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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #60

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #60

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The Journey of the Mind 01/16/2000

According to the Readings, the mind is the Builder.

When the mind, and its constant companion, its soul, incarnate within the flesh of a living human created body...

The mind begins the building process.

The building process begins by the mind sensing the created body that it it is housed within.

The mind also begins to build by sensing its outside environment.

Sounds are one of those senses that the mind becomes aware of.

The young mind begins to cord, or connect the sounds with objects that it sees with its sense of vision and hearing.

The young mind learns the sound of Mom and Dad...

...and cords those sounds with specific individuals...

...and the mind  can soon speak the sounds of Mom and Dad without knowing how the sounds are made.  

So far the young mind, as the builder, has corded sounds to specific objects...

...now it is ready to cord specific letters or symbols to those sounds to produce words that are as corded to those specific sounds and objects.  

The cord of letters that the young mind is presented with are letters that its parents and/or teachers have learned to use, and those are letters that  have been handed down from generation to generation.

The young mind is presented with exactly 26 letters as tools of the trade to cord or attach combinations of these letters to specific objects that already have certain sounds attached to the objects.

For an example, the young mind hears the sound Mom and cords that sound to a specific physical object..

It then learns that a certain combination of letters may be blocked together, and are corded to the sound Mom, and that of  sound Mom is corded to the specific object, Mom.

This is how the young mind becomes a builder.

It literally learns to move, first, letters into fixed or blocked combinations to produce words that match the sound attached to the object.

The irony of this entire building process is that the mind is given letters, that in many cases are literally on little wooden blocks that the mind MOVES around to build words that are also for ever blocked WITHIN the mind.

Within the Readings there is some very interesting statements that may be applied to the mind and its building activities.


"The law that is EVER present; like attracts like; Like begets Like**

*Reading 541-1 

"...thoughts are things."*

*Reading 906-3


Letters are things.

Letters are the roots of words, and the words are combined in blocks of words called thoughts.

Thus, the young mind, as the builder, FIRST learns to move block letters that produce block words that produce block thoughts.

IF the theory of Likes beget likes holds true, this block building by the mind may literally produce a blocked mind.

It does and it has.

This "type" of building using block letters...

...allows the mind to FIRST build a physical self consciousness related to the world outside itself.

This "type of building activity is crucial...

...for it allows the mind, as the builder to become conscious of itself.

It does this because the mind finds itself  to be different from every thing else.

The irony is that this very building process that allows the mind to develop Self consciousness...

...literally causes the mind to be blocked into that SELF consciousness by its own block building efforts.      

That is WHY the Pattern states that one must be born again.

It is the mind that must be born again, and begin building with letters that are NOT blocked.

It may begin building again using the same building techniques, except this time it will use and re-cord the letters that are in the Pattern of Creative Force that originates from WITHIN...

...and the mind  de-taches the letters that were corded to the objects without.

There is some other statements in the Readings that may apply to this re-cording process.  
"KNOW, the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's.  ALL thine OWN is lent thee, not thine but LENT thee."*

*Reading 2622-1

"...the mind, is BOTH physical AND spiritual.*

*Reading 759-12

When the mind understands that the letters that it as been using were only lent to the mind...

..the mind may return them and WITH them to the original source WITHIN    

The mind will THEN have moved from the physical to the spiritual by OPENING its own blocked words and seeking His spiritual letters WITHIN those words like this.



The Stepping Stones WITHIN


The mind, as the builder may, literally, transform blocks of words that are firmly attached to the mind into stepping stones...

...that the mind THEN may follow to enter WITHIN its own conscious mind and created body.


"Enter into the holy of holies WITHIN thine OWN consciousness...


...see what has prompted thee. 

And He has promised to MEET thee there.

And THERE shall it be TOLD from WITHIN...

...the STEPS thou shall take day by day,...

...STEP by STEP."*

*Reading 922-1--- which is also found on page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.     

