the Spirit, of the WORD made flesh, states that He is Alpha and Omega. 

When Adam severed that cord that connected the mind to the Created body...

...he committed the original sin against the natural Law that connected the two.

Because of this sin, the Lord WITHIN, instructed Moses to set the natural Law in stone as to preserve the Law.

Adam returned as Jesus, the Word made flesh, fulfilled every Letter of the written Law...

...and thereby re-established the natural Law of of cording WITHIN to the Father.

Re-cording is the NEW applicaton of the SAME religious thought of there being One Living God...

...and that One Living God... the Lord WITHIN the Created human body...

...that is part and parcel of the universe itself.

The Lord WITHIN is so close that the physical minds of selves have simply taken His Spirit for granted...

...even though that Spirit literally built that body...

...that houses the mind of that body.

The physical Mind has taken the Lord WITHIN for granted... the same way... took His letters for granted and used them as its own.

The cord of letters, or alphabet, used by the physical mind has no connection corded to His Spirit.

The cord of letters used by the physical mind has been woven like a web to further entrap man in the physical 

This is exactly WHY Jesus returned to set the human race free from this physical entrapment.

Is it any wonder that the main book used today by the human mind is called "Web"ster?

Look up the "deaf"-in-itions in this book and you will find no Spirit...

...only hand me down "meanings" over the past two thousand years.

The human Created body has not changed hardly at all...

...yet the words that have been handed down fromm generation to generation...

...have changed considerably according to the wills of human minds. 

The question that the mind of self shoud ask itself is... 

..."Which cord would provide the most secure foundation for the human mind... follow, as the Pattern, to build on?"


The Pattern Woven by Webster

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 19 1999
9:28AM EDT

There is a Pattern to the woven web of words produced "Web"ster.

No pun intended, but this book is literaly designed by the Lord to trap His "pray".


Before a person may be born again...the person must be first born. 
Webster, or the Law of Webster does just that...

...It allows the mind to FIRST develop a consciousness of itself.


First, Webster provides block names to everything that the born child sees outside of itself.

This follows the exact pattern of Adam.
Then the child realizes it is different from everyone and everything it sees without.

The child has now developed a very Self conscious mind.

Again, this follows the exact pattern of Adam.

It is at this stage that minds become entrapped in themselves for they have not learned...

...HOW to remove themselves from this "web" of Self consciousness.

This problem of...

"How to"... the exact reason that RA returned to this earth plane in the form of Edgar Cayce.

The Voice that originated from WITHIN AND PASSED through the mind and body of Edgar Cayce...

...precisely describes...


...the mind may MOVE and convert itself from a Self conscious mind to a Christ Conscious mind by entering WITHIN.

The Voice even describes How to enter WITHIN the temple of the Living God...

...and meet the Maker, the Living God, the Creative Force, the Spirit, the Lord...

...who literally Created the body that houses the mind.

That Voice was not only re-corded WITHIN the mind and body of Edgar Cayce... was literally re-corded in a set of Patterns called the Readings.

Just as the Pattern of the natural Law was preserved by Moses...

...and etched in stone as the written Law until the mind understood its significance...

...the Readings have been also fixed as in stone...

...until the mind, as the builder, understands the significance of the Pattern...

...and takes the necessary steps to build WITHIN that Pattern...

... that will enable the mind to fulfill its very destiny of...


...its soul has manifested itself WITHIN a created body...

...that carries the same Spiritual vibrations of the Created universe.


Re: The Pattern Woven by Webster

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 20 1999
8:23AM EDT

Directly below describes HOW the Pattern of Webster is the springboard of consciousness to a higher consciousness.


"In the material plane..

...the raising of the mental consciousness to the various spheres of attunement... accomplished ONLY...

in concentrating and attuning SELF to those forces as are WITHOUT."*

The above refers to developing a Self Consciousness.


"The body-consciousness is made up, as been given, of more than one consciousness..."

"...AS one develops, or as one OPENS SELF to to those various spheres of understanding..."

" attains or gains an ACCESS, a vision, an insight, a hearing, a feeling into those various planes..."

"By the use of that in hand does one attain the next plane."*

The above refers to what the Self conscious mind has at hand to reach the next plane.


