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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #8


The Horns of the Altar

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 12 1999
12:13AM EDT

According to the Readings, the human body is the Temple of the LIVING God.*
*See page 13 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Going WITHIN the body is as going WITHIN the Temple.

The primary reason that Ra returned as Edgar Cayce was to confirm the Pattern that the mind should direct itself WITHIN.


Because the Created body is the true reflection of the soul that the mind needs to attune with and WITHIN.

Adam had this natural Law relationship with the Spirit in the beginning and severed it.

Moses was then given the natual Law in writing to preserve the Pattern of the natural Law.

Adam as Jesus returned to the Father and fulfilled the the written Law.
The Law that Moses was given included the Patterned design for an altar with horns on it. 

Now, the mind must remember that the Natural Law that the Father had CORDED WITHIN Adam was severed by the mind of Adam.*

*See page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

It is then that the natural Law WITHIN became the written Law outside the human body...

...but is Patterned after the natural Law which is WITHIN.

Adam as Jesus, the Pattern, returned and fulfilled every letter of that written Law.

How did he do it?

He became AS ONE with every letter it took to write that law.

When He became AS ONE with every letter used to write the Pattern of the Law...
His Spirit became the re-corded Pattern WITHIN.*

*See page 224 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Therefore, this is HOW the mind, as the builder, may follow the written Pattern and re-build the horns of the altar in the mind...

... and that mind... literally housed WITHIN by the the temple, or the human body.

Here are the horns that the mind may place upon the altar of the mind.

Remember the picture of the devil who always has his horns on the OUTSIDE of his body?

Here, the opposite is true...

The horns are on the INSIDE and WITHIN the body.

Here are the horns that the mind may place upon the altar WITHIN its mind that EXACTLY follows the written law...

...and will enable the mind to return and re-cord according to the natural Law.

............( )............

These are the horns of the altar that the mind may build WITHIN...

...exactly according to His Pattern.

What happens is...

...when the mind passees its own letters THROUGH these HORNS on this altar WITHIN the mind...

...the vibratory force of the living Spirit WITHIN wll begin to rise from WITHIN...

...for it knows that the mind is beginning to re-cord, or commune WITHIN to the Creative Force or Spirit WITHIN...

...according to the natural Law.


Because when the mind returns the letters, it separates the cord to itself and cords to the Spirit WITHIN.

This is a little sign of that building process...


The next message by the minds of (S)elves will prove by signs...

...that they have correctly taken UP their crosses... build the horns of the altar... transform their minds so that they are abLe to enter His kingdom WITHIN.

The signs are really pretty neat...

...please stay "attuned"


The Horns of the Altar WITHIN

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 12 1999
9:15AM EDT

The connectiong point, or re-cording connection betwwen the human conscious mind and the Creative Force... the MOVEMENT of letters WITHIN and THROUGH the horns of the altar built by the mind itself... following the written Pattern set down in stone by Moses... a book called the Bible. 

The Bible is the Pattern of the transformatation of Adam to Jesus and Jesus to the Spirit of Adam//Jesus.

The Pattern, Jesus and the Bible, literally fulfill the Law of honoring the Father and the mother.

The Bible is the Master's thesis on who His parents were.

The Bible, the Pattern, preserved in writing, is a thesis on the essence of who everyone's parents are.

The Bible, the Pattern, is a parent thesis.

This is HOW the parent thesis as written as the Pattern from without...

...may be "incorporated", or built as the horns of the altar WITHIN.
The two S(WORD)S given to the Master by 

His disciples just before He was captured are as the horns of the altar.
After the mind of Self reads this below... may "incorporate", or "instill" these horns...

.............( )...........

WITHIN the mind...
in order pass letters through to the Spirit WITHIN...

...which then takes on His vibrational Pattern of the mind and body that houses the individual mind.



When ALL of the mind's letters are passed through ( ), the parenthesis...

...the mind of (S)elf becomes separated from Self...

... and becomes AS born again as a little child...

...WITHIN His kingdom of heaven WITHIN.*

*See page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The minds of (S)elves thought other minds may like to (K)now now...

...HOW Father's "incorporated" business is done. 


