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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #6

His Letter R

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 11 1999 5:57PM EST

The Letter R is His sign that (B)rain and (B)ody are OPEN.

The letter R is the beginning and ending letter of the word...RiveR.

This exactly fits the Pattern that when the Created Body and Brain are OPEN...

...they become a channel for the movement and flow of the Creative Force from WITHIN.

The mind of (S)elves thought other minds would like to (K)now now.

--------- His Letters A and H

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 12 1999 8:10AM EST

These are His Letters...

...that were added to The name of ABRAM.*


*Genesis 17:5

Why were these letters added to his name?

These two Letters ALTERED the vibrations of the word ABRAM.

Attached or re-corded to the name of ABRAM was ABRAM himself...

...or the mind of ABRAM.


"So does the changing, or altering of a name...

...set about varied evirons or VIBRATIONS...

...that makes for the conduciveness of changed surroundings."*

*Page 173 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


The shape and form of HIS LETTERS...

...A and H...

His symbols, or vibrations of the Law of One God....

...Two or more may be As One...

...yet..remain as two or more.

The changed surroundings were the mind and body of ABRAM...

...CHANGED, ALTERED, OR TRANSFORMED to the mind and body of ABRAHAM.

The conduciveness is the OPENING of his body and mind to become as a channel for the manifestation of the Creative Force to emanate from WITHIN.

This is the true Pattern of the WILL of the mind that Jesus brought to this earth plane...

...and that Edgar Cayce verified.

When the WILL of the mind agrees to TRANSFORM its own Letters back to the Creative Force WITHIN...

...the mind of Self WILL begin to follow His letters...

...and the transformation of SELF to (S)ELF... a little child in the kingdom of heaven WITHIN...

...WILL begin... step at a time.


The cord that Adam severed

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 13 1999 11:10AM EST

The cord that Adam severed is described on page...

...111...of the Edgar Cayce Companion. As nothing happes by chance...*

*See page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

...It is NOT a coincidence that the description of the severed cord just happens to be on page one one one.

The cord is the Law of ONE God... the NATURAL LAW...

...and also represents the Father...the Son...and the Holy Spirit...AND... ...the Creative Force WITHIN.

The cord was a string of Spiritual Letters connecting the the mind of Adam..... the Creative Force WITHIN that CREATED the body that literally housed the mind of Adam.

Adam broke, or severed, this cord with the free will of his mind.

Adam...As Jesus...the true NATURAL Pattern...that all minds of the human race should follow... that cord via His immaculate conception through His Mother Mary who was His twin soul.

All souls, were created at the same moment and are as twin souls as they return to be as ONE again with the Father.

The minds of (S)elves have followed (t)he Pattern of re-cording...

...and that is HOW they became as little children, in order, to enter the kingdom of heaven that is WITHIN every living human created body.

When their minds re-turn His cord of Letters WITHIN...

...their minds literally leave Selves to become (S)elves.

(S)elves... a word that re-presents the OPENING...MOVEMENT...and TRANSFORMATION of a physically blocked word...

...into a Spiritual word that the Creative Force WITHIN...

...knows that the mind is beginning to re-cord to the Pattern of His Spirit WITHIN.

(S)elves thought, perhaps, other minds would like to (K)now now HOW it is done.


Ra and Edgar Cayce

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 14 1999 12:51AM EST

It may be more helpful to the unfoldment of the mind to think of Edgar Cayce as...



Because everytime there is a big advancement in the unfoldment of the mind...

...Ra seems to be involved. The current change in the new application of the same religious thought...

...has been literally re-presented THROUGH the mind and and body of entity of Ra...

...known to this generation as Edgar Cayce.

Ra has always been an important influence in GUIDING the unfoldment and re-cording of the mind back to the Creative force WITHIN.

RA always appears when the mind is getting ready for a major change in the unfoldment process.

RA has just appeared...

...and his words are just beginning to take root in the human mind.

The world should be thankful for his recent appearance.

Here is the new application to clarify the same religious thought.

"Our Father, who art in heaven WITHIN the Created human body...

...hallowed by THY name WITHIN...

...THY kingdom come WITHIN...

...THY will be done...

...WITHIN the physical mind... THY will is already being done...

...WITHIN the Created body...

...that literally houses the soul...

...and the guiding human mind of that very own soul."

The time has come for RA to tell the world where the real Spiritual connections are.

They are WITHIN the body and brain of every Created human being that enters the earth plane.

The Connection of the cord between the Creative Force and the body and brain is so close...

...that is usually overlooked by the free will minds of SELVES as it as THEY mature in physical consciousness WITHIN the earth plane.

