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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #71

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #71

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Whose Letters Belong to Whom?

A person said: 

"You CANNOT place meaning into the 
change of words based upon the English 
equivalent, other than that there is a 

For the (sign)ificance, you really need 
to use the original language." 


Respectfully disagree... 

..and here is a simple example moving 
letters of the ENGLISH Language that 
allows the conscious mind to resonate 
with the PATTERN. 

Without (G)od there is no (sign)ificant 
sign or meaning to the mind. 

WITH (G)od, the converted mind will see 
SI(G)NS along the way. 

When the mind is attuned WITHIN..., 

..the mind has re-turned WITHIN..., 

,,,and as a little child..., 

..and has re-learned its OWN letters in 
a NEW Way..., 

..and the born child's sin..., 
as the child is converted, and is AS 
born again..., NOW covered by HIS SI(G)N. 


"Follow that known in thine OWN presence 

..I - E - O - U - I - O - UMH... 

..for the RAISING of that FROM WITHIN of 
the Creative Forces... IT RISES along that which is set 
WITHIN the inner man... that CORD of life that ONCE 
severed, may separate, does separate, 
that balance between the mind, the body, 
the soul."* 

*Reading 275-43 or page 111 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion. 


These are the most important words ever 
recorded in the Edgar Cayce Readings. 
Follow that KNOWN in thy OWN presence 
are VOWELS. 

Vowels are the MOVEMENT letters in the 
ENGLISH Language and this Language... the way... THE Language that the MIND of Edgar 
Cayce had at HAND when the Readings were 
manifested from WITHIN his created body. 
The PATTERN is that the mind, as the 
builder, must MOVE, not just the 

..but move ALL the letters it has been 
using as its OWN..., 


..MOVE them according to HIS Pattern to 
RAISE the Creative Force WITHIN. 

What letters were moved and passed out 
of the mouth of the "sleeping" Edgar 

ALL 26 letters of the English Alphabet. 

When the physical aspect of the mind 
consciously makes that "type"of 

..the Creative Force WILL THEN rise and 
respond in kind for like ATTRACTS like.* 
*Reading 541-1 or page 36 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion. 


It makes absolutely NO difference WHAT 
symbols the mind has learned to use to 
communicate with... long as the mind re-learns to use 
them AS HIS.* 

"Know, the earth and ALL therein is the 
Lord's. ALL thine OWN is LENT thee, not 
thine but LENT thee."* 

*Reading 2622-1 or page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. 

Therefore, ALL the letters or symbols 
that the mind has taken for granted as 
its OWN are literally HIS. 


The Pattern of Creative Force WITHIN has NEVER changed. 

It is the human mind, through its OWN 
free will, that changes frequently... it has TAKEN HIS Letters, or ANY 
symbols that the mind uses, for 

..and uses them in its OWN WAY. 

Just as the Reading states, the letters 
or symbols that the mind uses were NEVER 
granted to anyone but the Lord. 

HIS Words, " I AM Alpha and Omega" are 
formed of HIS L-E-T-T-E-R-S. 

If the Words are HIS, and they are 

.. then the L-E-T-T-E-R-S that form 
those words are also HIS and are 

..for "like begets like."* 

*Reading 541-1 or page 36 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion. 


According to the Readings, the kingdom 
of heaven is WITHIN. * 

*Reading 987-4 or page 110 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion. 


According to a Bible, one must 
CONVERTED, and become AS a little child 
in order to ENTER the kingdom of 

*Matthew 18:3 


According to the Readings... the USE of that IN HAND does one 
attain the next plane.* 

*Reading 5472-1 or page 13 of the Edgar 
Cayce Companion. 


According to a Bible HIS yoke is EASY.* 

*Matthew 11:30 


This is the question that remains. 

Is HIS yoke easier for one to be 
converted, and to become AS a little 
child by learning a whole NEW 

..or simply allowing the child to use 
the letters of the language it ALREADY 
has at hand in a NEW Way... 

..HIS Way? 


An answer by anyone that includes 
specific reference points would be 
desirable and interesting.


The Readings and the Bible   02-11-00



"The Bible has passed through many hands.

MANY that would TURN that which is written....

... into MEANINGS that would suit their OWN purposes, as YE yourselves do.

But if ye will GET the SPIRIT of THAT written...

...THERE ye may find it WILL lead thee to the gates of heaven...

...Read it to be wise. Study it to understand. Live it to know that Christ WALKS through SAME with thee."*

*Reading 262-60 or page 193 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


HOW do you get the MOVEMENT of the  SPIRIT of the Bible that was as written in stone?


Just return to Him the letters "YE" have been using as your OWN...

...and THEN begin to MOVE them.

The justification for that act is Revelation 1:8..

Alpha and Omega are emblematic of letters conforming to HIS Spiritual Pattern...

...WHEN and IF the mind is willing to make that acknowledgement.


Uncle Luke    02-11-00


It is fairly common knowledge that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the Four Gospels in the Bible.

According to the Readings, and what NOT be common knowledge is that the entity most recently known as Edgar Cayce WAS once known as Lucius.

According to the Readings, the mother of Lucius was the sister of Luke.*

Also according to the Readings...

...the Gospel of Luke was written BY Lucius.*

*Reading 1598-2 or page 237 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Also according to the Readings....

"Each ENTITY makes a RECORD upon time and space, through the very activities of that STYLUS, the MIND."*

*Reading 1885-1 or page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is probably WHY the entity, most recently known as Edgar Cayce, was so drawn to the Bible.

The individuality of Edgar Cayce, which INCLUDES the personality of Edgar Cayce...,

 ....literally wrote part of the Bible.

Setting Self Aside to Manifest Truth

As the Readings have stated, the Bible has passed THROUGH many hands.*

*Reading 262-60 or page 193 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Those hands were ALL attuned to the  ONE Spirit WITHIN the created body.

The man Jesus was the Pattern for that ONE Spirit,  often called Christ, that emanated from WITHIN... and still does.

"Christ (is) the UNIVERSAL consciousness of love that we see MANIFESTED in THOSE...

...who have forgotten self, AS Jesus...,

....give themselves that others may know the truth.

This is the exact Pattern that Edgar Cayce followed... he set the personality of himself aside... that the universal consciousness within his created body could be manifested that OTHERS may know the truth.