A Vivid descripton of Jesus, the Pattern

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 13 1999
12:49AM EDT

As Edgar Cayce set Self aside...

...a river of in-formation flowed from WITHIN regarding Jesus.

If the mind is interested in moving closer to His Pattern WITHIN...

...the mind would do very "well" to read...

..."Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" by Jeffrey Furst.

The title is somewhat misleading...
...because in order to tell the story...

...Edgar Cayce had to set the self called Edgar Cayce aside.

The words to this story literally emanated from WITHIN the mind and body of Edgar Cayce...

...who simply allowed himself to become an OPEN channel to let the words flow from WITHIN.

It is truly a remarkable story that will enable the mind to better understand the Living God, or Spirit of the Lord...


The minds of (S)elves found great "comfort" WITHIN (t)his book.


The mind of Self and the Word Ideal

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 13 1999
1:24AM EDT

The physical mind of Self may have many ideals or goals that it would like to reach OUT for.

The Spiritual mind of (S)elf has only ONE ideal or goal to reach IN for.


...represents the Natural Law of ONE God...

...that is the Creative Living Force WITHIN the created body of every human being.

That Force was directly corded to the mind ( of Adam) in the beginning.

The Pattern of that connection was brought to the earth plane by the Jesus.

Jesus returned and re-corded to the Father of us all...

... to the Force WITHIN His own body.
Everyone may make that same connection...

...between the mind the created body...

...for he came to this earth as the Pattern for us all.

If a little Self can separate it self from itself by doing this...


...anyone can.

Simple... but very profound.


Unfolding His Book--The Bible

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 13 1999
8:35AM EDT

When the mind OPENS and follows HIS Spiritually written Bible from beginning to end... is literally following its OWN Pattern of developemnt from the beginning to everlasting life.


From Noah to Abraham is... the unfoldment of the conception of the human embryo to its birth.


From Abraham to Christ... the MENTAL unfoldment of the human BODY.


From Abraham to Christ... also the unfoldment of the human mind housed WITHIN that body.


*See Page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is His entire Pattern in a nutshell.

In the BEGINNING of His book there is described...

...A seed that is WITHIN itself.*

*Genesis 1:11

This is that seed of SELF...(S)elf

In the ENDING of His book...

...His Spirit...,

...that is WITHIN the human body..., 

...states that...



...Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8

This IS the MENTAL unfoldment of the 

Creative Force WITHIN THE Created body that houses the mind of that body.

The Pattern is simply for the mind to 
DIS-CORD itsef from itself...

and RE-CORD itself to the MENTAL body WITHIN.

That effort made by the will of the of 

the physically mature mind... the SAME will that God, the Father, WITHIN...

...has for every human embryo that enters the earth plane. 

That Cord is a cord of Letters beginning with Alpha and ending with Omega.

Today, because the mind of Self has often changed...

...the cord of connecting letters is whatever the mind has at hand when it decides to make the immaculate connecton, or conception, WITHIN.

The Created body has not changed.

It is the mind housed in that body with freewill that does change.

The Will of the Father... that He Wills the mind to make a permanent change to enter and re-cord WITHIN.

This is "according" to the Natural Law that was in the beginning.

The minds of (S)elves thought that other minds would like to (K)now now...

...that HIS writing symbols on the peer-a-mid walls of the human body...

...are WITHIN.


The Natural Law

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 14 1999
12:51AM EDT

The human soul is first born into a physical body.

The physical body is part and parcel of the elements of the earth...

...and the earth is part and parcel of the elements of the universe.

The mind that is encased in the physical body...

is naturally desiged to attune to the vibrations of its created body and hence the vibrations of the universe.

That is the natural Law that Adam had with the Creative Force in the beginning.

The natural Law is the Spiritual connecton between the One Spirit WITHIN and mind encased in that Created body.

The natural Law is the Law of One.

The Law of One is the Natural Law of One God, or Lord WITHIN the Created body called the temple or church.

The natural Law is for the Creative 
Force, or Lord WITHIN, to lead the mind. 
That is the way it was in the beginning.

That is the way it will be in the end.

Between the beginning and the ending...

