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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #70

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #70

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The Pattern and Pole Shifting 02/03/2000

According to Readings, Jesus is the Pattern.

The Pattern, the Word made flesh, is often referred to as the SON of God.

The Readings refer to God, as the Ideal, the Father, the Creative Force Within.

The Word SON is directly attached or connected to the Pattern.

When the word SON is opened and the letters are moved, the word may become  S-O-N.

The Readings state that the body is emblematic of the earth.

The Earth Just happens to have a (N)orth Pole and a (S)outh Pole.

When the SON left the Father (O) WITHIN, as Adam did, the sign of that polarity is S-O-N.

When the Son re-turned to the Father, As One, as did Jesus, the Pattern, as the reincarnated Adam, the sign is N-O-S.

The Polarity of N and S WITHIN are re-versed.

According to the Law of Webster, NOS is the Latin word for we. 

The physical, or outward aspects of the mind is self or (m)e.

The truth of the  matter of me is the essence of me, or the spiritual aspects of me, when the polarity of (m)e is re-versed as me enters within to become (w)e...

...which is the Pattern of the Father and Son as One...

...which is in accordance to the Law of One God.

The Pole Shift WITHIN the created body, called earth, is emblematic of the Pattern of the S-O-N re-turning to N-O-S as viewed from WITHIN.


The Answers are WITHIN  02/03/2000

According to the Readings:

"For as was given of old...

...say NOT who will descend from heaven that ye may have a message...

...for lo, IT is IN thine heart."

"For, the BODY is indeed the temple of the LIVING God."

"THERE He ...,

...AS ALL knowledge...

...ALL undertakings ...

...ALL wisdom...

...ALL understanding...,

..,may COMMUNE with thee... attuning...,

...TURNING thy thought, thy purpose, thy desire to be at-onement with Him."*

*Reading 2533-4 or page 108 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

How does one COMMUNE with Him?

Simply allow the mind to acknowledge that the symbols that the mind has ALWAYS used as its OWN letters to commune with others are literally HIS and ALWAYS have been HIS.

Allow the mind to go within its own consciousness by...

...allowing the mind to go within its own words that form its own consciousness and seek and find His symbols like this.

(t)his...the cross (t) is his 

(t)he...he went to the cross (t)

When the mind seeks and finds His Pattern, it moves into His attunement.

The physical aspect of the mind has simply taken His symbols, as its own letters, and has literally taken them for granted. 

They were never granted.

"I AM Alpha and Omega"*

"The beginning and ending"

*Revelation 1:8. 



A IS simply A to the physical aspect of the mind.

A has simlpy been "stripped" of HIS Spirit by the physical aspect of the mind.

A is NOT simply A to the spiritual aspect of the mind.

A is the EMBLEMATIC symbol that two may be As One according to the Law of One.
H is also  the EMBLEMATIC symbol that two may be As One according to the Law of One.

A and H were the exact two letters added to the name of ABRAM as his mind COMMUNED WITHIN.

The at-onement of ABRAM was emblematiclly reflected in his new name  ABR(AH)AM.

A and H literally witness each other in truth.


A Bible is THE Pattern arkroc

(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 2/5/00 4:40 pm

A BIBLE is like no other book on planet earth. 

A BIBLE establishes A Pattern that the MIND may follow to enable it to escape the self imposed limitations of a SELF conscious mind. 

The Edgar Cayce Readings contain the directions of HOW the mind may follow that Pattern. 

The Edgar Cayce Companion simply condenses those directions in such a WAY that they are easy for the mind to follow. 


A Bible and the Hidden Manna


According to the Law of Webster... 

...manna...divine aid, spiritual sustenance...

...a food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness.* 

*Exodus 16:14 


"And Moses said unto them, this is the BREAD which the Lord have given you to eat" * 

*Exodus 16:15 


"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna,..."* 

*Revelation 2:17 


"The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."* 

*Matthew 13:33 


According to the Law of Webster.... make light, rise. 

Hidden manna is emblematic of HIS hidden SPIRITUAL FORCE that the mind, as the builder, may receive...

...and add to the letters it builds words with...

,,,,to leaven or raise the mind into a higher a consciousness.

When the physical aspect of the mind acknowledges that the letters it has been using as its OWN...

...are in fact HIS, "I AM Alpha and Omega"....,*

*Revelation 1:8

...the letters will begin to leaven the words and the words will begin to leaven the mind...

...for likes beget likes.*

*Reading 541-1 or page 36 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

Here is a simple example of HOW the physical aspect of the mind, as the builder, may go WITHIN a word that is directly attached to ANY object...

...and add His rising agent to the word...

...which in turn raises the consciousness of the mind.

