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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #64

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #64

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The Bible Code

There is a code to the Bible.

However, the code cannot be deciphered 
by the physical spects of the mind. 

Why , because the Bible is written from 
the aspects of spiritual minds...

...and the human mind is trying to 
decipher it from the point of view of 
the physical aspects of the mind.

The twain shall never meet.

There is a veil between the two aspects 
of the mind.

That veil may be lifted be the active 
force of the mind...

...then the code or Pattern WITHIN the 
Bible will be literally unveiled as the 
mind becomes unveiled.

The unveiling will be dis-covered in the 
coming messages.


Entering Within the Mind 01-23-2000


The Readings state that when the mind 
opens a Bible... may seek and find a Patterned 
Pathway that will not only open a 
blocked mind... 

...but allow that mind to enter WITHIN a OPENED created body that houses the 

...and directly re-cord itself to the 
Creative Force called God or Spirit that 
is the essence of the created body that 
is Patterned after ALL the forces of the universe itself.   

When the mind opens a Bible, it will see that it has a beginning and ending just 
like any other book.

The mind will see that it has thousands 
of words WITHIN it just like any other 

Every book is very much like a forest 
that contains a whole bunch of words 
attached to a whole bunch of pages as if the pages were trees.  

(Pages originate from trees, as every 
mind knows)

What is the first thing the physical 
mind is taught to do when it opens any 
new book?

It is taught to "crack" open the book in various places to loosen the binding.

A Bible is just like any other book that a physical mind will open.

The words that are bound to the pages 
are literally also bond WITHIN the book.

So, when the mind enters WITHIN a Bible, the first thing to do is to loosen the 

Now comes the difference between a Bible and other books.

The words of other books will simply 
lead the mind on a pathway or journey 
that the physical aspects of another 
mind wishes THAT mind to follow.

The words of other books are simply 
saying come look here, or come look 
there, and SEE and LEARN what the 
physical aspects of the mind of that 
author has found.

The words of other books simply continue to lead the mind on a journey that goes 
outside of itself instead of encouraging the mind to go WITHIN.

The words of other books simply do not 
contain the Pattern that ALLOWS the mind to enter WITHIN.

WITHIN every version of a Bible there is a certain Pattern or Pathway that the 
mind may follow.   

Again,  after the mind opens and loosens the bindings, it would be well to simply scan the sections of the forest in order to get an overview of its contents.

The first section of the forest is 
called the OLD Testament.

The next section is called the NEW 

The next section FOLLOWING the NEW 
Testament is a whole bunch of LETTERS 
MOVED by various minds.

The last section is called Revelation.

As the mind begins its journey and 
enters WITHIN the Bible or any other 
book... will almost always book mark the 
pages along the way so that it will not 
lose itself among all the trees of the 

So allow the mind to book mark each of  
the four major sections that it scanned 
from the beginning to the ending.


Now the mind is in a position to easily 
re-trace its steps through the trees of 
the entire forest for it has made major 
book marks along the way.

As stated in the Readings, a Bible 
contains the Pattern that will reveal 
HOW the mind may enter WITHIN. 

So, as the mind passed OVER this forest, it must have passed OVER the Pattern.

So now the mind simply needs to begin at the book mark where it left off...

...and re-trace its steps WITHIN from 
the ending called Revelation... the beginning of what is called 
the OLD testament and specifically look 
for the Pattern.

In Revelation, there is a tree with 
words attached that refer to the SPIRIT 
as LETTERS that are as the beginning and ending....


...Book mark Revelation 1:8

"I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.


Now allow the mind to re-trace its steps to the third section WITHIN, and book 
mark that entire section as simply the 


Now allow the mind to re-trace its steps to the NEW testament and find John 1:1 
that that speaks about the beginning.

Book mark that verse.


Now allow the mind to go to the first 
(1) sentence of the very first (1) 
chapter of the very first (1) section of the entire book and book mark the 


The emblematic SIGN of this chapter and 
the beginning of this chapter is...

...1 1 1.


Now allow the mind to follow this SIGN 
and scan through this chapter and seek 
and find 1:11.

Now Allow the mind to find and book mark that verse.


Now allow the mind to enter WITHIN this 
verse and find these words attached to 
the to the verse.

"...after HIS kind whose seed is...

... IN ITSELF"...

Allow the mind to book mark these 8 
words that are WITHIN verse 1:11.


The mind has just book marked the entire Pattern of HOW to Go WITHIN from the 
beginning to the ending, and from the 
ending to the beginning, without getting itself lost in the forest.

The sign that this Pattern is a true 
Pattern... to simply allow the mind to enter 
WITHIN the Edgar Cayce Companion and 
find page 111.

It is right here that the mind will 
learn that the Pattern is...