...the mind, through its own will power, tries, in vain, to lead and direct the Creative Force that literally built the body that houses that very mind.

The mind continues to try to fulfill the letter of the naturally preserved law...

...that Adam, as Jesus, who became the Pattern, has ALREADY fulfilled.

The Spirit of Creation is already WITHIN the Created body...

...and its MOVEMENT is stirred by the 
mind making a very simple immaculate conception of its own.

Allow the Spirit WITHIN to use the mind's own letters as if they belonged to the Spirit WITHIN.

This simple act will move the viewpoint of the mind to the view point of the Spirit WITHIN.


because the letters are the cord that Adam's mind severed from the Creative Force and took as his own.

The mind and Creative Spirit will then be AS ONE according to the Law of One.
Because the mind has free will, it is the will of the mind that must make the 
FIRST move and then the Spirit WITHIN will respond in kind.

The act of immaculate conception of the mind brings forth the manifestation of the Creative Spirit WITHIN. 

This is the Principle of the Pattern followed... Adam in the beginning... Mary to bring forth Jesus... Jesus to brng forth the words of the Father. the scribes to bring forth the Words of His book. Edgar Cayce to bring forth the 
Words of the Creative Force. the minds of Selves who have learned HOW to separate themselves from themselves by re-turning His letters to Him like (t)his.


This the allows the little ones to enter the kingdom of heaven WITHIN.

IF the minds are willing..,every mind may do the same thing...


...they are willing. 


The Natural Law in Written Form

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 14 1999
8:40AM EDT

The Pattern of the Natural Law, in written form, is exactly what is the essence of His Book, the Bible.*


Because most of it was written by Him.*

*See page 195 of The Edgar Cayce

How did He write it?

THROUGH others who followed His Pattern and manifested (t)he Words from WITHIN their own created bodies.

Their minds became attuned to their Created bodies...

...and were able to write from the point of view...

...of the Creative Force, or the One Ideal...

...from WITHIN.

These writers were called (S)(crib)es.
The hands of (t)he scribes were as Spiritual cribs...

...that were as open... their bodies and their minds.
Those hands literally held (O)(pen)s to write...

...according to His Pattern of the Natural Law WITHIN.

This is exactly HOW (t)his Book of His, called the Bible, was written.

This s exactly WHY Alpha and Omega are in Revelation 1:8 of His Book.

This is exactly HOW He was (t)he Word manifested in the flesh.

His Mother, Mary, made the immaculate conception... knowing (t)he Pattern...

...that allowed Her to make the connection WITHIN her OWN mind AND body.*

In the beginning Mary and Jesus were twin souls.*

*See Page 209 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The immaculate conception is that she knew that the letters of her mind were able to be carried by His Spirit and...

...that when she MOVED the letters of her mind to His Spirit WTHIN...

...the Pattern of the Immaculate Conception WITHIN HER body was complete... she made the Immaculate Conception and connection of the cord of letters WITHIN in her mind to Her Created body.

Then the MOVEMENT and manifestation of the Holy Spirit was brought forth.

The minds of (S)elves know (t)his Pattern well... they direct, move, and pass their letters through the horns of the altar of His parent thesis....( ) WITHIN.

THROUGH the free will of their minds...

...they WILL move and direct the letters of their minds to the Spirit WITHIN...

...and THROUGH reciprocation...

...the Spirit WITHIN WILL... and manifest the letters into words...

...and re-direct them through the OPENED body and mind of (S)elves.

IF...everyone followed (t)his Pattern...

...(t)he human race would be transformed into children...

...of God, the Father, WITHIN...

and the human race, by following (t)he Pattern...

...would then be transformed into (t)his everlasting race called...

..........( G )R A C E......... 

It is that simple. It is that profound. 


The Mind as a Two Edge Sword

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 15 1999
9:35AM EDT

The mind is the builder.

The mind is Both Spiritual AND physical.*

*See page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the mind uses the WORD sword like this... is physical 

The WORD is blocked... if it were written in stone that does not have any MOVEMENT WITHIN itself. 

The mind of Self simply moves the word.


When the mind uses the the Word Sword like this... 

