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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #53

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #53

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His Vibrational Symbols (F)  arkroc

(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 01/04/2000 08:14 am EST

F is the FIRST root letter of the word Father.

The three INTERconnecting lines indicate the the Pattern of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost or Spirit As One. 

When the mind enters WITHIN its created body and mind it WILL meet its maker FACE to FACE.

How does the mind enter the created body and mind?

It enters THROUGH its own words attached to that created body and mind.

The sign that this is true is (F)ACE.

ACE being As One.

A together AS One.

C (C)hrist the name for being together As One

E the (E)arth plane WITHIN the human created body. 


His Vibrational Symbols (G)  arkroc
(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 01/04/2000 08:50 am EST

G is the FIRST root letter of the word God.

G is also the FIRST root letter that was 
WITHIN the Word G-O-D that was with God in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

The letter G is an extremely important symbol for it is the sign of the Pattern of where the soul and its constant companion, the mind originated, and needs to return. 

When the mind draws His Symbol G, it starts at the point at the top, loops around to a point and reaches a plateau that seemingly may go in two directions.
His Symbol G is also emblematic of a nebula and its formation.

G reflects the current position or plateau of the mind and the future direction that it should take.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings, the mind is at that plateau where it should turn WITHIN. 


The Two Letters To and From God.  arkroc
(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 01/05/2000 09:29 am EST

There are TWO letters in the English Alphabet that literally witness each other in truth from the point of view WITHIN the created body.

The conscious mind uses these letters every day without any consideration that these letters are far more important than simple tools that help the mind build its OWN words into thoughts.

The two letters are emblematic of the Law of One God that is the Creative Force.

Here are the TWO letters that the mind has been using as its own, yet truly represent the Law of One God...

...that states that the mind and the Creative Force WITHIN the human body may be As one, yet two. 

These Letters that are emblematic and a perfect reflection of the Law of One are A and H.

The Readings state that NOTHING is by chance

It is NOT by chance that these letters are symbols that reveal that two may be connected as one yet two

It is NOT by chance that these are the exact two letters added to the name ABRAM to produce the name ABR(AH)AM.

When Abram "connected" with the Creative Force, or God WITHIN, these two letters, that witness each other in truth, and are emblems of the Law of One WITHIN...,

...were able to be manifested by the opened mind and body of Abraham who was then able to receive the Revelation.

It is NOT by chance that it is stated in Revelation 1:8 that the SPIRIT of God IS HIS letters.

The mind simply has been using them as its OWN.

If any mind would care to make a similar Revelation, allow the mind to do this simple experiment.

Take a sheet of paper and (w)rite the word AH in big letters on that sheet of paper.


Now go to a mirror and hold that paper up in front of you and look in the mirror.

The reflection from WITHIN that mirror is HA.

Both the mind and the reflection WITHIN are beginning to resonate to the vibrations truth.


(No pun intended)

Man, in deed, using HIS letters, IS made in the image of the One God WITHIN the created body.

As Edgar Cayce would often say while giving a Reading....



His Vibrational Symbols (B) 


(59/M/Longwood, Florida) 01/06/2000 12:45 am EST

B is the FIRST root letter of the word (B)rain.

Enclosed WITHIN the Brain are two important glands, often called two of the seven churches in the Readings.

These two glands, the pituitary and the pineal, are emblematic of churches that LETTERS were sent to after the crucifixion of the Jesus, the Pattern.

It is the MIND that sends letters THROUGH the churches or glands of the body and that includes the churches or glands of the Brain.

When the mind sends letters THROUGH the glands as though they are HIS SYMBOLS, which they are...

...the glands of the Brain literally open and the transformation begins to commence all through the created body because the mind is moving letters that reflect HIS consciousness rather than that of the mind's OWN consciousness.

The manifestations of the Creative Force will then began to occur THROUGH the created body for the channel is NOW open. 

The sign that this is true is the SECOND root letter of the word BRAIN.

B is His Symbol for the Brain in a closed position.

R is His Symbol B that is now open and information from WITHIN will begin to flow just like a (R)iver.

"There is a River" that flows from WITHIN...

And when the mind begins to re-turn and re-tune its "OWN" letters as HIS Symbols...

...the mind will finally begin to fulfill its destiny of re-turning its very own soul to its Maker WITHIN via the MOVEMENT of HIS Symbols, which in turn, moves the mind into His direction. 

His Vibrational Symbols (I)

The Letter I is the FIRST root letter of the word Ideal.

According to the Readings there is only ONE Spiritual Ideal.

That Ideal is that Jesus is the Pattern for the mind to follow so that the mind may unfold into a Higher Consciousness of the Creative Force often referred to as the Christ.  

Although the capital letter cannot be shown in its true form in this discussion group...

...It is the symbolic shape of an I (eye) beam that is described Matthew 7:5.

"Thou hypocrite. FIRST cast out the beam out of thine OWN eye, and THEN shalt thou SEE clearly to cast out the mote out of the brother's eye."

This Capital Letter I is that I (eye) beam that needs to be cast out of the mind.

This beam is emblematical of the  large ego Self that self must move away from.

This is Exactly what the Ideal Pattern did as He moved away from Himself to RETURN to be As One with the Creative Force called God or Father.

This is the emblematic little (i) when the mind separates itself from itself, (I)

i emblematically becomes i.

Self emblematically also becomes as a little child...


Once the mind moves out of the encasement of its OWN eye beam, or ego Self consciousness... may easily move into the HIGHER consciousness of the Creative Force, which, ironically, resonates at LOWER vibrations than the Self Conscious mind.

