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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #67

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #67

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Patter 01-25-2000

Here is an interesting scenario that the mind may like to contemplate. 

According to the Readings, Jesus is the Pattern. 

What is the Pattern? 

The Pattern is that the mind and its constant companion, the soul, may return WITHIN... 

..and become As One with the Father, or God... 

..according to the Law of One. 

What is the Pattern? 

The Pattern is also P-a-t-t-e-r-n. 

Watch what happens when the angelic aspect of the mind re-moves the (n)egative root letter n from this word. 

Now allow the mind to go to the Law of Webster, the home of ALL blocked words, and look up the word Patter. 

"To run or move along as to make a patter." 

"IDLE or meaningless chatter." 

Now allow the mind to hear these IDEAL Words of Jesus, the Pattern, the Word made flesh* 

*Matthew 16:24 

"If ANY man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take UP HIS cross, and follow me. 

Now allow the mind to re-turn to the word Pattern. 

Now allow the mind to literally "move" the WORD Pattern into HIS Pattern so the mind may follow. 

Again, allow the mind to re-move the blocked (n)egative letter from the word. 

In essence, the mind has just opened the blocked word Pattern,... 

..and in turn, this opening has just opened the mind... 

..for likes beget likes. 

Now allow the mind to move the word Patter according to the Law of One and according to HIS Pattern... taking up the mind's OWN (t) cross and following Him. 

Now allow the mind to make this movement that indicates that the two (t's), or 
crosses, are As One. 


When the two (t's) become As One... 
..the "new" word becomes Pater. 

Now allow the mind to return to the Law of Webster and look up the word Pater. 

Pater---The Latin word for Father. 


The mind has just followed, step by step, the Pattern and re-turned to the Father, God or Creative Force WITHIN... simply following Jesus, the Pattern, and the Spirit of the Law... 

...who, in deed, literally fulfilled EVERY letter of even the present day written letter of the law for the mind... 

..that now takes the form of the Law of Webster. 

When the mind, in deed, as the builder, moves the letters of its mind as IF they WERE filled with His Spirit.. 

..("I AM Alpha and Omega")... 

..His Spirit will also move in kind because likes beget likes... 

..and the mind, as the builder, made the proper a(tt)unement for His... 


..and is now As One with the Father... 

..and that Pattern of atonement is called at-onement. 


"The answer to know His Way, is ever WITHIN..(and) know that... 

..attunement, atonement, and at-onement... 

.are ONE." * 

*Reading 2174-3 or page 133 of The Edgar Cayce Companion


The Matter of Water into Wine


Jesus, the Pattern, turned water into wine.

A miracle, the physical aspects of the mind would say.

Elementary, the spiritual Aspects of the mind would say and here is WHY.

To the physical aspects of the mind this is Matter.


This word is blocked, closed, no movement, and is as etched in stone.

This word is re-corded and bound TO a  book that could easily be titled "The Law of Webster". 

To the spiritual aspects of the mind...

HIS Spirit has ALREADY fulfilled EVERY letter of this law, and therefore the letters are no longer "bound" by the letter of the law.  

Thus, letters of the law are no longer bound and are FREE to move according to HIS Spirit of the law.

Therefore, to the spiritual aspects of the mind...,

...this Matter may easily become this..


HIS letters are longer bound, they are able to move.

Water is the universal symbol of truth.

Thus, the truth of Matter may easily become Water.

Here is how the spiritual aspects of the mind may easily and literally turn Matter into Water.

The physically bound letter M is simply re-turned to the spiritual letter W and the  t's, the crosses,  are re-turned and  combined As One...

...according to the Law of One of taking up your (t), cross, and following HIS Spirit.   



Because His Spirit fulfilled every letter of the law..., 

... and because the spiritual aspects of the mind that follows His Spiritual Pattern may be As One with that Pattern...

,...the letters I thought were "Mine" are really His.

So when the physical aspect of the mind re-turns the letters to the spiritual aspect of the mind that re-turns them to the Spirit WITHIN...

...the Spirit WITHIN will respond in kind and return the letters back to the spiritual aspects of the mind that then returns the letters back to the physical aspects of the mind.

In essence. what I thought was Mine is really HIS...

...and what is HIS, I may NOW use As Mine....

...not Mine...

... but As Mine.

Now I may easily turn what WAS Mine into HIS Spiritual Wine.


(W) being HIS first root letter and symbol for (W)ater...

and (W)ave...

...which is the movement of the Water. 