The mind of (S)ELVES have not overlooked (t)his connection of (his)...

...and think other minds may like to (K)now now how it is done.


There is a River

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 14 1999 11:59AM EST

The truth of matter is water...

...and it flows from the everlasting well of the Creative Force that is WITHIN.

The physical is matter WITHOUT.

The Spiritual is water WITHIN.

If the truth flows from WITHIN then the letter m...

...would turn around to a w...

...and the two t's would become AS ONE... the mind of (S)elf takes UP its OWN t, or cross, and follows Him WITHIN.

The physical matter WITHOUT is simply re-turned into water...

... that is the truth of matter that emanates from WITHIN the matter of the Created body.

This is HOW Jesus spoke from WITHIN...

...and HOW Edgar Cayce spoke from WITHIN.

...and HOW every mind may set (S)elf aside...

...and allow the cool clear water of truth to speak and flow from WITHIN.

There is a Companion

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 15 1999 1:00AM EST

Every mind that enters the earth plane manifests a human Created body that was formed by a Force from WITHIN the body itself.

The intelligence that formed that body ...

...that has housed the mind...

...throughout the ages...

...has been called...



...and the Creative Force.

It does not matter...

...what name is given to this Spiritual Force WITHIN.


Because ALL the Letters that the mind has been using...

...have ALWAYS been AS ONE with that Force anyway.

When the WILL of the mind acknowledges that fact... may become AS ONE with its true Companion WITHIN.

Until then...

...the WILL of the mind of self...

...WILL simply continue to be AS ONE with itself...

It is that simple. It is that profound.


The Woman at the Well

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 15 1999 1:46AM EST

The woman AT the well was physical...

...she had five husbands...five physical senses, or desires.

She was approached by ONE Spiritual man, Jesus, the Pattern...

...ONE Spiritual sense...ONE Spiritual desire.

The well she spoke of was in the earth...


The well he spoke of was the well of everlasting life from WITHIN the earth...

...the earth of His Created body...



The Music of the Pattern

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 15 1999 8:41AM EST

"The lute as well as the STRINGED instruments...

...become those that act more as the soothing influence..."*

"The Prince of Peace ws a harpist Himself." *

*See page 68 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

It is no coincidence that the harp is a CORDED, STRINGED instrument.


The Pattern of Going WITHIN

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 15 1999 9:53AM EST

Here are the signs of the Pattern going WITHIN to re-cord...

..once again to the Father that has ALWAYS been WITHIN.

The Pattern of going WITHIN... the same... the mind of (S)elf going WITHIN the word Pattern.


The mind of (S)elf WILLS to take up its cross (t) and follow Him.

The result is that (t)he two crosses (t's) are AS ONE...

..and the mind as moved away from its (n)egative polarity...WITHOUT the (p)ositive polarity...


Thus...the physical mind of Self has just followed the Pattern from

WITHIN...the mind of Self is transformed to (S)elf and...

...the word Pattern is transformed into the Word...Pater.

According to the LAW OF WEBSTER...

...Pater just happens to be the Latin word for Father.

However, (SIN)CE the Pattern fulfilled every letter of THAT LAW...

...the minds of (S)elves feel very confident even to enter WITHIN...

...and to become as one with...


PA is the name the mind of (S)elves fondy call the Pater WITHIN.

Even the Word PA is a sign that the (p)ituitary and the (p)ineal glands are OPEN and are AS ONE...(P)(A)

These words are NOT a physical coincidence.

These words are a Spiritual co-incidence for they are... from WITHIN.


Water and the Jesus, the Pattern

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 16 1999 7:18AM EST

.......COOL COOL WATER.......

"And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these LITTLE ones...

...a cup of cold water only... the name of a disciple...

...verily I say unto you...

...he shall in no wise lose his reward."*

*Matthew 10:42

Water is the Truth of the matter of the Created body that flows like a river from WITHIN...

...when the channel of the body and mind

is OPENED by the WILL of the mind...

...according to His Pattern.

The reward is not a physical reward.

The reward is a Spiritual re-ward or re-cording of the mind to the Creative Force...

...His Spirit...


Water and the Readings

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 16 1999 8:46AM EST

"Pure water, the mother of creation is the beginning THROUGH which all day, some day, somewhere is passed."*

"Water, the cleansing FORCE as one MOVES from experience to experience."*

*See page 58 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Cool clear water...


The Human Mind

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 17 1999 9:40AM EST

The human mind is the builder.

The human mind begins its building process according to the Law of Webster that has been handed down from generation to generation.

