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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #82

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #82

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The Pattern Mary Conceived 04-11-00

According to the Readings, Jesus and 
Mary were twin souls.

Also according to Readings, ALL souls 
were created at the same time from the 
same SOURCE...

...which is the same FORCE that created 
the human body...

...that the Readings call the Creative 
Force, or God, or. Spirit.

This Source or Force resides in every 
living human body. 

In essence, we are ALL twin souls of 
each other.

Our minds may be far apart from each  
other, but our souls are as One IF our 
minds are willing.

Mary and Jesus were the Pattern for 

...the MIND may produce an immaculate 

The entire King James Bible is directed 
to the opening the physically trained 
human MIND to its spiritual heritage 
according to the Natural Law.

The greatest Jewish teacher, Nicodemus, 
did not understand what was being 
EMBLEMATICALLY set as the Pattern  
before the human mind.

He had great knowledge of the Written 
Law, but he had no CONCEPTION of the 
Natural Law.

The immaculate conception from WITHIN 
Mary... the Emblematical conception that 
EVERY physical human mind may produce 
out of its own mind.

The MIND does not need a fertilized egg 
to produce a conception!

The mind produces conceptions all the 

You gotta agree with that!

The born physical mind is so caught up 
in the physical... is impossible to think spiritual 
unless there is a transformation in the 
physical thinking process.

Here is a simple EMBLEMATICAL example of 

...SELF can leave SELF and become as  
child like.

The physical SELF becomes a spiritual  

This ACTIVE movement by the mind AND 
body (the hand) creates vibrations that 
attune to the Creative Force WITHIN.

Forget EVERY religion as a practicing 
and  practical mind opener.

As social institutions for doing good, 
they are wonderful.

As institutions to HELP the mind unfold 
to the Spirit WITHIN...,

...they have ALL failed miserably.

The places that the physical mind has  
designed for the physical mnd to worship 
are physical buildings that are OUTSIDE 
the body.

The true place for worship or attunement 
is WITHIN the created body...

...for that is WHERE the Spirit is and 
attunement takes place.

OUTSIDE worship is like banging your 
physical BRAIN against the wall.

That ain't gonna help the MIND open up 
one iota.

Maybe the brain, yes, but "knot" the 
mind which is exactly what happened to 
He knotted the mind up tighter than a 

A particular religion may have aided in 
a particular stage in the evolutionary 
process of the mind opening up...

... however, the Readings are concerned 
with the NEXT step...

...not a past step.

The Readings are concerned...

...with our MIND...

...and with the Creative Spirit that is 
WITHIN everyone of our created 

...and HOW our MIND may OPEN and  may 
attune to that Spirit using nothing more 
than what the mind literally has at 

And what does the physical mind 
literally and usually have at hand?


If the mind would like to write 

...all it has to do is O-PEN the word 

...which OPENS the mind to the SPIRIT of 
God that is often emblematically 
symbolized by the letter O.

The physical MIND and PEN have just been 
transformed to the O-PEN Spiritual 

...using God's PEN, the  O-PEN. 


That is ALL the Readings are asking the 
MIND to do.

According to the Readings the MIND is 
BOTH physical AND spiritual.

It is born learning the physical 

Its "Job", as it matures physically,  is 
to conceive an immaculate conception....

...and produce the spiritual aspect out 
of its own SELF conscious physical mind 
by  transforming its physical symbols to 
make attunement... 

...that allows the mind to move...

...and to  "cross" over to the Spiritual 
aspect its own mind.   

I ask that if anyone gets an opportunity 
to check this out with any psychic or 

...they will confirm the accuracy of 
these words. 

What you are reading here is a 
continuing step given from WITHIN 
concerning the unfoldment of the mind.

The Readings state once the mind does 
enter WITHIN...

...the NEXT steps ARE given from WITHIN.

What you have been reading IS a NEXT 
step that came from WITHIN.

What you have been reading has never 
been handed down from anyone.

It was "handed" to me THROUGH my own 

This is the Natural Law that comes from 
WITHIN... opposed to the written law that is 
ALWAYS handed down and is seen from 

...and has been the Law that has been  
handed down to us since the day we were 
physically born.   



"Suit Your Self"


According to the Readings... 

...Self should literally leave Self and return and suit Self in His Spirit. 