In essence, the transformation process of moving HIS letters WITHIN the spiritual // physical aspects of the mind is truly...

...a conversation with God.


"The Words I Speak are Spirit" arkroc

(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 1/26/00 11:22 pm

Jesus, the Pattern stated...

..."the words I speak unto you are SPIRIT, and THEY are life." *

*John 6:63

..."the words that I speak unto you I speak NOT of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."*

*John 14:10

The Words that the Pattern spoke WERE SPIRIT because the letters that formed those words were of Spirit.

The Revelation to every mind is that the letters it moves are His Spiritual Symbols...

...and the mind simply has moved them as its own as Adam did when he severed the cord WITHIN.

That is the original sin. That is exactly the SAME sin that every mind is born with.

That is exactly WHY the mind, as the builder, must be born again.

The angelic aspect of the mind is literally born and nurtured out of the physical aspect of the mind.

The born mind was never taught that Spirit WAS corded to the letters in the beginning with Adam...

...and that the Pattern and destiny of the mind, as the builder, is to re-cord them to His Spirit in the end.

"I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord...

...which is...

...and which was..,

...and which is to come, the Almighty." 

*Revelation 1:8

Which is... the spiritual words spoken by Jesus, the Pattern.

Which was...

...were the spiritual words spoken by Adam in the beginning who re-incarnated as Jesus.

Which is to come...

...are spiritual words that every physical mind may speak as it follows the Pattern of His spiritual letters what will unfold the angelic aspect of its mind.

"it is the SPIRIT that quickeneth (the spiritual aspects of the mind)...

...the flesh (the physical aspects of the mind) profiteth nothing.*

*John 6:63


Grace           01/27/2000


This word is an example of a "blocked" word that is as etched in stone and is bound in the written "Law of Webster".

The Law of Webster provides the building "blocks" for the development of the physical aspects of the mind.

These building "blocks", ironically, put parameters or limitations on the mind so that it is literally unable to move and unfold past the building "block" stage. 

According to Webster's New Word Dictionary---Third College Edition...

...approximately 212 additional blocked words are needed simply to define the word Grace.

That is HOW the mind "blocks" itself in itself.

The definition of Grace also becomes as etched in stone because it is derived from  from other blocked words.

Re-member how Jesus, the Pattern, the WORD made flesh, was no longer in the tomb...

...and the stone that "blocked" the tomb was somehow rolled away? *

*Mark 16:4

In order for the mind to become unblocked, it must literally open the stone blocked words that the mind has encased or wrapped itself into.

Instead of defining Grace with an additional few hundred blocked words...

..the mind may re-verse the cycle of building blocks by simply opening the word and re-placing the word WITHIN His Pattern.

This process will then begin to open the mind for likes beget likes.


Here is HOW the mind, as the builder,
unblocks the mind that it built according to the written law...

..and THEN begins to build according to His Pattern, or the Spirit of the law that WAS the natural law that was AS One Adam in the very beginning...

...and re-established by Adam as he re-incarnated as Jesus, the Pattern.

This process literally allows the mind to go WITHIN, instead of continuously blocking itself out.

The mind goes within by going within the blocked words that it has literally attached itself to....,

...unblocks the words...,

..then re-cords the words to His Pattern.

This process literally allows the mind to break the building cycle of blocked letters that form blocked words that, in turn, block the mind.

In essence it breaks open the A-dam
that Adam created by himself so that the river of words will begin to flow once again from WITHIN.


This is how the mind may go WITHIN the word Grace and then re-define the word Grace.

Grace is G-R-A-C-E

Whatever else the blocked mind may think... cannot deny that the WORD GRACE is...


WITHIN this word, the mind may find the first root letter of the Word...


...that was with God...

...and WAS G-o-d in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

No mind can deny the rationale that the (WORD) that WAS WITH GOD and WAS GOD in the beginning was (G-O-D).

Just as no mind can deny the rationale that the (WORD) attached to...

...and is with GRACE is (G-R-A-C-E).

Within the opened word G-R-A-C-E, the mind may also find the words ACE and RACE.

It may also find His movement letter R that is emblematic of opening His letter B which is the first root letter of the words (B)rain, (B)ody, and (B)lock.

When the mind opens and enters and seeks the One God WITHIN... once again becomes a member of (G)od's RACE which is literally (G)RACE...

...which is literally the movement of the Spirit of One God WITHIN.

When the mind begins to move WITHIN, the Spirit of God ALSO begins to move from WITHIN as likes beget likes.