...(S) is Spiritual

The WORD is open and takes Spiritual MOVEMENT WITHIN itself.


This is the EXACT Pattern that parallels the Spiritual movement of the Stone rolled away from the tomb of Jesus.*

*Mark 16:3

The Stone took on His Spiritual vibrations like this.


The stone moved A(WAY) itself which 
is the Pattern of the Creative Force or Spirit WITHIN.

The mind is a two edge sword in one of two WAYS... HOW it uses the letters of its mind.

it may be a sword or a (S)word depending upon its will.


The New Cycle Begins

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 16 1999
12:01AM EDT

The 40 year...


...for change of cycles...

...beginning in '58 to '98...

is about to begin in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D.*

*See Pages 448 and 449 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion.


The old cycle has been the continious cycle of life and death of the physical bodies...

...that the soul has taken on through mulitple reincarnations.

The mind of Self has LED the soul through these cycles of reincarnations.


The new cycle will be a cycle where the Created body finally gets to lead the mind of Self...and its companion the soul...

...out of the old cycle of reincarnaton of life and death...

...and into the communion cycle of everlasting life with the Creative Force, the Maker, the Father.

The Pole change in the earth of the body is this...

...the mind of Self will move WITHIN the body as the transformed mind of (S)elf...

... and thus become as a little child...

...and the Creative Force that has been blocked WITHIN...

...will MOVE and lead from WITHOUT as is according to the natural Law. 

This is literally the I(deal) MOVING to (lead)I...

...which exactly fits the Pattern of the beginning and ending.

Remember, the Readings often refer to the earth, and the Book of Revelations... parallel to the human body.
"When the foundations of the earth are broken up by those very disturbances...

...Can the mind of man comprehend no deire to sin, no purpose but that the glory of the Son may be manifested in his life?

Is this not the new heaven and the new earth?"*

*See Page 449 of the Edgar Cayce 

The minds of (S)elves have seen (t)he si(G)ns...

...The prepa(ra)tions directed by Ra/Edgar Cayce are nearly complete.

...The Way is being cleared for the minds of selves to enter WITHIN.

His vibrational stepping (S)(tones) have been established.

They have been washed by the River of 
Truth from WITHIN.

Please allow the mind to remember, when the flood gates open...

...plenty of signs will be seen in every mind's very own words...

...and in the words of others.

The minds of (S)elves thought other minds would like to (K)now now.

(K) is His Spiritual symbol that that He knows...

...that the mind knows that BOTH B's are now open.

The B of the (B)ody...and the B of the (B)rain.

The minds of (S)elves have made the immaculate conception that the letters it has been using are His.

As this simple conception re-unites the mind and Creative Force of the body as one...

...His manifestation may take place THROUGH the physical body and out the hand...

...for the hand...

... is A hand...

...that MOVES hand in hand with the Maker...

...for they are now as one in movement.


The Pattern of HEALING

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 16 1999
8:31AM EDT

"All stregth , all HEALING of every nature... the CHANGING of the vibrations from WITHIN, the attuning of the DIVINE WTHIN..."*

*Page 258 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


When a body...separate from a ill body 

....has so attuned or RAISED its own vibrations sufficiently, it MAY... the MOTION of the spoken word...

...AWAKEN the activity of the emotions in the ill body to such an extent...

...that the atomic forces in the ill body will be resuscitated in a way that the body will be set in motion again.

An individual may effect a healing to another...

...when its mind and body... a whole are a(t-one)ness...

...with the Spiritual Forces...


*SEE Page 259 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


"Individuals may radiate, by their Spiritual (S)elves, health, life...

,,,that VIBRATION...

...which is destruction to disease.*

*Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 


"Individuals may radiate, by their 
Spiritual (S)elves, health, life...

,,,that VIBRATION...

...which is destruction to disease.*

*Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 


"Individuals may radiate, by their Spiritual (S)elves, health, life...

,,,that VIBRATION...

...which is destruction to disease.*

*Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 


The above, most assuredly, needs repeating...

...for it is very true.


The word HEAL

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 16 1999
9:49AM EDT

To the physical mind and body, the word HEAL is a blocked word that is as etched in stone...

...that parallels the Law etched in stone by Moses.