No pun intended, but this IS EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what Adam did. 

He literally had to go and "suit" himself with physical words because he knew he was spiritual naked by taking for granted the letters that formed the words emanating from WITHIN as his OWN. 

Again no pun intended, but then he had to "leave" and go OUTSIDE the garden. 

The garden being EMBLEMATICAL of his own created body. 

Adam's mind virtually stripped the spirituality of the letters that formed the words that were emanating from WITHIN him. 

Somewhere along the line, Adam remembered the source of his being... 

..returned as Jesus... 

..and later in Spirit... 

...proclaimed and made the Revelation that HIS Spirit was indeed as One with the letters... 

..that were As One with the Spirit of God WITHIN the body AND mind... 

...that himself, as Adam, had taken as his OWN. 

Unfortunately the human mind has mostly continued follow the pattern set and handed down by Adam ... 

..and has continued to take spiritual, symbolic letters for granted... 

..and as its OWN. 

The mind has continued to follow the Written Law that was originally formed from WITHIN... 

..and THEN physical blocked and set in stone... 

..and is NOW viewed as OUTSIDE the body. 

There is NO movement of Spirit WITHIN the created body if the mind ONLY continues to follow the Written Law that is set in stone OUTSIDE the created body. 

There is No vibrational attunement or re-cording WITHIN. 

The Written Law says to love God with ALL your heart, ALL your mind, and ALL your soul. 

It is easy to do. 

Simply allow your mind to go WITHIN and return to His Spirit ALL 26 of HIS Love Letters you have taken as your own. 

THEN your mind and your heart and your soul will ALL be in attunement with His Spiritual Force that will begin to move and manifest from WITHIN... 

..True Love Letters... 

..with the mind as a co-creator... 

..because now the MIND is corded to His Spirit... 

..rather than having that cord of letters "still" severed by the will of the physical mind.* 

*See Reading 275-43 or page 111 of "The Edgar Cayce Companion" regarding the SEVERED cord. 


Sleep amd Please
                      April 14, 2000

Many people say a little prayer before they go to sleep at night. 

The prayers are to God and usually ask for something. 

According to the Readings, the slower the vibrations the higher the consciousness. 

It has been proven that sleep will slower the brain wave vibrations. 

When the mind prays to God it might help to say the word please with the mind having the following understanding that will be reflected within the created body while the mind sleeps. 

Allow the mind to look at the word sleep and compare it to the word please. 

There is only one basic difference that separates these two words. 

That difference is the symbol or letter A. 

To the physical conscious mind that is awake, A represents nothing by itself. 

To the conscious mind that is (A)sleep, the symbol A represents the Law of One that two may be As One. 

So, as your mind moves letters around to form thoughts in your sleep... 

..remember to say ple(A)se... 

..with understanding... 

..and your mind will draw closer to God... 

...because with understanding... have drawn your mind closer to God As One. 



Here is another reason to say please with spiritual understanding.

======================== 04-14-00

The Readings state that the mind must enter within its own consciousness.

The consciousness of the mind consists of every word it has learned.

Therefore, the mind can enter within its own consciousness by entering within its own words that comprise its own consciousness.

Look what is revealed when the mind enters the word please with understanding.



So take a look.

P is the first root letter of the two major glands within the brain that is within created body.

They are the (P)ituitary and (P)ineal glands.

According to the Readings the glands are part of the glandular system known as the as the churches through which the Creative Force flows.

These two glands are like the holy of holies within.

According to the Readings the Creative Force is another name for God.

Now allow the mind to enter within the word Gland.


The Glands are (G)od's land within the human body.

Now go back within the word (P)(lease).

Now see the word lease.

Now go to page 370 of "The Edgar Cayce Companion" or Reading 2622-1.

"Know, the earth and all there in is the Lord's. All thy OWN is lent thee, not thine but LENT thee.  Keep it in violate."

So when the physical aspect of mind says please to another person as a simple token gesture of being polite....

...maybe it will remember to OPEN the  spiritual aspect of its mind and expand the understanding of the word that it as taken for granted when it goes and asks the Father within.

Because everything has been lent thee..., 

...that must include the human body and the letters that the mind as taken for granted.

(P)(lease), they were only lent thee.

(P)(lease) use them if they are His, because they are.   