*See Pages 12 and 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The question for the Self conscious mind is then to ask itself...

...WHAT is at hand to reach the next conscious plane?

Well, for sure...

...being conscious of Self...

...Self certainly is aware of a

...HAND that it has at hand...

...and aware of a mind it has at hand...

...and "well" aware of 26 letters that the mind can MOVE by Hand.

NOW...IF... by... such a remote chance...

...that there truly is a living Spirit...

...with a HIGHER consciousness WITHIN...

...the Created body that houses the mind...


...would it not be possible for one who has a mind and hand...

...on hand...

to MOVE and MANIFEST those letters that may be be WITHIN?

It is possible...

...and has been done many times.

This is what Moses did to preserve the Natural Law.

This what the scribes did to preserve His Pattern.

This is what everyone may do to develop and manifest the Christ Consciousness WITHIN.

This is being born again.

This is what the destiny of the human 
race is all about.

This is what the mind of (S)elves have been using as little children for sometime now.

This is attaining access to the universal consciousness.

This is the re-cording of the cord WITHIN.

This is so simple a teenager has done it "well."

The Virgin Mary was that teenager.

This is that simple.

This is that profound.

This is the manifested sign of His Pattern...



Opening the Mind and the Body

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 21 1999
6:07AM EDT

Other than on page 111...

...that, for the first time, reveals information about the probability of every human being being born with a severed cord...

...the words on page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion are some of the most intriguing words ever re-corded regarding the Readings.

The re-corded words on this page refer to the parallel PATTERN...


...His Book, the Bible... the development of the physical human body BEFORE birth...

...and THEN the UNFOLDMENT...
of that human body and mind AFTER birth.

Here is that parallel.


The development of the human embryo from conception to birth is parallel to the history of the physical man...
...from NOAH to ABRAHAM.


The UNFOLDMENT of the intellect of that human BODY would parallel the history...

...from ABRAHAM to Christ.


The UNFOLDMENT of the mind of Self would also parallel the history...
...from ABRAHAM to Christ.

"For that which leads TO the CHRIST is the MIND."*

*Page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Here are some very interesting observations.



From NO--AH...,

... the letters A and H....

... were ADDED to the name of ABRAM...

... to become...


This is the Spiritual UNFOLDMENT history of the human body AND its intellect...
...BEFORE and AFTER birth.


After birth, the mind, as the builder, begins to build mentally. 

The letters A and H are the only two letters in the entire cord of alphabetical letters...

...that are parallel...

...or symbolic of the Law of One...

...that two or more may be as one.

Both the design of the letters A and H perfectly match the Law of the Creative Force WITHN.


When the MIND takes (A) (H)old of this immaculate conception...

...that it had in the beginning...

...The MIND may begin to build 

Spiritually and will follow the RETURN of His Letters...




"For that which leads to CHRIST is the MIND."

...WHEN the mind of Self willingly transforms or attunes itself... the mind of (S)elf...

...and moves WITHIN... moving His Letters WITHIN.


The Christ WITHIN

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 21 1999
7:08PM EDT

WITHIN the Edgar Cayce Companion, there are many references to the human body...
being the church...

and the Christ is the movement of consciousness WITHIN the church or human body.

*See page 203 for a perfect example of this explanation.


As it has been noted... is the MIND that leads to the 
ChrIst Consciousness WITHIN... the MIND OPENS the mind and body.


This is the vibrational sign that the mind has made attunement to the Christ Consciousness that may be reached by...
OPENING of the body or church by the mind. 


When the mind OPENS the Word church it sees...

...U R WITHIN...

...the church.

You are WITHIN the church.

This exactly matches the Pattern described in the Readings.

His Letters WITHIN form the cord severed by Adam.

The mind, as the the builder, simply re-cords His vibrational string of Letters.

This is the vibration of His string.

(S)pirit cross (t) (ring) of truth.

Remember the "ring" the Father gave to the wayward son when he returned?

The ring parallels the vibrations betwwen the Father and Son...

...when the wayward Son returns to the Father WITHIN His Book. 


The minds of (S)selves learned HOW to match the vibrations of the Christ 
WITHIN by simply...