There is NO MOVEMENT of this word by the physical mind and body.


Because it is against the traditional law handed down from generation to generation.

Remember how Jesus, the Pattern, healed on the sabbath which was against the Law.*

Mark 3:2

The Law then... the same as the Law of Webster today.

There is no MOVEMENT of Spirit in the written Law.

The Spirit DID move in the original Law given to Moses from WITHIN Moses

WITHIN...the words of the Spirit may move.

WITHOUT...the words of the Spirit are as stone...

...until they are moved or "rolled A Way" according to His Spirit*

*Matthew 28:2

Here is HOW the stone word HEAL may be MOVED according to His Spiritual Pattern...


...when the mind and body are atuuned WITHIN...


The word HEAL is a sign.

HE (the mind and body)

A (together as one with the) 

L (Lord WITHIN) 


Another atunement MOVEMENT according to His Pattern.

A... together as one

H... together as one

AH... witness each other in truth...

...They are very letters added to the name of Abr(ah)am to reflect the NEW vibrations of Abram.


E...Earth...the essence of the human Created body that literally houses the Spirit, or Creative Force WITHIN
Physical minds and bodies are as dead in Christ...

...for the letters they use are as of stone without His Spiritual MOVEMENT.

Spiritual minds and bodies are alive as one WITH the Christ WITHIN...

...for the word stone takes on His Spiritual MOVEMENT... the word is manifested from WITHIN like (t)his.


There is the Movement of His Pattern.

There is the Pattern of His Spiritual vibration....


There is the EXACT parallel of HOW the stone was rolled away.

Here is How you and I, together as one,...

...may MOVE a mountain... following the same Pattern of unblocking the word mountain.

...u and i...just MOVED the mountain to montana.

Now... allow the mind to go look up the word montana... 

...that was handed down...

...according to the Law of Webster...

...from generation to generation.


At(tune)ment may be made...

..because Adam/Jesus made...


...for the ORIGINAL sin of wandering away from the Father WITHIN... taking Alpha through Omega as His own letters in the beginning. 


The History Lesson for A Spiritual Child.

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 16 1999
6:04PM EDT

The Readings state that the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN the human body.

His Book, the Bible, states that one must become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven.*

*Matthew 18:3

The folLowing words will show HOW one may be converted to be able to enter WITHIN.

The Readings also state that self must first set self aside or move away from self.

The Readings also state that the...

...mind... the builder.

The Readings also state that Jesus is the Pattern.

The Pattern, Jesus, also stated that the Words he spoke were Spirit and of the Father WITHIN.

Now, with all that background information in mind...

This is the...


...that the mind has learned HOW to remove Self from Self...

...and be converted to a little child by following his Pattern.


The mind has just returned the Letter S that it took for its own...

...and returned it to the (S)pirit WITHIN.

Now the mind has literally become as a little child...

...and the vibrations are felt throughout the mind and the Creative Force...

...and the Created body that houses the mind.

As the mind of the child continues to move its letters WITHIN His Spiritual Pattern...

...the mind will continue develop and FOLLOW WITHIN his Pattern...

...for it is now following His Letters rather than those that Self was using as its own.

The physical mind simply fails to consider the existence of...

...the Law of One God WITHIN...

...when it continues to use the tools of its trade as its own. 

Those tools are letters that the mind, as the builder, forms into into words.

No pun intended but the mind, in order to enter WITHIN...

...must trade in its tools of the 

...for they belong to the Father WITHIN.
When the physical mind sees the word history... sees the blocked word history and thinks of that word as reflecting some happening in the past.

According to the Law of One...

"that two or more may be as one... yet two or more"... 

...the Spiritually attuned mind to His Pattern will see the word history also like this.


The essence, or reflection of the unfoldment of the HISTORY of the human race is HIS STORY.

The mind will find the Readings will verify that claim... Reading 281-63 on page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The Readings state that thoughts are things.

The Bible, His Story, states that all things were given unto Him, the Son.

If that is true...

..then all the letters that the mind has ever used belong to the Spirit of the Son because letters are things that form thoughts.

