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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #87

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #87

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After Easter,Then What?

The last words, that the Word made flesh 
spoke, according to the Bible were...

"It is finished"*

* John 19:30

According to the Readings, Jesus was the 

Is it possible that "It is finished'" 
refers to the Pattern that Jesus 
established and completed during His 
life time on this earth plane?

According to the Readings, Adam 
reincarnated as Jesus... show the world that it IS possible 
to... its mind to the Creative 
Force or God or Father within the mind's 
own self.


In essence here is the original sin and 
here is the Pattern that will overcome 
that sin.  

In the very beginning, according to the 

...ALL souls were created by God at the 
very same time.

Every soul was created as a child of God 
with a will that developed a free will 

Every soul left the Creative Father, 
guided by its own free will mind.

The will of the soul is positive as it 
was  derived from the Positive Creative 
Force from whence the soul was created.

The will of the soul is to return to the 

As the Readings state...

"Likes attract likes."

However, the free will mind attached to 
the soul is negative...

...and desires to continue to get caught 
up in the already created universe...

...and sort of wants to do its OWN thing 
IN things ALREADY created.

According to the Readings, nothing is by 
chance to the spiritual mind that God or 
the Creative Force or Father is the 
essence thereof.

It has been taught that Adam committed 
the original sin and the rest of mankind 
sort of followed along.

Not exactly what God had in mind.


The actions of Adam were part of the 
Plan and Pattern to return souls to God 
and here is why.

Adam is literally part of the Pattern.

When Adam was created, Adam communicated 
directly with the Creative Force or God 
or Father that was within himself.

That communication process was done by 
the movement of a set of symbols within 
the created body that moved from within 
and through the mind and body Adam.

That was the natural law of 
communication within the created body 
that sort of moved in a closed loop like 
a  figure 8 Pattern.

Adam and God were As One in the 


So now here is the Pattern.


God has the soul and mind of Adam in the 
created body along with the Creative 

The problem, not with God, but with 
Adam, is that Adam does not know himself 
to be himself for he is As One with God.

In order for Adam to know himself to be 
himself, and to become As One WITH God, 
and not God, and thus become the Pattern 
for others, he needed to communicate 
with someone else OUTSIDE himself.

God creates Eve.

Now God allows the symbols of 
communication that were used within 
their created bodies to be used by Adam 
and Eve from without rather than to be 
continued to be used within.

The cords of spiritual communication 
within were then severed by the mind's 
of Adam and Eve..

At that point Adam knew Self 
consciousness, and he knew he was 
spiritually naked. 


It is the wisdom of the Creative Force 
that Adam and Eve and ALL souls entering 
within the earth plane...

...must FIRST become conscious of 
themselves to know themselves as 


... they are ready, willing, and able, 
to leave the free will consciousness of 
themselves and return to be As One with  
the Spiritual consciousness within their 
created bodies that is Creative Force 
that emanates from within.

This is exactly what the emblematic  
Pattern is from Adam to Jesus.

Adam and Eve were responsible for 
beginning to draw WANDERING souls to 
this earth plane to learn physical self 

...then, according to the Readings...

...Adam returned as Jesus to complete 
the Pattern by showing through free 

...that is not the will of the mind, but 
the will of the Father that will allow 
the will of the soul to return 
everlasting Creative life As One with 
the Father through the positive 
attunement of the negative mind within 
its own created body.

Thus the Pattern is completed at the 
emblematical symbol of communication of 
the cross...

... that is the letter t...

...that represents the crossroad of the 
physical conscious mind's willingness to 
enter the second stage of its 

...spiritual consciousness.
The Pattern IS finished for the Way of 
the soul to return to the Father through 
the "altered" mind and the created body.

It is NOW up to the mind, as the 

...IF... is willing to re-cord directly to 
the Creative Force of the living created 
body using the same letters that allowed 
it to build a self conscious mind...

....but now

...."alter" and re-cord them within...

...and THEN move them from within.


When the mind begins to move them as 

...His Spirit will move accordingly and 
manifest the natural law from within 
that was with Adam in the beginning...

...for the Spirit of the Pattern has 
already fulfilled ALL 26 letters that 
have formed the letter of written law 
that the mind has learned to use since 
birth to build a self conscious mind of 
its own.



The Mind as a Parent 


According to the Readings the mind is Both physical AND Spiritual.

After a person is born physically...

...the person learns to think and write physically.

Out of THAT physically developed mind...

...there MAY be conceived and born a spiritual mind that thinks and writes spiritually as well as physically.

The process that allows the mind to conceive and raise a Spiritual mind has been all but forgotten in the modern age.

The process has never changed.

The mind has simply forgotten that it also has a parental role to play in the continuing unfoldment of the mind.

The Virgin Mary is THE Pattern of unfoldment for the mind...

...with the immaculate conception of the Pattern itself, Jesus, the Word made flesh.


This is how the physical mind learns to write.

The words used here are as blocks that are as written stone.

The words written here are forever blocked, and, in turn, have blocked the conscious mind from leaving physical consciousness and entering into Spiritual consciousness.

The only way out of physical consciousness is to break open the words and put them into His Pattern.

This will allow the mind to "break" the words corded to physical objects that have produced a physical mind...

... and then allowing the mind to re-cord the opened blocked words to His Spirit.

Did you remember how Jesus never received a "break" of His immaculately conceived body?

As the true Pattern, He  did not need to break way from His Spiritually conceived body.

We were not immaculately conceived and our minds do need to break away to be conceived by the physical mind and be  born again spiritually.


Because then the mind is following the natural law of creation.

The physical mind thinks according to the written law that is as etched in stone.

The Spiritual mind thinks according to the natural law and has movement and  emanates from and with the Creative Force within as co-creators like the Pattern of the Father and the Son.

It is that simple and that profound.

Here is the Pattern of (move)(men)(t) to take up the cross (t) and follow Him.


Here is the physical example of write.


Here is the Spiritual example of (w)rite.    

Here the mind has opened the word write.

w is the universal symbol for truth and rite is what the mind does within to open words.

These little guys ( )  are the tools that the mind, as the builder, may use to open the words, that, in turn, open the mind.

There is a lot more to these little guys than the physical mind needs to know 
right now, but they do work.
They are sort of like hoes that are used to till the soil to prepare the good ground in the mind.

Remember how two men are working in the field and one is taken and the other left?

Here is the physical mind tilling the soil.
There is no loosening of the word here.

Here is the spiritual mind tilling the (s)oil.
There is the loosening of the word here.

One is tilling dirt and one is tilling (s)piritual oil

Here is the physical mind using the words the and this.

Here is the spiritual mind unblocking the words (t)he and (t)his that are also a perfect match to His Pattern.

As the mind begins to unblock the words and moves the letters as His... may begin to building the words into His Pattern and looking for His Signs in the mind's own words AND in the words of others.

It is ALL (t)here.

Seek and ye (s)hall find in the (s)piritual hall of re-cords within your own words.
