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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #50

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #50

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The Environment of the Mind 12-05-99

....and its natural evolution.

What if it is found that the letters the mind has been using to build a self conscious mind... 

...have simply been TAKEN  by the Self conscious mind for granted as its OWN... 

...and that mind has CONTINUED to use them as its OWN... 

... because the mind has never been taught differently that they may really belong to a higher consciousness....

...and WHEN the letters are returned to the source of that higher consciousness by the mind....

...the mind will THEN follow into that higher consciousness?


Is it possible that IF the Self conscious mind put its own letters WITHIN a NEW context or environment...

... it might make a difference in the evolutionary process of the mind's unfoldment into a higher consciousness?


In evolution, does not the change in the natural environment effect a change in the species?


Would not that also hold true for the Contextuality of the mind?

The Unversal Consciousness


When the human self conscious mind OPENS His Book, and perceives the PATTERN WITHIN His Book... 

...The mind AND body will begin to OPEN to the Universal Consciousness that is stored WITHIN that mind and body. 


Because according to the Readings, the human body is a microcosm of ALL of the forces of the entire universe itself* 

*Page 244 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

Man has been attempting to search OUTER space for intelligent life when the search should be focused by the human mind to search WITHIN itself. 

The medical profession is directing their activity in the right place...

...but they also need to focus on the ESSENCE of the physical body which is the Creative Force. 

For the mental, spiritual, and physical... 

...when in attunement... 

...are As One. 

The Readings describe that Force... 

...and when the human mind begins to understand the essence of the physical body... 

...the consciousness of the human mind will be forever changed... 

..and that change will most certainly improve the quality of life that human beings have been experiencing on this earth plane. 

The Universal Consciousness


When the human self conscious mind OPENS His Book, and perceives the PATTERN WITHIN His Book... 

...The mind AND body will begin to OPEN to the Universal Consciousness that is stored WITHIN that mind and body. 


Because according to the Readings, the human body is a microcosm of ALL of the forces the entire universe itself* 

*Page 244 of The Edgar Cayce Companion 

Man has been attempting to search OUTER space for intelligent life when the search should be focused by the human mind to search WITHIN itself. 

The medical profession is directing their activity in the right place, but they also need to focus on the ESSENCE of the physical body which is the Creative Force. 

For the mental, spiritual, and physical,,, 

...when in attunement... 

...are As One. 

The Readings describe that Force... 

...and when the human mind begins to understand the essence of the physical body... 

...the consciousness of the human mind will be forever changed... 

..and that change will most certainly improve the quality of life that human beings have been experiencing on this earth plane. 

No Room at the Inn

When Jesus, the Pattern for the human mind, entered this earth plane, there was literally no room at the inn for Him.

The inn being emblematical of  the human mind.

The minds WITHIN the inn were simply to busy with their OWN thoughts and gratifications to even consider the thoughts of another. 

However, there were some that DID consider the thoughts of this young man entering the earth plane.

One was the keeper of the Inn.

His name was Apsafar.

He was also was of the Essene as was Mary and Joseph.

He purposely kept them away from the rabble rousing going on in the inn.

He knew of the things to come and was foretold by the teachers of the Essenes.

So did many others that were near or at the inn that evening.

They found a place at a stable which was under a hill where the shepherds were gathering their flocks.

The Innkeeper, Apsafar, his wife, Sodaphe, and his daughter Sara, who was a little younger than Mary...

...all helped prepare for the birth of Jesus.

Sara was second person to hold the Babe in her arms. 

Sara continued to follow the development of Jesus from the time of His birth.  

This story is truly remarkable and  different when what has been taught to the self conscious mind by other self conscious minds.

This is an intriguing account of the birth of Jesus according to the ALTERED conscious mind of Edgar Cayce...

...and may be found in Reading 1152 or starting on page 159 of...

"Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus by Jeffrey Furst.


= = 

"Follow that known in thy present as i-e-o-u-i-o-umph... 

...for the RAISING of that from WITHIN of the Creative Forces... it RISES along that which is set WITHIN the INNER man as that CORD of life... 

...that once SEVERED... 

...may SEPARATE... 

...does SEPARATE.. 

...That balance between... 

...the MIND, the body, the soul."* 

*Page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. 

= = 

This is THE most important sentence ever vocalized by the altered conscious mind of Edgar Cayce. 

This sentence REVEALS the missing link that has SEPARATED the mind from the body and soul. 

The mind needs to follow the movement of letters it has at present, or at hand, as the movement of HIs Letters. 

Vowels are emblematic of movement letters. 

When the mind follows the movement OF letters as His... 

... the mind moves WITHIN... 

...and the Creative Forces RISE from WITHIN in response to that movement. 

Here is HOW a vowel may be moved by the mind, as the builder, to WITHIN His Pattern. 


The mind moves WITHIN the word. 


The VOW is with the (L)ord WITHIN the (E)arth plane of the human body. 

Here is another movement of VO(W)EL 


This exactly fits the movement of the Creative Force that is WITHIN. 

The W is the first root letter WITHIN Water and Water is the universal symbol for truth. 

M is the first root letter WITHIN (M)atter. 

When W is moved WITHIN to His point of View... may be seen as M and that is the Truth the matter. 

Truth is always the essence WITHIN matter and that exactly fits His Pattern. 

As stated above, the mind has been severed from its created body... 

...and the created body is a reflection of the soul that is part and parcel of the universal consciousness. 

That severed cord can be re-corded by a willing mind... 

...and the cord is a string of 26 letters that the mind is using. 

When the Spirit said "I am Alpha and Omega",*... 

*Revelation 1:8 

...those were NOT mere idle words... 

...but words that represent letters that the mind should follow the MOVEMENT thereof. 

The true Revelation is that the mind's own letters are only LENT to the mind to develop a self conscious mind... 

...that then becomes prepared to "conceive a Christ conscious mind by willingly returning His Letters WITHIN... 

... and following the return of those letters WITHIN. 

This is the exact Emblematic Pattern established by the Virgin Mary. 

She literally conceived the Word of God made flesh. 

Most children have reached self conscious maturity by the age of sixteen... 

...and are ready to conceive a higher consciousness that Jesus became the Emblematic Pattern thereof. 

Every mature self conscious mind knows that it has the ability to conceive... simply has not learned to make the Immaculate Conception that was Patterned by the Virgin Mary... 