Allow the mind to enter WITHIN the word bible.


l is the first root letter of Lord

e is the first root of earth and the created body is a derivative of the created earth.

bib is what a little child wears when it is being fed.  

"Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven."*

*Matthew 18:3


Now allow the physical mind to take another look at a bib as it is placed upon a child and tied with a little bow in back of the neck. 

It looks very much like a miniature yoke.

"Take MY yoke upon you, and LEARN of me...

..for I AM meek and lowly IN heart...

..and ye shall find rest unto your souls."*

*Matthew 11:29

The rising agent for the physical aspect of the mind is to ADD...,

...ONCE AGAIN....,



...that the mind as been using as its (OWN) (NOW).

This, in turn, WILL leaven every word that comprises the whole loaf of the physical aspect of the entire vocabulary of the conscious mind.

Here is another simple example of leavening.

Here is His Spiritual Letter G that was the first root letter of the word G-O-D that was WITH GOD in the beginning.

Here below is the word Grace, according to the physical aspect of the mind.



Here, WITHIN the word Grace , there is NO leavening agent being added.  


Here is the word Grace when the physical aspect of the mind, as  the builder, takes time to STOP AND GO within the word...

...and to add vibrational symbols that   denote the addition of HIS leavening agent. 


The word Grace has just become God's race in the consciousness of the mind.


The Pattern is for the mind, as the builder, to go WITHIN the very words that form its own consciousness...

...and THEN leaven the letters of those words...

...and then seek and find HIS Pattern in  the mind's NOW leavened very own words.

It works just like (t)his.

BREAD then becomes (B)read.

(B) being the first root letter of the created (B)ody and the created (B)rain WITHIN that created body.

(B)read is HOW NOW the mind reads the hidden manna as HIS (B) NOW becomes the leavening agent.  

The mind is simply born again, as a little child, to re-learn its ABC's from HIS point of view.


Reincarnation and Hewbrews 9:26

Hebrews 9:26

"...but now ONCE in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of HIM-SELF."

The Pattern is the sacrifice of Self.

The Readings also state that Self must remove itself from itself.

The Readings distinguish between the personality and individuality of an entity.

Every time an entity incarnates into the earth plane, that individuality takes on a NEW personality.

The PATTERN is that the personality of self must learn to leave self in order to become As One with the personality of the Christ Consciousness.

It is true that the body of specific personality dies but once.

However, The cumulative MIND, called the individuality, and its companion, the SOUL, return and take on new bodies and new personalities for the duration of specific future sojourns.

The goal is for the individuality, or the cumulative mind, to attune more closely to the Ideal...

...and sometimes it does and sometimes it does not...

...depending on HOW that particular personality uses its free will of its mind ...

... to move closer to God's Will that is reflected in the Pattern...

...or move further away by further submerging itself in its OWN will. 

Abraham and the Bible


Genesis 17:5

"Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram. but thy name shall be called Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee."

These were words of God talking to Abraham. Where were God's Words originating from.?

They were originating from WITHIN  Abram.

How was Abram's name changed?

The letters A and H were added to his name.


Why these letters?

A and H are symbols of the Law of One GOD...

...and witness each other in truth of the Spirit that may be manifested from WITHIN. 


"And the MIND's unfoldment maybe indicated form ABRAHAM to Christ.*

*Reading 281-63 or page 195 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


A-"How did Abraham benefit from the changing of the name fro Abram to to Abraham?"

"There is BUILDED about each name that carries its own meaning or significance, that gives rather the impelling of, or lifting up to, meeting such conditions."

"So does the CHANGING OR THE ALTERING of a name set about varied environs or VIBRATIONS...,

...that makes for the CONDUCIVENESS of the changed surroundings."*

*Reading 452-6 or page 173 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Here is the name LORD.

Here is the vibrational alteration of the name LORD by the mind, as the builder.


Here is the name WORLD.

Here is the vibrational alteration the name WOR(L)D

Here is the symbol for vibration ( )...

Here are the changed surroundings that make for the conduciveiness or  manifestation of the WORD made flesh  that was in this WORLD...

...and the physical aspect of the mind knew it not.

Why not?

Because the physical aspect of the mind has not learned HOW to "Altar" itself away from itself and enter into the spiritual aspects of its own mind that would then make for CONDUCIVENESS.

The mind may begin to learn HOW to "altar" itself by moving its letters WITHIN.

The name mind may easily become mi(n)d.

The negative n is cast out and the mind, AND the mind is now "mid" WAY...

...and  becomes dim as it enters toward HIS light WITHIN.

When the mind understands that HIS Light is the mind's own letters...

...the Revelation to the mind will literally be a Revelation of AH HA...

...HIS Spirit really IS "Alpha and Omega.*

*Revelation 1:8