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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #56

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #56

His Vibrational Symbol (Q)

Q is the FIRST root letter symbol of the word Queen.

He is the King of Kings.

The Q represents that O is divided by the small severance line near the bottom.

The Q represent less than completion of the Law of One (O) for the mind.

The Q needs to make a U-turn to O.

However, please do not...

...(Q-U-O)-T-E me on that. :)


His Vibrational Symbol (R)

R is FIRST and LAST root letter of the word RiveR.

The word RiveR is a perfect match to the Pattern of the beginning and ending.

R indicates the opening of B of the (B)rain and (B)ody that allows the Creative Force to move and flow like a river springing forth from WITHIN.

Even Jesus, the Pattern, said that the words I speak are not mine, but of the Father WITHIN me.

=============== His Vibrational Symbol (S) ======================

S is the FIRST root letter of the word Spirit.

S Is HIS Symbol for Spirit that will remain and does remain "still' WITHIN the created body, until activated by the will of the mind.

When the mind of Self gives up its own S to HIS Spirit WITHIN...

...Self becomes Patterned as a little child (S)elf that is able to carry His S WITHIN.

When the two (S)pirits join WITHIN As One according to the Law of One, the symbol is 8.

Look on page 246 of The Edgar Cayce Companion to see how the figure 8 figures WITHIN.

Also when 8 is moved to lay down like in green pastures, the symbol is then the sign of infinity or as promised, everlasting life.

================= His Vibrational Symbol (t) ================

t is the FIRST root letter of the word truth.

t is also the symbol of the cross that Jesus, the Pattern, was As One with.

When Jesus was As One with the (t), He was making atonement so that the mind could make attunement... 

...and according to the Readings...

...atonement was the Pattern for...

The Pattern stated that one should take up its  OWN vibrational (t) and follow Him.

The Spiritual sign of this activity is this...


The Readings also state that Ruth, the sister of Jesus, was at the cross.

In essence, ruth was a witness to (t)ruth.


His Vibrational Symbols (u n)

u is the THIRD root letter of you

When this same letter is moved and turned if there were no gravity it is n.

n is the FIRST root letter of negative.

The THIRD root of the word mind is n.

When a human being manifests into the earth plane, it is, in essence, coming from the negative - pole. 

That is why it is often taught to try to think + positive.

Jesus, the Pattern, the Way, emblematically became As One with the + Positive Poles which are the two major glands, or churches, or chakras of the created body called the pineal and the pituitary glands located in the brain.

In essence, when the mind moves its OWN letters, u n,  as His Symbols WITHIN...

They just happen to be the FIRST and SECOND root letters of the word un-ion which is the re-union WITHIN.

ion just happens to be...

...according to the Law of Webster, whose words are as etched in stone, WITHOUT the possibility of movement by the mind.... electrically charged atom or  group of atoms.

Sound somewhat familiar to the electrical impulses WITHIN the brain?

...ion...the electrical charge of which a neutral atom or a group of neutral atoms loses or gains one or more electrons during a chemical reaction.

The GAIN of electrons results in a negative charged ion or atom or group of atoms.

The LOSS of electrons results in a Positive charged ion or group of atoms.

Here is the Pattern.

When the mind and soul take on a created body, it takes on matter.

When the born mind begins to learn, it stores up a zillion different words that are as etched in stone.

In essence the mind literally becomes the block word mind without movement.

The Pattern states that thou shall not want.

Sooo or sew, simply allow the mind to break the Law of Webster that Jesus, the Pattern, the Word made flesh, overcame anyway. 

Sooo or sew, if u do not mind, simply break in and re-move the n from the mi(n)d so the mind may take u WITHIN and re-turn it to the Father as in re-union.

This will show that the mi(n)d is mid and that is  a little dim from the view from WITHIN.

That exactly fits the Pattern of going to the light WITHIN...

...and there and then...

...the next steps are given to the mind...

...from WITHIN...

...that has just become Positive in the  nature of the created body.*

*See Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce Companion or Reading 922-1