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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #77

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #77

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The Mind is the Builder 3-30-2000

The Edgar cayce Readings state that 
Jesus is the Pattern and that the MIND 
is the builder.

Here is the basic Pattern of Jesus that 
the MIND, as the builder, may follow.

According to the Readings, Jesus WAS 
Adam as a living human being conversing 
with GOD in the beginning.

Adam is the starting point of the 

The Pattern is that Adam was speaking 
directly with God that was WITHIN 
himself in the beginning. 

The terminology for that Pattern of 
speaking is Spirit.

"The words that I speak unto you, they 
are Spirit"*

*John 6:63


The Pattern is that Adam took God's 
spiritual letters for himself and for 

...and in so doing...

...LOST the ability to communicate to 
the  CREATIVE FORCE called GOD within 


The Pattern, according to the Readings, 
is that the soul of Adam reincarnated as 

...corrected the situation of taking 
spiritual letters for himself...

...acknowledged that the letters were 
with God , the Father in the 

...and the Pattern, Jesus, began to 
manifest the words, as a co-creator, 
with the Father...

...from WITHIN.


According to the Readings...

...nothing is by chance to the spiritual 
aspect of the mind.

When Adam TOOK God's letters or symbols 
of his Christ Conscious mind, as his 

...THAT is also part of the Pattern.

The human MIND must FIRST develop a self 
conscious mind with free will to know 
itself to be itself.

That is what Adam had to learn before he 
was mature enough to make the immaculate 
conception to return to the Father.

Through the immaculate conception of his 
 Mother Mary, Adam also made the 
immaculate conception of spiritual 
letters WITHIN his mind, and was born 
again as Jesus. 

(And the Word was made flesh)*

*John 1:14

The immaculate conception that Adam's
mind made was that letters, ALL letters, 
that the mind has used to build a self 
conscious mind are also the SAME letters 
that are used to build a spiritual mind.

That is WHY the Spirit of Adam, or 
Jesus, or one might even say Christ, 
said that HIS SPIRIT is IS Alpha and 
Omega which just happen to be letters 
that were used at the time the 
information was re-corded.

According to the Readings the human mind 
is BOTH physical AND spiritual.

God's Plan or Pattern is for the MIND to 
FIRST develop physical consciousness of 

This is what Adam had to learn.

THEN it is God's plan...

...IF the MIND is willing... use its free will developed MIND 
to guide its constant companion, its 
soul, back to the Father, God, by 
acknowledging and following God's 
letters in the mind's own words.



Here is the essence of the entire 

In the very beginning....

...was the WORD...

...the WORD was with GOD...

...and the WORD was GOD.*

*John 1:1


The Spiritual or Creative Force was 
given the WORD name GOD.

The symbols that were AS ONE with the 
Spiritual Creative Force were the 
letters of that word G-O-.D.

Adam is emblematic of the development of 
the physically created man with its five 
senses bearing WITHIN the spiritual 
essence of G-O-D or the Creative Force.

Adam, as Jesus, re-corded to the 
spiritual essence and announced HOW that 
is done by announcing through His Spirit 
that the letters the mind uses are AlSO 

According to the Reading, the law that 
makes this possible is that "Like 
attracts like: like begets like.

Letters moved by the mind attached only 
to physical things are void of spirit 
and  will produce only a physical mind.

Letters moved by the mind and re-corded 
to HIS Spirit will produce a spiritual 
mind that will guide its companion, its 
soul. back to its Maker, God, or the 
Creative Force. 


The above described Pattern is the One 
Ideal Pattern that every mind may learn 
to follow regardless of religious 
background or affiliations.

Every mind has the same basic created 
body that is the real church and 
everyone has a soul that was created at 
the same time in the same way.

It is the MIND that has emblematically 
wandered in the desert for forty years 
and needs to return with its companion, 
its soul, back to its direct 
relationship with its Father, God.  

This Ideal is simply the Pattern that 
involves the individual created body and 
individual mind and soul housed within 
that created body.

As the Readings have so often stated...

...the MIND is the active force...

...and it is the MIND that is capable or 
re-cording to the Maker of its own soul.


As the Readings have so often stated...

...the human created body is a Pattern 
of ALL the forces of the created 
universe itself.

The mind, at this moment, is housed in 
that living created body...

...all it needs to do is to re-cord to 

...and thus to the...

...universal consciousness...,

 by  following the PATTERN started by 

....established spiritually by Jesus...

...and re-stated very clearly through 
the Readings that emanated from WITHIN 
the created body and altered conscious 
mind of Edgar Cayce.

Why the Word Pattern   3-30-00

The Edgar Cayce Readings explain Jesus 
in a way that organized Christian 
religion has virtually failed to put in 
the proper perspective.

Jesus stated that He was the Way.*

*John 14:6

According to the Readings, Jesus is not 
only the Way, He is the Pattern of the 

According to the Readings, nothing is by 
chance according to the spiritual aspect 
of the mind.   

Therefore, even the word Pattern was 
echoed by the voice of sleeping Edgar 
Cayce for a particular reason. 

Take a look at HOW the mind, as the 
builder works, WITHIN the word Pattern, 
which is the WAY the mind returns to the 

As the mind enters into the word 
Pattern, it will remove the n for it is 
the first root letter of the word 
negative and the mind is NOW going to go 
into a positive direction WITHIN.



Now the mind will follow His Pattern and 
take UP its own (t) cross and become As 
One with Him and His cross (t).



Now allow the mind to return to the book 
that led to the development of its 
physical consciousness and look up the 
word Pater.

Pater---The Latin word for Father

A coincidence? Nothing is by chance to 
the mind that begins to see things from 
a developing spiritual point of view.


Is this also simply another coincidence?

