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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #89

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #89

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The Mind as the Active Force

According to the Readings, the mind is the Active Force.

If the mind is the Active Force, then is it possible that there is a reactive force?

Yes, there is.

According to the Readings that force is called the Creative Force.

IF the mind, by the decision of its free will....

...makes the FIRST move to enter within...,  

... the Creative Force within will move and react in kind.

The word Creative offers no spiritual movement to the physical mind.


Because the physical mind has learned that the word Creative is a blocked word that cannot ever be moved for it is against the written Law of Webster.

To the spiritual mind, the word Creative Force is definitely the reactive force to the mind...,

...IF the mind enters within the word...,

...and THEN moves the letters around to match His Pattern that is against the written law but is according to the natural law.

Remember that His Spirit was the Word made flesh that fulfilled or atoned for every letter of the law that even the mind uses today that is now in the form of Webster.

Because of that fulfillment or atonement, the mind may NOW make the attunement through the movement of the letters as His. 

(W)atch this (M)atch of movement.





The symbol C re-presenting the movement of  His Spirit from within and in attunement with the body and NOW the  mind of the individual.

This "type" of (move)(men)(t) is called Christ.

The Christ Spirit or Christ Consciousness is re-active to the active free will force of the mind that is willing to enter within by breaking out of its physical blocked cacoon of consciousness.

As the physical mind can now see...,

...the symbol of  Christ, C, moved within, as the Creative Force, in response... the active force of the mind, acting as the builder, within.          



How the mind may enter into itself


According to the Readings, the mind may enter its own consciousness.

What is the consciousness of the mind?

It must be all the words that the mind has learned to use to express itself.

So how does the mind go within itself?

Remember that the Creative Force is a positive force and the physical aspect of the mind is a negative force.


So when the mind goes within itself... does not actually go into the mind which it cannot see... goes into the blocked word mind that it can see and is the word corded to the mind.

Here is how the mind enters within its own consciousness.  





The physical mind has just transformed itself by re-moving the (n)egative n and "heading" within.

The new word is dim which also refers to a certain amount of light which is the light that is emanated from within.

Thus, the sign is that there IS light from within when the mind transforms itself and enters in.

A sign is also seen when the mind enters Self.

The mind doesn't actually enter itself...,

...the mind enters the word corded to Self and that word is Self.

This is the sign revealed when the mind enters Self and becomes transformed.

(S)elf  a (S)piritual elf that is very much like the angelic self that is as described in the Readings.


What is truth?


The physical aspect of the mind has a zillion ways to define truth.

The spiritual aspect of the mind will define truth in just one way.

The truth is the word  t-r-u-t-h.

No one can argue against that simplest of definitions.

Jesus, the Pattern for the mind to follow, said that He was the truth and the way.

If ALL the letters that the mind uses are As One with His Spirit...

...then He IS truth and truth IS  t-r-u-t-h.
