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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #83

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #83

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Our Minds as Two Edge Swords


All minds have free wills and those free 
wills are like two edge swords that may 
cut two ways.

In the beginning the free will of Adam 
cut the natural cord of letters that 
connected his mind to the Spirit of God 
within himself.*

*Reading 275-43

His free will then corded his letters to 
words and attached those words to  
physical objects within the earth plane.


The free will of the mind has the 
opportunity to use that same free will 
to cut the cord of letters to words 
attached to physical objects and record 
them back to His Spirit within.

Depending on the free will of the 

...words may be corded to Spirit or to 
the physical objects within the earth 

The mind may choose to continue the 
Pattern set by Adam who cut the natural 
cord of letters that connected the mind 
with the Spirit and recorded them to his 
physical self..

Or the mind may choose to follow the 
Pattern set by Jesus who cut the written 
cord of letters that connected the mind 
to the physical self and recorded them 
back to the Spirit within.

This why He said it is the Fathers Words 
I speak, they are Spirit and not my own.

If the words are Spirit then the letters 
that form those words are Spirit...

...for likes beget likes.

Take a look at the word....

..............S     WORD   S

There is (S)pirit on one side and (S)elf 
on the other side of WORD.

Your free will determines how the word 
and the letters of the swords is/are cut 
and recorded...

...for the mind is ever the builder.

The Spirit, in effect, stated in 
Revelation 1:8 He is corded to 

...suggesting that this may be the way 
for the mind to build.


The Next Steps Are From Within

Hi Everyone.

When the mind enters within its own 
consciousness the mind will find that 
the next steps in the thinking process 
of consciousness will given from within.

This is clearly stated on page 110 of 
"The Edgar Cayce Companion" or in 
Reading 922-1.

After 9 years of a comparable study of 
the KJV Bible and the Readings...

...I did understand how to enter within 
and was given a few next steps from 
within regarding working within words.

No one told me.  They were  given to me 
as a Revelation from within.

I can manifest the Christ Conscious 
Pattern from within many of my own 

That is how I see signs and when I see 
the signs the vibrations move throughout 
my body.

The signs are within the words 

Here is ia simple example of the 
manifestation of a sign.

G is the First spiritual root letter of 
the Word God that was with God in the 

Without (G)od the word is sin.

With (G)od the mind will see SI(G)NS 
along the way.

The SINS of the free will mind going 
away from (G)od are transformed into 
SI(G)NS along the way as the mind 
returns within by looking for signs in 
its very own words.

In essence, the mind finds its way back 
by looking for His Spiritual signs in 
its own physically blocked words that 
form its physical consciousness.

That is what I was given.

It works.

It may also work for others as it is 
based application of principles set 
forth in the Bible and verified in the 

A few psychics have also verified that 
this is A correct application.

I am sure that there are other 
applications, but this is the one given 
to me and I will use it...

...for as the Readings state...

...use that which you have at hand.

I started the Edgar Cayce Companion Club 
in November of 1998.

It is slowly growing and with 25 people 
who think there may be something to 

...and almost 20,000 hits have been 
recorded in the last 15 months.

Psychics have also said that there is no 
defense that may stop this application.

Ask them if you have an opportunity.

You have been given where to get access 
to the Readings.

For you, even to have the opportunity 
access  the Readings... not by chance.

Use them.

There is no defense against them. 

Go within and see what next steps that 
you will be given from within.


From Conception Forward



The history of man from the conception 
of the embryo to birth... parallel or emblematic of the 
history from Noah to Abraham.


The history of the MENTAL unfoldment of 
of the BODY... parallel or emblematic of the 
history from Abraham to Christ.


The history of the MIND'S unfoldment... parallel or emblematic of the 
history from Abraham to Christ.


It is the unfolded mind that leads to 


*See Reading 281-63 or page 195 of '"The 
Edgar Cayce Companion".


There is a way to trigger the unfolding 
the mind...

...that in turns...

 unfolds the body...