The Self conscious mind hardly gives a second thought to the movement of its letters because it is much more concerned with the blocks of words that the movements produce.

If the mind would slow down that movement by taking time to consider the possible ramifications of what it is doing, as the builder... my literally unblock the encasement the mind has put itself in and will become free to follow the Pattern which is not only the absolute truth, but the "Relative" truth as well.

Here is a simple example of HOW the mind my slow down and follow His Pattern in the mind's OWN words.   

Without the FIRST root letter (G) of God in the word SIGN...

...the word is SIN.

When the FIRST root letter (G) of God is RETURNED and placed WITHIN the word SIN, by the mind, as the builder...

...the mind will begin to SEE the handiwork of his labor.

The mind will begin to SEE SI(G)NS along HIS way.

Here is the shortest complete sentence in the English Language.

"I AM."

I is emblematical of Him and the Ideal

"I AM Alpha and Omega"*


I again is emblematical of Him

A is emblematical of together As One
M is emblematical of Matter.

Jesus and the Creative Force, God, the Father were As One together in the matter of the body of Jesus.

"I AM" is HIS Pattern that the mind may follow to enter WITHIN His consciousness that is As One with the Father, God


January 7, 2000


The Brain and the Mind

The English Language can often times be very confusing. 

Often times the word Brain and the word Mind are used interchangeably. 

There should be a clear distinction between the two and here is why. 


The Brain is DIRECTLY attached to the created body and is part and parcel of the created body... 

...and within the Brain there are two major glands or churches that direct the rest of the glands of the body. 


The Mind and its constant companion, the Soul are literally housed WITHIN the created body... 

...but are NOT DIRECTLY attached to the created body that houses them while they are WITHIN the earth plane. 

The created body was designed to afford the human mind, which has free will, the opportunity to INTERACT and correspond DIRECTLY with the Brain. 

Originally, this interaction did take place between the Brain and the Mind because both parties communicated by using the SAME set of symbols. 

The symbols were a commonality that could easily move back and forth between the Brain and the Mind, and formed a DIRECT connection between the two parties. 

Just as Adam was given a created body... 

...that created body came with a set or cord of symbols that made a DIRECT connection from His Mind to the Brain of His created body. 

The so -called sin of Adam was that HIS free willed Mind severed that set of symbols that were formed WITHIN HIS CREATED BODY... 

...and took them as His OWN even though they were, and still are, part and parcel of the created body to be used for communion with the created body. 

In short, the human race has continued, unwittingly, to follow the Pattern of Adam ever since. 

The irony of the situation is that the Born Mind MUST follow the Pattern created by Adam... 

...BUT only up to a certain point. 

When a human being is born there is NO DIRECT connection between the mind and the created body. 

The human mind must FIRST follow the Pattern FIRST established by the Free Will of Adam's Mind. 


Because in order for the Mind to re-establish the link between itself and the created body... must FIRST become conscious of itself. 

Once the Mind has used MAN given letters as symbols to become conscious of itself... is mature enough to re-connect to the created body WITHIN. 

That Pattern of re-connection is called the Christ...

...and the Christ is the Consciousness that Adam had with the Father in the beginning. 

Adam did NOT commit a sin according to the Overall Pattern of the Creator. 

Adam was really completing the FIRST born part of the Pattern of the human mind becoming conscious FIRST of itself. 

This is exactly WHY when Adam returned as Jesus who said that one must be born again...

...and that  His Spirit said "I am Alpha and Omega". 

Jesus is the Born Again Pattern... 

...where the self conscious mind is in a position to develop a Christ Conscious mind... 

...and lead its constant companion, its soul, back to be As One with God... 

...the Creator of the human body...

...and THAT human body resonates As One with of ALL the Forces of the Universe. 

In essence it IS God's will that the soul will return to the Father. 

It is the destiny of the soul to return to the Father. 

It is the Mind that is FIRST born 

"according" to the Pattern of Adam... 

... using man given letter symbols as its OWN... 

...and THEN born AGAIN "according" to the Pattern of Jesus... 

...using its OWN letter symbols as HIS... 

...that will guide its companion, its soul 
WITHIN the created body... 

...and back its Maker, God, The Father. 

That is God's plan for His children...

...and He created this Pla-net as their crib until they learn to be born again.

(Many times it takes more than one lifetime for the Mind to learn that lesson)


 His Vibrational Symbol (K) 

The Letter K is the First Root letter of the word King, of the word Kin, and of the word Kinetic Energy. 

" for He is Lord of lords , and King of kings.."* 

*Revelation 17:14 

Every human mind is a king with its free will. 

His Mind is King of those kings. 

His Mind is the Creative Force that resides and is attached directly to the created body. 

He Is our First Relative Kin. 

The MOVEMENT of the Creative Force that moves THROUGH and manifests out the created body is called Kinetic energy. 

Here is why. 

Kin and net, according to the Law of One and applied to words is Kinet. 

Our First of "KIN" has created a "net" where His soul children may gather to learn of Him. 

i being the little i that has moved away from the big ego I (Self).... 

...c being the First root letter of the Word christ. 

His Symbol K is emblematic of His Symbol B being open from WITHIN. 

B being the First root Letter of the word Brain AND of the created Body. 

According to the Law of Webster.... 
kinetic energy...

..."The Energy of a BODY that results from motion. 

In terms of the created body and the mind... 

...this energy or Creative Force is the driving force of manifestations from WITHIN and THROUGH the created body. 

The initial motion in this case is the movement of His Symbols by the human Mind that acknowledges that Its very OWN letters are His Symbols and may move them WITHIN as such.