The human mind will remain in that fixed cycle of movement...unless it is willing to BREAK out of that cylce.

The human mind is capable of breaking out of that cylce by beginning to follow the Pattern established by Adam returning as Jesus... show the world that a re-cording may be made to the Father WITHIN.

This was the the truth that Jesus brought to the human race.

Few believed Him for their minds were literally stuck in a "rut" of the cycle of the written Law.

The human mind, in general, does not know...

...that the Spirit of the Law is the essence of the Written Law today...

...the essence of even the Law of Webster.

The Spirit of the Son of Man, or the Son of God, IS the Spirit of Adam/Jesus.

That Spirit is the Creative Force that literally Creates the physical body that houses the human mind.

In the beginning, Adam had a direct... corded...connection with that his Created body.

He broke, or severed that connection...

... and that is WHY the Law was handed down to Moses.

Adam returned as Jesus...fulfilled every Letter of the Law.

His Spirit fulfills every Letter of the Law that has been handed down from generation to generation.

His Spirit fulfills every Letter of of the Law of Webster.

If any mind doubts the validity of the above statements...

...then let that mind ponder this sign as it enters WITHIN this simple three letter word...


This little three letter word is the sign that He went to the cross.

It might even be more vibrational If the human mind would allow its created HAND to write DOWN this word...

... that has been HANDED DOWN down from generation to generation according to the Law.

And as the mind breaks into this word, which is against the Law...

Let the human mind remember how David and those that were with him entered WITHIN the house of God, and ate the showbread that was NOT lawful to do.*

*Matthew 12:3

Let the mind also ponder what the Readings say about the human body and the temple of the living God.*

*Page 108 of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

The minds of (S)elves know these thoughts well for the come from the well WITHIN.


There is a Connection

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 20 1999 7:01AM EST

There is a connection...Does anyone know what that connection is?

According to the Law of Webster...

Mythology...a sphinx at Thebes that strangles passersby who are unable to guess its riddle.


Cayce's connection to the Sphinx

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 20 1999 11:15PM EST

Look on page 419 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Edgar Cayce was Ra, the High Priest....Just as Jesus was Adam...

Reincarnation is a fact that the human race will soon learn for real. R E I N C (A R) N A T I O N.

This is the nation that will learn of RA or AR as seen from WITHIN.

The Sphinx is a physical sign that human progression of the mind towards the IDEAL has been basically stopped.

The cord is still severed as noted on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

Even the word Sp(h)in(x) indicates that that the (spir)al or spin as stopped by the letter x that two or more may be as one (H)...

...which is the Law of One.

Even the nose of the sphinx is missing. ...nose...Enos...the son of Seth, the grandson of Adam... was when men first began to call on the name of the LORD.*

*Genesis 4:26

Allow the mind to simply ponder these things:

At birth there is a physical cord of connection...the cord is severed.

At the first birth...or the Creation of Adam...there was a Spiritual cord... and it too was severed.*

See page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Cayce Companion.

The Sphinx is the physical sign that the human race has not yet reached the understanding that a human being is Spiritual and has become entrapped in the physical.

The Sphinx is as a guard before the peer-a-mid WITHIN.

Once the mind understands the relationship of the mind of itself to the cord of the physical Created body... may then enter WITHIN that House of God, or the Created body that literally houses that mind.

Until the mind makes the conception and the connection... will literally strangle itself on the Spiritual cord that has always been the Natural Law beginning with Adam.

This is the riddle of the Sphinx.


The fifth root race has begun.* Again see page 419 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is the sign of the fifth root race. .....G R A C E.....

The human race is once again beginnning to move towards the Ideal of the fifth root race called Grace.

If any mind doubts the validity of this claim.....

.....then let that mind simply count the letters that are the ROOTS of the word GRACE.

.....then let that mind find the word race WITHIN that word and...

....then let that mind find the word ace WITHIN that word.

....THIS IS HOW the the mind may go WITHIN.

If any mind doubts the validity of this informaton...then simply allow that mind to set out in front of the Sphinx and ponder WHY the mind AND the sphinx... ...ARE both there.


Entering the Sphinx

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 22 1999 8:36AM EST

The physical mind has the desire to first, physically enter the sphinx to look for signs of HOW "things were done.


The mind should remember that Ra/Edgar Cayce was a high priest who dealt with Spiritual "things" that WERE THOUGHT forms.


*See page 84 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

So....In order to enter the sphinx...

...the mind does not literally enter into the physical sphinx itself...

It will simply enter WITHIN the word attached to the sphinx which is the thought form attached to the sphinx itself.

