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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #69

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #69

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The Child and the Holy of Holies

According to the Readings the body is the temple of the LIVING God.*

*Page 110

The living body is emblematic of the outer court, the mind housed within the body is the inner court, and the soul housed within the mind that is housed within the body is 

...the holy of holies.*

*Page 22

"Enter into the holy of holies within thine own consciousness; turn within:see what has prompted thee. And he has promised to meet thee there.  And there it shall be told thee from within what steps tho shall take day by day, step by step."*

*Page 110

"the kingdom of heaven is within."

*Page 110

*The Page numbers are located in the Edgar Cayce Companion

"Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven"*

*Matthew 18:3

The Reading describe that the holy of holies is within the mind that is within the body called the temple.

The Readings state that one may enter the holy of holies within its own mind or consciousness.

A Bible states that in order to enter WITHIN one must become as a little child.


The $64 question is HOW can anyone see its own consciousness...

... let alone enter into it as a little child?

It is not as difficult as one may think.


Consciousness is the sum total of all the words that the physical mind has corded, or directly attached itself too.

In order for the mind to enter into that consciousness, it simply needs to enter WITHIN the words directly corded to the mind.

The key word directly corded to the conscious mind of child is child.

The word child is emblematically corded to the body of the child. 

Within the word child, there is another word hid.

This word is emblematic of the holy within the body of the word.  

Within the holy of the word child there is still another letter L that is emblematic of the first root letter of the word (L)ord.

Here are the vibrational movements of attunement when the mind, as a child enters, within the word child that is attached to itself.

...CHILD...the temple or body or outer court 

...C(HILD)...the mind or inner court or holy aspect of the mind.

...C(HI(L)D)... the soul or holy of holies within the mind.

These symbols ( ) are emblematic of the horns of the altar that provide the attuned vibrations as the mind opens and enters the words attached to its conscious mind that is WITHIN the created body. 

The holy of holies is WITHIN the mind that is WITHIN the LIVING body that houses both the soul and the mind while within the earth plane.

The word child is an exact emblematic match of HOW the consciousness of the mind may seek and find the (L)ord WITHIN its own consciousness as a child.

Going Within the word child that is attached to the word child... an exact emblematic match of His Pattern of "seek and ye shall find."

*Matthew 7:7 

Pole Shift Continued

According to the Readings, the earth and Babylon are emblematic of the created body. 

The Pole Shift that the Readings are describing may very well be the shifting of the polarity of the physical aspect of the mind and the polarity of the created body...

...allowing for manifestations of the Creative Force.

The SEEDS of the Pattern of the Pole Shift WITHIN the mind probably began to germinate in the '30's.

Those germinated seeds probably began to be NOTICEABLE in a way that minds began perceiving a polarity change in '58.

The  SPIRITUAL positive seed WITHIN the physical aspects of the mind began to respond... the movement of the PHYSICAL negative aspect of the mind as it began to follow the pattern of moving WITHIN.

The Pattern is a seed that is WITHIN ITSELF.*

*Genesis 1:11

This was the Pattern that was certainly  exhibited in the '30's by the entity known then as Edgar Cayce but also known in the past as Ra.

Cayce or Ra was planting the seeds of direction for the physical aspect of the mind at that time.

In order for a manifestation to occur FROM within the human body...

...the negative - aspect of the mind must alter its polarity to match or attune itself to the polarity of the created body which is +.

Within the created body there are two major glands within the brain whose  attached words have first root letters that  are a perfect match to the first root letter of word (P)ositive.

They are the (P)ineal and (P)ituitary Glands.

The created body is the Positive Pole.

This is the emblematic pole that the Pattern, Jesus, was As One with, the cross +... He was about to crossover into the arms of the Creative Force, Father, God.

The mind, the physical aspect of the born  mind, is literally negative in nature as it is born into flesh.

When the mind enters WITHIN the word m-i-n-d itself... will see the first root letter root letter of the word (n)egative.


As the mind moves WITHIN the word mind and away from itself, m-i-n-d, it loses the n and the mind becomes m-i-d.

From the positive pole WITHIN...

...m-i-d is viewed as d-i-m.

Light to the mind is then generated step by step from WITHIN... the mind continues to enter in by entering WITHIN the words that the physical aspects of the mind have entangled or corded itself to.

When the mind, and its companion, the soul, have matched the vibrations, called attunement, with the Force of the created body...

...manifestations of that Force may then be generated... vocal sounds or written words...

...for the mind and soul have become As One with the created body.