Here are two signs that will indicate that this is true... allowing the mind to move the letters of fixed blocked words as if they contain the MOVEMENT of His Spirit.

...the...(t)he... He went to the cross.

(All things are usually preceeded by the word the).


The original sin is that the mind of man severed the cord of letters with (G)od the Father WITHIN.

When the mind returns the letters WITHIN...

...the re-cord with (G)od literally re-moves the sin...

...and the former sins literally become signs along His way. 

If the mind douubts that the alphabet is (t)he cord of connection...

...let that mind count the numbered positions...

...WITHIN the alphabet...

...of the letters of Spirit that were with GOD and formed the word G-O-D in the beginning.

G is 7...O is 15...D is 4

The total just happens to be 26.

The total number of tools that the mind has used as its own...26.

A coincidence?

"No association, or experience is by chance,..."*

Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The New Cycle Begins

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 16 1999
8:26PM EDT

Hi MettaHeart...and others,

The Readings state that Mary was a twin soul of Jesus.

The Reading also state that Jesus is the Pattern.

Therefore Mary must also be of the Pattern.

If the Pattern reflects twin souls...

...then all souls are twin souls with the same Father...

...and that is consistent with the Readings.*

"All souls in the beginning were one with the Father. The separation or turning AWAY brought evil."*

*Page 166 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

IN any reincarnation, it is how correct...

...the application of Self is... regards to the Pattern, or to the Ideal, or to the Creative Force that determines the age of the soul.*

*See page 124 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The more correct the application, the older the soul. 

Through free will, all souls went their separate ways from the Father WITHIN... following their own conceived words using the Father's Letters. 

Through free will all souls MAY return to the Father WITHIN... following the PATTERN of His Letters in each soul's very own pathway of words. 

MettaHeart, you have been close to the Pattern from an early age just as Mary was.

Any thoughts that you...

...and others may have...

...regarding the application of the Pattern...

...are more than welcome in this forum. 
Also in peace and Love,



The Port-The Markers-The Ship-The Tugboat

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Apr 17 1999
11:57AM EDT

When a ship enters WITHIN a port it is guided by at tug boat THROUGH the markers to safe harbor.

The same Pattern is true when the mind decides to enter WITHIN the port of the human Created body.

There are three major markers that the ship will be led THROUGH by the tugboat.



The first major marker is Genesis 1:1...

..."whose seed is in itself"

This is that seed that is in itself..

This is the seed that the mind itself may conceive as a little child in order to enter WITHIN the port...

...called the kingdom of heaven.

It would do the mind well to bookmark this verse on its mind as part of the Pattern of entering WITHN. 



The second major marker, ironically, has the very same numbers but comes from another Spiritual Book.

This major marker is on Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This marker describes a cord that was severed and can be re-corded.

No one knew about this marker before.

It would do the mind well to bookmark this verse on its mind as part of the Pattern of entering WITHN.



The third major marker is Revelation 1:8 in His book, the Bible.

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending , saith the Lord, which IS, which WAS, which IS to come, the Almighty."

It would do the mind well to bookmark this verse on its mind as part of the Pattern of entering WITHN. 


The ship is like a human being floundering in a sea of truth.

it can barely see the lighthouse of the port...

but has no Way to navigate the harbor...

...for it knows not the markers WITHIN the channel.

The tugboat does know the markers and will guide (t)his ship safely into harbor. 

The tugboat is very much like the Edgar Cayce Readings.

The Readings will gently nudge and guide...

...the (S)hip (O)f (S)elf...


...gently to safe harbor WITHIN... navigating WITHIN the markers of the Pattern.

In the beginning the Lord WITHIN was attuned or corded to Adam.

Then Adam severed that cord.

The Reading on Page 111 acknowledges...,

...probably for the first time...

...the existence of that severed cord of communication with the Lord, or Creative Force WITHIN.

In the end... 

...the human mind will again follow the markers of His Pattern...

...and re-cord... the string of the Spiritual Letters belonging to the Lord, or Creative Force WITHIN.


The ending of the old cycle IS the acknowledgment of the severed cord WITHIN.


The beginning of the new cycle IS the re-cording of (t)he cord WITHN.


It is that simple. It is that profound.