Remember How the Word was WITH God and 
WAS God in the beginning?

The word had to be spelled G-O-D.

Those were the letters in the beginning.

Guess what?

Today, every word formed in the English 
Language is derived from exactly 26 

One might say it is a CORD of letters 
used  by the MIND to communicate its 

Allow the MIND to look at the positions 
of G-O-D in that CORD of Letters.

Allow the MIND to total those positions.

To the physical aspect of the mind, it 
may be a mere coincidence.

To the spiritual aspect of the mind...

...NOTHING is by chance nor are the 
positions of G-O-D in the English 

The sum of G-O-D for consciousness in 
the beginning is the same that it will 
be in the ending...

...unless somebody is going to add 
another letter between A and Z which is 
rather doubtful.

Ra and the ARE      4-01-00

According to the Readings, Edgar Cayce 
is the reincarnation of RA who was a 
high priest serving the King of Egypt.

RA returned to the (E)arth plane in this 
(E)RA... establish a NEW beginning in the  
further unfoldment of the human mind.

The further unfoldment is the NEW 
application of the SAME religious 

...EXCEPT that the church or temple that 
the MIND enters WITHIN... NOT created by the hands of human 
beings... is the ORIGINAL church or temple 
created by The Creative Force, or what 
some may call God.

This created edifice is the human 
created body.

Every human being has the SAME basic 
church or temple called a body.

EVERY human being as the SAME Creative 
Force called God WITHIN this created 

Thus there is the phrase, "ONE GOD".

This created body literally houses the 
mind and soul while they are WITHIN the 
Earth Plane. 

This created body is ALREADY built and 
SPECIFICALLY designed... allow the mind, and its companion, 
its soul, to enter WITHIN to meet...

...and become As ONE with its Maker, 

RA did reincarnate WITHIN this (E)arth 
plane during this ERA... GUIDE the MIIND into this next 
stage of unfoldment WITHIN the human 
created body. 

The churches and temples and the ARE 
have been preserving the spiritual 
records for the use by the mind.

It is NOW the ERA in which these records 
ARE to be utilized by the MIND as the 
ACTIVE force. 

The MOVEMENT that will occur during this 
ERA... reflected in the MOVEMENT of the 

... that is ironically seen as ARE from 


Your NEW Church      4-02-00


Your NEW church has already been built.

The construction of your NEW church 
began 9 moths before YOU were born.

Your NEW church is a physical creation 
built NOT with human hands.

Your NEW church is the creation of the 
Creative Force that many refer to as 

Your NEW church is your OWN created body 
that is right NOW housing your mind.

The DOORS of this NEW church are closed 
and waiting for YOUR mind to OPEN them.

Here are the emblematic DOORS of YOUR 
NEW church...

...and look what is INSIDE when YOUR 
MIND opens them.

.................(CH)  U R  (CH)


You have just emblematically entered 

...and that is in EXACT accordance with 
the Edgar Cayce Readings. 

To the spiritual aspect of the mind that 
uses its OWN letters as HIS....

...NOTHING is by chance. 


One Body One Mind One God

This is the Law of One.

EVERY human being in this world today shares a kindred bond.

Every human being has a MIND that is housed in a CREATED living physical body.

Two thousand years ago, it was the physical body ITSELF that was the focus of worship.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, it is the essence WITHIN the physical body that is the Ideal focus of worship.

According to the Readings, that essence is literally a CREATIVE FORCE that has many names....

...such as God, Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Christ, and others.

This Spiritual FORCE of Creation has created a body that has encapsulated the FREE WILL MIND WITHIN it for a very good reason.

This Force, the SAME FORCE that has created every soul...

...and the universe itself...,

...has given EVERY MIND of each soul a wonderful window of opportunity to literally connect DIRECTLY with that FORCE... 



....that mind is willing.

The Readings literally describe HOW this may be done by the MIND...

...which is the  ACTIVE FORCE.

The Pattern of "Seek and ye SHALL FIND" applies to the Readings as well...

 ...and the MIND will find HOW to do it...

...If it is WILLING to look.


After posting about the NEW church, I was asked about attending church.

This is my response. 

I went to nursery school in the basement of a Congregational Church.

In junior and senior high school I attended Sunday school, lite the candles, carried the flags, and sang in the choir, and passed the collection plate.

Our "text" book was the SAME as Edgar Cayce's....

....The King James Bible.

I sort of wandered away from religion after college but the Readings led me right back to the "text" book.

I have been a life member of the ARE since the early 1980's.

I have read many of the books relating to the Readings given by the "altered" conscious mind of Edgar Cayce.

The problem is that the authors interpret spiritual words with a physical non-altered mind that is from the point of view of the individual doing the interpreting.

This is the same problem that has caused such a diversity among religions.

I am glad you are getting the Companion book.

The words contained in that book emanate DIRECTLY from Edgar Cayce's emblematically altered conscious mind.

There is NO middle man to lead you off in another direction. 

The Readings in this book literally witness the Bible in truth and provide a guideline for the mind to follow.

Look on page two for the difference between spiritual and physical and the word emblematical.

There are also some other neat places to look in that book as well as in the Bible.

There is a gap between the spiritual and the physicaland emblematically that gap can be bridged.

You are definitely one the right track.

Churches and the ARE serve as great depositories of words written spiritually.

The interpretation of those words is what is questionable...

...and that is evidenced by all the different churches even in the Christian religion.

AS the words are written they ARE Spirit.

AFTER they are written...

...they are as etched in stone without movement.

Remember HOW the Spirit, the Pattern of Jesus, ROLLED away the stone that was attempting to BLOCK the Spirit?

It is the MIND, as the active force, DOING the writing that moves the Spirit and mind together As One.

You asked where I learned about letters.

That is a short story IN itself.  
