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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #70

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #70

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Love 02-14-00

According to the LAW of Webster, that is the rule of the written law for the mind..., takes more than three hundred words to define the word love...

...and within those three hundred words the word God is mentioned only twice.

God is a little less than 1% of the definition.


According to the Readings...

...LOVE may be defined in two words...,

... is God.*

*Reading 3744-4 or page 30 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

God is 50% of the definition.


It is no wonder that the mind may wander away from the God WITHIN by following the written Law of Webster.


"God is Love. 

The influence or FORCE that motivates the life of each soul...

... is love...

...BUT it may be love of self, of fame, of fortune, of glory, of beauty, or of self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement."*

*Reading 1579-1 or page 30 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


"What is Love Divine? 

That the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit may DIRECT thee, WILL DIRECT thee, in EVERY thought, in every act."*

*Reading 262-104 or page 30 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


The LAW of Webster takes over three hundred words to define love.

According to the Readings...

...there is literally a LAW of Love.



*Reading 3744-4 or page 30 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


Here is a definition of love that is impossible for any mind to deny.

LOVE IS literally L-O-V-E

Allow the mind to GIVE these letters back to God...

...according to the LAW of LOVE and NOT according to the written in stone Law of Webster...

...and the mind will have just returned His LOVE Letters.

The justification for the return of HIS LOVE Letters is Revelation 1:8*

*The SPIRIT stated, "I AM alpha and Omega ." 


The letters of the word LOVE are a perfect match to HIS Pattern.

L is the first root letter of (L)ord

O is the letter that was the word that was with G(O)D in the beginning.

V is the symbol that the two may join As One WITHIN the created body.

E is the first root letter of the (E)arth from which the created body is derived.


RE: Love

If LOVE is God, and the mind is the builder, and the Ideal of the mind is to  build towards LOVE...

...then the SIGN of that activity for the previous (EVOL)-U-TION of the mind could easily become...

......EV(OL)VE... the mind's love and God's Love come together As One LOVE.


The Spiritual Highway of Dreams


According to the Readings...

..."Have ye not wondered WHY in the sacred writings it is said that God NO longer spoke to man in visions or dreams.?"

"It is because man fed NOT his soul, his MIND, upon things Spiritual...

...thus CLOSING the AVENUE or channel which God might SPEAK with the children of men. "*

*Reading 1904-2 or page 101 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

How may man truly FEED his mind on THINGS SPIRITUAL?

What does the mind normally feed on?

It feeds on thoughts.

What are thoughts?

Thoughts are formed from words.

What are words?

Words are formed letters?

What are Letters?

Letters are symbols MOVED by the mind.


The question that remains is...

...are the symbols that are moved by the mind...

...things SPIRITUAL?


There is NO direct re-cording of Spirit to the letters moved by the mind.

Again, that is WHY the Key Revelation for the mind are the Spiritual words spoken by the Spirit... 

"I AM Alpha and Omega.

Manna is the EMBLEMATIC bread or words upon which the mind feeds.

The HIDDEN manna is His Spiritual re-cording to  that manna or words whose SPIRITUAL Letters are the roots of those words.*

*Revelation 2:17    


Therefore, simply allow the mind to re-cord His Spirit to the MOVEMENT of  its OWN letters...

...and the mind, as the builder, will have just re-opened His Spiritual Highway of Dreams.