Ya, right.  Pretty simple. Just go "ahead" and enter WITHIN your own consciousness.

Easy for him to say.

It sounds pretty far out, but is it?

Maybe not, if the mind looks for a Pattern.  
We have just seen how the consciousness of the mind is built upon blocked words that the mind has attached itself to.

If the Pattern was the Word made flesh...

...and Readings also state that the Pattern is to go WITHIN...

....maybe the mind might be able to enter WITHIN BY following THAT Pattern...

 ...by entering WITHIN the very "blocked" words attached to its OWN mind.

Maybe those "blocked" words attached to the mind DO act as stumbling blocks.

Maybe IF the mind opens and unblocks the words that form its consciousness...

....those words may THEN become THE stepping stones that the mind itself may THEN become free to follow WITHIN.

Maybe WITHIN those blocked words, formed by the mind as the builder, are the NEXT steps given to the mind from WITHIN.


Here is the blocked word "stones" that is firmly attached and corded to the conscious mind.

Here is the mind entering WITHIN this word by MOVING its letters to break it open and convert or transform it into a stepping stone that is WITHIN His vibrational Pattern.

step 1


Here the mind now sees the Pattern of the (S)pirit in the beginning and the (S)pirit in the ending.*

*Revelation 1:8   

Here the mind also NOW sees the word tone.

Step 2


As the mind takes another step WITHIN, it now sees one and His symbol (t) for the cross.

This is the Pattern of HOW the mind MAY enter WITHIN its OWN consciousness step by step.

It simply enters WITHIN its OWN blocked words and converts or transforms them WITHIN to The Stepping Stones that carry the vibrational tones of the Pattern of the  Word made flesh.

The Creative Force WITHIN will move and respond in kind for likes do attract likes. 

This is exactly how Self leaves Self and becomes a detached (S)elf that is able to then MOVE and enter WITHIN as a little child...

..and THAT conversion exactly fits or matches the Pattern as described Matthew 18:3.

This activity also emblematically fits the pattern of one entering a pyramid...

...and following the stepping stones that are the symbols WITHIN...

...that may guide the mind, and its companion, its soul, along the pathways of the pyramid.


The Emblematical Bride  01/18/2000


Emblematic---The Readings state---

"...do NOT make the mistake, as often been given through these channels, of ATTEMPTING to discern spiritual interpretations with a material mind...

...nor material interpretations with a  spiritual mind...

...UNLESS same is SIGNIFIED by that of the incident, accident, or state of being IS EMBLEMATICAL...

...or any activity that is of a nature that REPRESENTS a condition--see?"*


Matthew 25:1

Here is the  PATTERNED story of the ten virgins who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom.


This story is emblematical of the soul, the virgin, and the mind, the lamp, entering WITHIN kingdom of heaven WITHIN the created body to meet the bridegroom that is emblematical of the Creative Force.

The oil in five of the lamps is emblematic of the ACT of love that five of the virgins were WISE...

...and had prepared their lamps, had prepared their minds, in advance...

...for they FILLED and transformed the upper re-union room WITHIN their minds with high expectations of becoming As One with the bridegroom.  

When the bride, the mind, becomes As One with the Creative Force, or (G)od WITHIN...

The emblematic word  "veil" is MOVED and raised to the emblematic word "live" that is emblematic of His promise of  everlasting life.

When the Emblematic Bride, the mind AND soul, becomes As One with (G)od...

...the SIGNIFIED sign of that re-union is...


When the veil is lifted there becomes an emblematic everlasting bridge or pathway between the mind and soul, and the  Creative Force WITHIN. 


The mind, after all that wandering, has finally re-united, its companion, the soul once again with its Maker and Father, God, the Creative Force, WITHIN the LIVING created body.

The mind and soul are now As one with the body...

... thanks to the mind that is FIRST WILLING to prepare and transform itself as being emblematic of an EXPECTANT bride in waiting.