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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #81

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #81

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Can You Hear With Your Heart?

You certaintly can hear IF your mind will allow YOUR letter to to represent HIS cross. Hear becomes Hear(t) Not only that, but H is is a major symbol of the Law of One. Now the heart is OPENED like a spiritual ear... ...for it has been transformed according to His Pattern... ...and transformed according to the Law of One God. Heart is a transformed to (H) ear (t). Blessings, ==================== Fear God? =================

There is a lot of people who would like YOU to think that YOU should Fear God.

Probably helps to put more money in their coffers.

According to the Readings God is Love.

Is it possible to Fear Love?

Remember that famous quote that was  echoed....

..."There is nothing to Fear but Fear itself".

What is Fear itself?

FEAR itself can only be F-E-A-R 

Does the mind really have to even Fear Fear?

Look what happens when the mind enters WITHIN the blocked word Fear.


F is the first root of (F)ather or God.

Fear to the physical mind IS Fear.

Fear to the transformed Spiritual mind is God's Spiritual ear that hears from WITHIN.  


This is HOW scared may easily become sacred.


A re-presents the major symbol of the Law of One...

...and C re-presents the first root letter of the word (C)hrist.

When the mind acknowledges that the letters are HIS symbols..

and THEN moves them...

..the Spirit of Christ moves accordingly.

Why does this happen?

It happens because the MIND, as the builder, has willingly RE-CORDED its letters to HIS Spirit.

This RE-CORDING process is an EXACT match to the Pattern stated in Revelation 1:8.  

Then, when the MIND, as the ACTIVE FORCE moves the letters...

...the Spirit moves accordingly...

...from WITHIN...

...for NOW the letters AND the Spirit are As One according to the Law of One.

A Reading on Visions and Dreams

"Have ye not wondered WHY in the sacred writings it is said that God no longer spoke to man in visions or dreams?"

"It is because man fed NOT his soul, his mind, upon things spiritual...

...thus CLOSING the avenue or channel through which God might speak with the children of men."*

*Reading 1904-2 or page 101 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Born again as a little child

Reading #1992-1

"for unless we become as children we cannot enter in; unless we learn as they. no faults,no hates remain in their experience, until they are taught to manifest such".


Little kids have no idea how to find faults or hates in their experience and certainly have not learned to manifest from WITHIN yet.

They are too busy just learning how to communicate.

As their minds are born again they WILL learn How to manifest from WITHIN...

...rather than parroting or copying that learned from without the words and thoughts that have been handed down from generation to generation.

How does an adult convert to one as a little child and rid itself of all the words that form the not so good thoughts? 

It can try to empty out all those thoughts which is almost an impossibility...

..and then...

...what is it going to put in its place to prevent these same thoughts from happening again...

...or it can begin to learn how to move words from WITHIN just like the child learned to move them from without in the first place?

Remember 288-27 or page 2 of "The Edgar Cayce Companion" that deals with the conversion of the MIND from the physical to the spiritual.

There must be an "emblematical" condition for transformation to take place.

In the case of an adult becoming a little child again and learning...

...the emblems that may be easily transformed...

...are the letters the mind has used from the beginning.

The letters are transformed by the mind as emblematical of SELF that has FIRST learned to use them from without... being emblematical of HIS Spirit that teaches HOW the mind may use them from WITHIN.

This is HOW the emblems are transformed from the physically blocked SELF... the transformation of a spiritual unblocked little child like (S)elf.

The learning steps begin to come from WITHIN...

...IF the mind makes the attunement.



The Subject Matter of this Club



The subject matter of this club is built on the foundation of the EXACT words that emanated from the body and altered conscious mind of the entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce.

Those words have been extracted and compiled from over 14,000 readings...

...and bring to life the Pattern that the human mind may follow to build a spiritual mind.

This club is where the mind will learn HOW to really have a conversation with the Spirit WITHIN... learning the Natural Law that Adam had but lost in the beginning.

BOTH the King James Bible AND "The Edgar Cayce Companion" by D. Ernest Frejer are the ONLY reference texts that this club is going to use. 

For those that already have the CD Rom, the Reading number as well as the page number should be given.

These books may be purchased most anywhere, or may possibly be obtained at you local library.

Amazon. com also has the "Edgar Cayce Companion" at this address.

The "Edgar Cayce Companion" may also be purchased through the ARE whose address is located in the links section of this club.   

The King James Bible is the book that opened the mind of Edgar Cayce to reveal HOW the spiritual aspect of the mind may OPEN to the Universal or Christ Consciousness mind.

That HOW is condensed and located in the "The Edgar Cayce Companion...

...and is literally a companion to the Bible AND the Readings.

The Bible contains a zillion words that produced the Pattern for the mind to follow.

The Readings condensed that Pattern to WITHIN 14,000 Readings.

"The Edgar Cayce Companion" condensed that Pattern even further into 488 pages.

That Pattern has MOW been condensed into a form that the human mind can comprehend to develop the spiritual aspect of its mind which is according to the Natural Law. 

The IDEAL of this club is to re-develop...

...WITHIN the mind...

...the Consciousness of the Natural Spiritual Law that Adam had and lost in the beginning....

...who later reincarnated as Jesus...,

...who became the true pattern that re-stored the the Natural Law by fulfilling EVERY letter of the Written Law.

A note on the Readings. 

The CD Rom that contains ALL 14000 Readings is very useful to have...,

...but for about !0% of the cost...,

..."The Edgar Cayce Companion will even more effectively suit the goal of this club of establishing the Pattern WITHIN the mind...

...for the Pattern has ALREADY been condensed into the form that the mind may follow.  

So gather up your books and let's get started.




Edgar Cayce gave over 14000 Readings.

As anyone who has read any of the Readings knows...,

...most of the sentences that emanated from WITHIN the body and altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce were fairly long.

That is because they flowed like a river from WITHIN. 


WITHIN all of those Readings there is a One single sentence that, maybe, most everyone has OVERLOOKED...

...and is the KEY to understanding the essence of the Readings and life itself.

The sentence is located in Reading 275-43 for those who have the CD Rom...

...and at the very end of page 111 for those that have "The Edgar Cayce Companion" by B. Ernest Frejer.
Here is that ONE sentence.


"Follow that known in thine own present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umh... 

...for the raising of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces... it arises along that which is set WITHIN the inner man as that CORD of life that ONCE severed, may separate, does separate, that balance between the MIND, the body, the soul." 


Do any of you Cayce students agree that this might be the KEY...

...or have any idea to what this sentence might be referring to?

If so, could you post it here or in the club below.


Thanks and Blessings,