...for the mind to enter WITHIN...

...and that the NEXT steps are given 
from WITHIN.

Is this 111 merely a chance coincidence?

According to the Readings...

..."Nothing is by chance." *

*Reading 1825-1 or page 44 of The Edgar 
Cayce Companion


Although the physical aspects of the 
mind will consider the blocked word 

...the spiritual aspects of the mind 
will never consider the blocked word 

...for it has found that the everlasting Pattern of the Creative force WITHIN...

...loosens the bindings of block letters that form blocked words...

...that have been become firmly attached to the physical aspects of the mind.


The Angelic Aspects of the Mind


The Readings state that the mind is BOTH physical and Spiritual.

The Readings also state that self is capable of removing itself from itself.

The Readings also state that THROUGH the angelic self, self may speak to the Ideal Creative Force WITHIN.*

Reading 1646-1 or page 9 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Sound confusing?  Maybe not.

Angels are always perceived by the self conscious mind as human beings with wings.

That perception may not be too far off.

Here is why.

When the Readings speak of self, it is generally speaking of the physical aspects of the mind that is the born mind that develops self consciousness that is more or less the selfish self for the lack of  better term.

When the mind is mature enough in consciousness, it may leave, at will, the physical aspects of its mind...

which is the same thing as self leaving self...

...and enter into the spiritual aspects of the mind which is called the angelic self.

In essence the mind of self...

that has been coming only from the physical aspects of its mind, may now be  OPEN to the spiritual aspects of its mind as well.

Thus, the physical aspects of the mind of self may now communicate THROUGH the angelic or spiritual aspects of its mind... and with the Creative Force WITHIN the created body.

The created body is specifically built very much like cacoon that affords the mind the opportunity to transform the physical aspects of its mind into the angelic aspects of its mind...

...while still maintaining the physical aspects of its mind.

Hence the reason of the angelic wings.

This is HOW the physical aspects of the  mind is able to speak THROUGH the spiritual or angelic aspects of its own mind with the Creative Force Within.

This also matches the Law of One where the two aspects of the one mind of self  may be As One, yet two.

Remember the book mark Genesis 1:11?

The evolution of  an angelic mind out of physical mind also is an exact match to those words...

..."...after his kind, whose seed is in itself.

Within the physical aspects of the mind of self...

...there is a seed of the spiritual or angelic aspects of the mind that may be nurtured by the physical aspects of the mind into being born.

This is an exact emblematic match to a seed being planted in the good ground. 

It is God's Will, the Will of the Father, that the physical aspects of the mind be  willing to nurture this seed into fruition.

The results of re-nurturing the mind IS the natural law of angelic mind of Adam moved away from in the beginning.

That is why this natural law was converted into the written law until the human mind  itself could understand its real reason for being.

The original Pattern of the natural law could not possible be fulfilled by Adam for he had to FIRST develop the physical aspects of a self conscious mind of his own with free will.

That is why, Jesus, the Pattern states that the mind must be born again.

Out of  self's OWN physical aspects of the mind may be born the angelic aspects of that very same mind.

That is why Adam was born again as Jesus to fulfill the written law and to show the world the Pattern of the natural Law.

The Virgin Mary is the emblematic Pattern of natural law that was with Adam in the beginning.

Out of the physical aspects of the mind of Mary was literally conceived the spiritual aspects of Her mind.   

That spiritual aspect was literally the Pattern of the word made flesh, Jesus.

The mind of Jesus, the angelic aspect of the mind of Mary, communed directly with the Father, the Creative Force, God WITHIN His created body.

Adam returned, and was CONCEIVED and  born again THROUGH the prepared and nurtured mind of Mary... He, as now Jesus, as the true Pattern of the original natural law could set the re-cord straight of the CORD that He severed that WAS corded to the Creative Force in the beginning.*

*Reading 275-43 or page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Out of the 14,000 Readings, this is absolutely the most important Reading EVER given.

This Reading infers that the human mind is born with a detached CORD...

...and that the mind has the ability to re-cord it to its own created body.

NO one has ever been told this before.

THIS Reading provides the missing link that the human race has been seeking since its inception.

Here are two signs of this truth.

As In Father's business, as in in other business, let's take a look at the numbers.

What is the Reading number?

21    (2) and (1) are As One number

What page of The Edgar Cayce Companion was exact Reading manifested on?

Page 111.

What was that key book mark in the Bible.?

Genesis 1:11   (1) : (11)  (Two are As One)

..."after his kind, whose seed is itself. 

(Two are AS One )

WHO was Edgar Cayce's Companion when he was alone at the bend of the river?

It was his angelic self.

To the spiritual aspects of the mind nothing is by chance and the mind will see lots and lots of signs along the way.