...that combines the body and mind into 
one consciousness called the Christ 

The directions of the way has been 
gleamed from the Readings and set forth 
in the "The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The directions ARE there for you to 
check out within your own church.

Your body and mind is the real church..

..and the doors of that church may  
opened by your body and mind like 
this... ur ch.

And there ur right in the middle of the 
church whose doors have always be the 
same in the beginning as in the ending.



The symbol of unfoldment


There is a letter that the physical 
aspect of the mind uses every day 
without any consideration that the 
letter may also be a symbol for 
something else.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind this 
letter re-presents the unfoldment of the 
mind and the body that allows the 
manifestation of words from within.

The symbol is R

R re-presents the opening of B of the 
(B)ody and (B)rain that allows words to 
flow like a (R)IVE(R) from within.

According to (R)evelation 1:8, the 
Spirit is Letters...

...the beginning and the ending.

R re-presents the movement and flow of  
of the Creative Force, or Spirit,  from 
within to the Spiritual aspect of the 
opened mind. 

The physical aspect of the mind is 
blocked by words that are blocked and 
are set as in stone without any 
Spiritual movement.

The Spiritual aspect of the mind may  
remove the blockage by opening the words 
that have blocked the physical aspect of 
the mind.

When the mind willingly opens...

...the body follows suit...

 for the symbols of the mind are now 
attuned to the symbols of the Creative 
Force or Spirit within the created body. 

The physical mind of self has crossed 
over to the spiritual mind of self.

And believe it or not, the now spiritual 
mind is literally the new self...

...and that self is angelic.

You will find that information in 
Reading 1646-1 or on page 9 of "The 
Edgar Cayce Companion."

When the physical aspect of the mind is 
willing to alter the letters it has been 
using into His Pattern...

...the mind becomes altered and becomes 
literally spiritual in the nature of the 
body and becomes its own angelic self.

This information fits perfectly with 
Jesus, the Pattern...

...when the stone was rolled away that 
blocked his tomb.

Remember how the angel of the Lord 
rolled away the stone?

The spiritual aspect of His mind set...

...rolled away the stone.

Here is the Pattern of how the blocked 
stone was rolled away by the spiritual 
aspect of the mind.

Here is the blocked stone.


That word cannot be moved or rolled away 
according to the written law that the 
physical aspect of the mind must follow.

Here is how the stone is rolled away by 
the spiritual aspect of the mind that is 
not under the written law...

...but is under the natural law of the 
Creative Force, or Spirit within that 
Jesus, the Pattern, called Father..

Remember that Jesus, the Pattern 
fulfilled every letter of the Written 

His mind, and thus His Spirit, fulfilled 
every one of these letters that comprise 
the words of the written law now in 

and is set, as in stone,  in a book 
referred to now as the Law of Webster.


This is how His Angelic Self rolled away 
or moved the stone.  



Spiritual vibrations or tone



One Spirit to the Cross (t)


Jesus was the Word made flesh that was 
with God in the beginning.

That word was spelled G-O-D.

His forte, you might say, is in words.

The real power is in words that emanate 
from within...

...that are corded to to His Spiritual 

 and then moved by the Spirit through 
the created body and manifested out 
through mind and body.


Just for fun, in a word,  lets u and i 
move a mountain to Montana.

Here is the mountain 

Here is u and i


When we are together As One the symbol 
is A.

u and i, together As One have just moved 
the mountain to...

...MONTAN(A) .

The real irony is that the Latin word 
for mountain is montana.

Can you move, with your mind,  the 
Spirit that is blocked into the word 
easter that has been as written in 

Helpful hint

Let e re-present the body that 
originated from the (e)arth.

Let A re-present the Father and the Son
As One.

You should be able to do the rest and  
open the word and attune the letters of 
this word into His Pattern within.

You mind will follow suit.

Follow His Pattern and roll away the 

... instead of the egg...

... and have your angelic self a 
wonderful Spiritual Easter.
