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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #68

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #68

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"the way, the truth"

According to the Bible...,

Jesus, the Pattern, stated...,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: 

no man cometh unto the Father but BY me." *

*John 14:6

According to the Readings, God, the Father, is WITHIN.

Ok, Hmmm...

So the only way to come WITHIN unto the Father is by truth because Jesus, the Pattern, said he was truth.

So the question remains,..

...what is truth?

Ask six different people, you will probably get six different answers.

Why might one get six different answers?

Maybe the root of the problem "lies" in the Law of Webster had has been handed down from generation to generation.

Again, the Law of Webster takes over 120 blocked words just to define the one blocked word, "truth".

To define the blocked word "the", the Law of Webster uses well over 200 blocked words.

Here are just two words that will define "the truth" that no rational mind can deny.

the is literally t-h-e

truth is literally t-r-u-t-h 

Whatever else the mind may think, the above definitions are absolute.

According to the Law of Webster...

...the will ALWAYS be t-h-e...

...truth will ALWAYS be t-r-u-t-h.

Also according to the Bible, Jesus , the Pattern, stated...

""If any man will come after me, let deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." *

Matthew 16;24

IF His Spirit has already fulfilled every letter of the Law now known as the law of Webster...,

...and the Readings state that He IS the Pattern...

..then "the truth" should fit the Pattern of taking up the cross and going HIS Way.

Here is what the mind may see when it opens the blocked word "the"

t-h-e......(t)he  He went to the cross (t)

Here is what the mind may see when it opens the blocked word "truth".


(t)ru(t)h...u r to take UP your t and follow him who is As One with the (t).

H is His symbol that two may be As One.

There is another blocked word WITHIN the blocked word truth that, more than likely, is a stumbling block for the mind.

The conscious mind may not see it, but the subconscious sees it, for it remembers everything.

The little blocked word in truth is t(rut)h.
While the physical aspect of the mind sees rut..

..the spiritual aspect of the mind literally sees rut like this...

..."route" or the way.

The spiritual aspect of the mind also sees U right smack dab in the middle of trUth.

If the mind is willing to define truth as t-r-u-t-h...

..then U R WITHIN tRUth.

The Directions

According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern.

A Bible that one may have at hand will  describe that Pattern.

The Readings verify, clarify and simplify the directions of HOW and WHERE the mind may follow that Pattern to enter WITHIN its own created body.

The Edgar Cayce Companion simply further condenses those directions in an easy to follow format...

...step by step.*

*See Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

The Directions are Within 



The direction the mind should go is... 


"IN thine own BODY there are means for the approach...

...through the desire to first know Him...

...putting that desire into activity by PURGING the body, the mind, of those things that ye know or even conceive of as being hinderances ---

---not what someone else says."

Let the BODY and the MIND be channels that YE may do the things ye ask God to do for you! Thus ye come to know Him.*

*Reading 281-41 or page 103 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

It is the SPIRIT of the Word made flesh that is the Pattern that dwells WITHIN the living human created body.

It is the blocked words WITHIN human mind that contain NO Spirit that need to be PURGED from the mind for they are the hinderances to the mind from entering WITHIN the created body.

The blocked words that the physical aspect of the mind has accumulated WITHIN itself have literally created a block wall that has separated or has become a hinderance or stumbling block to the mind from entering WITHIN.

The emblematic word for this so called block wall is the blocked word veil.

According to the Law of Webster, the letters that the mind uses are as etched in stone...

..the words produced by those letters are as etched in stone and are blocked.

According to a Bible the Spirit may As One with the letters of the mind,,,

...IF the mind is willing.

When the mind incorporates the Pattern of His Spirit back into the letters it moves.... will literally raise that veil and the physical aspect of the mind itself will transform itself to the spiritual aspect of its mind and move into His Spiritual Pattern for likes attract likes.

Here is the blocked word--- veil

Here is the unblocked word that veil may become if it is moved in a direction that is NOT WITHIN His Pattern---e-v-i-l.

Here is the unblocked word that veil may become if it is moved in a direction that IS WITHIN HIS PATTERN---l-i-v-e.

Here is HOW l-i-v-e matches His Pattern.

"the WORDS I speak unto you are spirit, and they are l-i-f-e." *

*John 6:63

The pattern built by the physical aspect of the mind is that the Spirit is "contained" WITHIN the blocked letters...

...the letters are "contained" WITHIN the blocked words...

...the blocked words are "contained" WITHIN the mind...

..and block or "contain" the movement of physical aspect of the mind that is housed WITHIN the created body.

The mind, as the builder, simply needs to OPEN the physical aspects of its mind by opening the blocked words that will allow BOTH...

...the mind and spirit "contained" WITHIN and yet SEPARATED within the created body... re-unite As One and manifest together THROUGH the living created body that becomes the channel for the spoken and written words of spirit...

...for NOW the spiritual aspect of the mind, the body, and the spirit are now no longer bound to and "contained"  WITHIN by the letter of the law that has been  imposed on the physical aspect of the mind.