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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #57

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #57

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His Vibrational Symbol (w)

w is the FIRST root letter of the word water.

(w)ater is the universal symbol of truth.

His symbol w is a witness to itself in truth.

Here is why and what most minds do not see.

According to the Law of One, two may be As One, yet two.

ie, the Pattern of the Father and the Son are As One yet two. 

The movement (v) of  the Creative Force and  the movement (v) of the mind WITHIN to become As One are emblematical of v and v coming together.

 His v's witness each other in truth and the symbol of the coming together is...

...w where the two v's are As One.

"There is nothing  by chance."*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


His Vibrational Symbols (y and z) 

y is the FIRST root letter of yes.

y is v and l As One.

z is the ending letter of the alphabet

This letter is as set in stone by the Law of Webster and is emblematical of ALL the letters that the mind uses as its OWN.

The Law of One states that the Spirit IS letters and the letters may move as the Spirit moves and vice versa when the mind acknowledges them as His.

Thus, the letter Z may easily be moved to the letter N that is easily cast out of the mind.

Here is an example of HOW the mind, as the builder, may move and work the letter N to fit its mind WTHIN the Pattern of One with God.



His Vibrational Symbol (x)


x is the SIXTH root letter of the word sphinx. 

The Latin word for sphinx is strangler. 

The sphinx is emblematical of the stoppage of the unfoldment of the mind of man from its encasement in the matter of nature... 

...and prevents the mind from leaving the "nature" of itself and from entering WITHIN pyramid that is emblematic of the created body... 

..symbols and all. 

Here is the unravelling of the riddle of the Sphinx. 


The SPIN or Spiral of the mind's OWN letters has been stopped (x) by the mind's attempt to continue to suit itself... 

..thus further encasing itself WITHIN itself. 

When the stoppage (x) or strangulation is re-moved... 

..the SPIN or transformation of its letters into His Pattern will continue and that re-union is emblematic of His Symbol (H). 

Thus, when the riddle of the SPHINX is opened... may be viewed as SP(H)IN(X). 

When the mind opens the SP(H)IN(X)... has the understanding to peer-(A)-mid. 

A and H both being His symbols that are emblematic of the Law of One and... 

..NOT by chance were the letters added by God unto the name of ABRAM... become ABR(AH)AM. 

Both A and H witness each other in truth and the REFLECTION of that Revelation is...