...returning His Letters...

...and then follow His Pattern by OPENING AND GOING WITHIN words to look for Patterns of His letters.

It is (t)his activity that literally produces (t)he matching vibrations to 
His Spirit WITHIN Body.

It is really just learning the same alphabet again...

...from His point of view rather than from the point of view of Self.

By so doing...

...the mind of Self leaves the point of view of Self.

This is the sign that Self has left Self...

...and has made the connection WITHIN.



Manifesting the Christ WITHIN

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 22 1999
7:28AM EDT

Here is HOW the manifestion happens.

1. The mind is that which leads to Christ.

2. The human body is the Church that houses the Christ Consciousness, or the 
Spirit of the Living God.

3. What that church or body has at "hand" is literally a hand.

4. The hand is the HOLDING part of the connection...

with its the fingers acting like a crib PHYSICALLY holding a pen called an...

5. The wrist is the MOVING part 
of what the body has at hand...

...and is the part of the body that allows Christ Consciousness to Pass...

...from WITHIN the physical body and out THROUGH the physical pen...

...when the mind has made a(tt)unement for His atonement.


Here is the sign of that activity.

When the body or church is opened by the mind...

... His Letters C H become as the door...

...and according to the Pattern...

...the beginning and ending.

His letter W is His symbol for Truth.

...The Letters r i s t are His symbols for Self moving and taking up the cross.


Above is the si(G)n of (t)he (move)(men)(t) of manifestation of the 
Christ Spirit...

...THROUGH the body.


Jesus is the Pattern, Christ is the Power

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 22 1999
8:56AM EDT

"Christ (is) the UNIVERSAL consciousness of LOVE...

...that we see MANIFESTED in those...

...who have FORGOTTEN SELF...,

...AS Jesus...

...give themselves...

...that others may KNOW the TRUTH."*

*Page 225 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is the Exact Pattern that the minds of (S)elves follow...

...every hour...

...every day...

..for they re-corded their (alpha)bet...

...according to His Pattern... they are able to follow His Letters in their minds...
...Step by Step.*

*See Step by Step on Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The Immaculate Conception

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 23 1999
7:02AM EDT

...The Pattern for the mind...

...IS the Immaculate Conception.

...The Immaculate Conception IS...

...Revelation 1:8

...His SPIRIT of Alpha and Omega IS what "crosses" and manifests THROUGH the mind.

"For that which leads to the CHRIST is the MIND."*

*Page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.
His SPIRIT of Alpha and Omega will not "cross" the physical mind.

The physical mind has not yet made the Immaculate Conception that it is possible for His SPIRIT to "cross" the mind.


Because the cord remains severed between the mind and His SPIRIT WITHIN the Created body.


Because the possibility of this re-cording NEVER "crossed" the mind...

..until RA presented that possibility THROUGH the mind and body of Edgar Cayce.

The mind will begin to vibrate according to His Pattern...

...WHEN... begins to re-cord the severed cord.*

*See Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 


The Rising of The Christ Spirit From WITHIN...

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 24 1999
7:49AM EDT

...the humnan created body...

...exactly PARALLELS the stone having been rolled away from His tomb according to thw words in His Book, the Bible.*

*Mark 16:3

The TOMB oF His Spirit PARALLELS the BODY of a created human being...

The tomb of the human body has a human mind of Self that must be rolled away to the...


...transformed (S)elf...*

...that will OPEN THE BODY...

...and allow the Spirit WITHIN to rise.

Page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The attunement of the mind* PARALLELS 
the movement of the stone.

*Page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is the Spiritual sign of the movement of the stone as the mind moves into attunement for His atonement.



This is how the blocked word stone sits 
in front of the mind of Self...

...and blocks the mind of Self...

...from opening the mind of Self.



This is how the stone is rolled a Way according to His Pattern by the mind of (S)elf who has correspondingly also moved away from Self.

(S) His Spirit

(t) His cross

(one) together AS ONE, yet two or more.


This activity PARALLELS the actvity of the...

...Christ Consciousness...

...the Holy Spirit...

...and the angelic (S)elf...

...bearing witness of each other WITHIN the earth of the created body.*

*Page 9 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.