This is the exact Pattern employed by both Jesus and Edgar Cayce...

...and the minds of (S)elves.

This is HOW the minds of (S)elves may enter WITHIN the sphinx.


The minds of (S)elves will simply BREAK into the thought form word that is directly attached or re-corded to the sphinx.

(S) is His Spirit

(p) are the Pituitary and Pineal glands

(H) together as one

(i) is self

(n) is negative or -

(x) is exit or remove, or do not want as in 23rd Psalm.

...sphinx...sphin(x)... remove the x and

the spin or transformation of coming together will begin again.

re-move the negative (n) and i moves be be AS ONE with the Creative Force WITHIN which is positive.

Likes beget likes....

...and that is the Law that is ever present*

*See page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

(in) is the direction that the mind should move.

It is the UNDERSTANDING that thoughts are things...

...thought forms...

...that allows the mind to enter WITHIN by moving a "cross the bridge that re-cords the thought form to the physical object.

That BRID(G)E is formed of words whose every letter was fulfilled by the Pattern...Jesus.

This is the understanding needed by the mind to pass...

THROUGH the sphinx and to be able to enter WITHIN the peer-A-mids.*

*see page 419 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Entering within the Pyramid

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 23 1999 9:25AM EST

Entering WITHIN the pyramids follows the same pattern of the mind...

...entering WITHIN by altering (S)elf into attunement of the human Created body.

Until the human mind reaches the understanding that it must make attunement to the Creative forces in order to enter WITHN... will be prevented from doing so.*

*See page 419 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The sphinx and the flaming sword* represent the SAME Pattern of keeping the mind of self OUT...

...until it returns, or attunes to the Creative Consciousness WITHIN.

*"Therefore the Lord God, sent him forth FROM the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken."

"So he drove out the man: and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cher'u-bims, and a FLAMING SWORD which turned every way, to keep the WAY of the tree of life."

*Genesis 23-24

The tree of of life is the connecting cord that Adam had WITH his Created body in the beginning.

Adam then severed that cord with his own self free will.*

*See page 111 of the edgar Cayce Companion.

It is no accident that pyra refers to fire...

...that ra, the high priest/Edg(ar) Cayce... included in this word.

It is also no accident that the word sword is formed of these letters...

...(S) W O R D

It is also no accident that Jesus, the Pattern, was called the Word made flesh.

It is also no accident that the physical mind is first Baptized with water... then as it UNFOLDS*... is baptized by His Holy Ghost (S)pirit with fire.**

*See page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

** See Matthew 3:11

The sphinx, the flaming sword...

The pyramid, the Created body...

The Father WITHIN Jesus.

The Creative Force WITHIN.


*IF the mind is willing... will read page 231 of the Edgar Cayce Companion to see what that thought is.

Ra has always been involved in these NEW applications.

The human MIND is now entering into an e(ra) of the NEW application of going WITHIN the real, and natural, house of God...

...the Created human BODY... itself.


Connecting with the little child

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Mar 25 1999 12:24AM EST

Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling.

They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy.

The pregnancy progresses normally for Karen, an active member of the Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, Tennessee.

Then the labor pains come. Every five minutes... every minute. But

Complications arise during delivery. Hours of labor. Would a C-section be required?

Finally, Michael's little sister is born.

But she is in serious condition. With sirens howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.

The days inch by, The little girl gets worse. The pediatric specialist tells the parents, "There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst."

Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot.

They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby.

Now they plan a funeral.

Michael, keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister,

"I want To sing to her," he says. Week two in intensive care. It looks as if funeral will come before the week is over.

Michael keeps nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. But Karen makes up her mind. She will take Michael whether they like it or not.

If he doesn't see his sister now, he may never see her alive. She dresses him in an oversized scrub suit and marches him into ICU. He looks like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse recognizes him as a child and bellows, "Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed."

The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line.

"He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!" Karen tows Michael to his sister's bedside. He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. And he begins to sing.

In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sings: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray ---"

Instantly the baby girl responds. The pulse rate becomes calm and steady.

Keep on singing, Michael. "You never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away---"

The ragged, strained breathing becomes as smooth as a kitten's purr. Keep on singing, Michael. "The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms..."

Michael's little sister relaxes as rest, healing rest, seems to sweep over her.

Keep on singing, Michael.

Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glows. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don't, take my sunshine away."

Funeral plans are scrapped. The next, day-the very next day-the little girl is well enough to go home!

Woman's Day magazine called it "the miracle of a brother's song."

The medical staff just called it a miracle.

Karen called it a miracle of God's love!
