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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #5

You've Got A Friend

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 12 1999 12:51AM EST

Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall...

"...all you have to do is (C)ALL...

...and I'll be (t)here...

...Yes I WILL...

...You just (C)ALL out my name...

...and you KNOW wherever I am.

..You've got a friend..."

............James Taylor 1971



(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 12 1999 5:11PM EST

The Voice from WITHIN the mind/body said the shifting of the earth's poles wiil begin occuring in the periods from '58 to '98...*

*Page 448 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

"As BEGINS the reign in '98."*

*Page 448 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

" those periods in '58 to '98...

....His light will again be seen again in the clouds.*

*Page 443 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Has anyone seen the poles shift?

Has anyone seen His light in the clouds?

Either Edgar Cayce was wrong or everone else just wasn't looking in the right place.

The mind's of (S)elves know better.

The physical mind will absolutely disagree with (t)his statement.

Edgar Cayce was speaking SPIRITUAL words that emanated from WITHIN...


There is no way the physical mind may interpret those words correctly.*

See the bottom of page 2 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The shifting of the poles is the compass stylus point of the mind going WITHIN...*

*See stylus..Page 84 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

...rather than continuing to point OUTWARD.

The (EAR)TH is the human Created body that literally houses...

....the Creative Force...,

...the (S)piritual Mind of that Force...,


...the human conscious mind with its free will.

It is the will of the mind that is beginning to re-verse the poles of its own mind from negatve (-) to positve (+) WITHIN ITSELF.

This change EXACTLY matches Jesus, who established the Positve (+) Pattern....

And EXACTLY matches the words that emanated from WITHIN Edgar Cayce who verified that Positve (+). Pattern.

Here is HOW the mind of (s)elves "see" the Pole change from WITHIN.

This word is the negative (-) pole of the physical mind...


This word is the Positive (+) pole of of physical mind transformation.


This is His Spiritual sign when the POLE (-) shifts to ELOP (+)...

.....E(LOP) (POL)E....

Like begets like...

...and the sign of this NATURAL re-union is...


The poles poles of both minds are now AS ONE...

The re-union is complete.

The Bridegroom has arrived to embrace the Bride...

...and they have just ELOPED in marriage.

The reception WILL be held WITHIN the upper room of The Green Acre Sign Factory...

Sunday, February 14, 1999

8:00 PM EST

Be sure to come. (S)elves said PA is going to BREAK out the best wine.

Please dress "accordingly"..PA just said to "re-mind" everyone.

There will be no band so please bring some re-cords for the re-cord player.

(S)elves only have a couple.


The Bridegroom

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 13 1999 10:42AM EST


..."The kingdom of the Father or the kingdom of Heaven is WTHIN.


Because OUR mind. the Son, is WITHIN us."*

*Page 113 of the Edgar Cayce Companion


"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their LAMPS, and WENT FORTH TO MEET the Bridegroom...

...and five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish." *

*His Book

Matthew 25:1-13

This is THE Wedding...This the...

...(ELOPE)(MEN)(T) of the mind of (S)elves... (H)is (S)pirit.

The mind of (S)elves know all about the LAMPS and the OIL and is "well" prepared.

Every mind may do "well" to re-view Matthew 25:1-13 before the wedding reception Sunday night at 8 PM EST.

By the Way...Has any mind noticed How 113 just happens to be in both books?

Just a concidence?

The mind of (S)elves know better.

The mind of (S)elves have (t)he LAMPS filled with OIL and have been waiting for sometime...NOW

All minds would do "well" to remember...

...that the Words spoken in Matthew 25:1-13 are (S)piritual.

The Word LAMPS is a (S)piritual Word.

The Word LAMPS is of the same Pattern of the Word that was with God in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

The Word that was with GOD is G-O-D.

The Word that is with LAMPS is... ...L-A-M-P-S...

These FIVE (S)piritual L-A-M-P-S are wise...

..for they are "filled" with the SAME Spirit, or O-I-L that allowed the The Creative Force, or Word,or the Son, the MOVEMENT... ful-"fill" the Law by dotting every "i" and crossing every "t" with HIS (S)piritual letters.

These LAMPS and the OIL WITHIN are AS ONE...

...for the wise virgins are all carrying His (S)piritual letters...


This also EXACTLY fits the Pattern of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Pattern, the word made flesh.

Well, (S)elves must get back to work and prepare for the reception... ...that He was going to "break" out the good wine...

...(S)ooo, please stop by.


Music While The (S)elves Prepare the Feast

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 13 1999 11:45AM EST ------------

Young Love


Somewhere My Love ------------

Love and Marriage ------------

Love Letters in the Sand ------------

I Just called to say I Love you



(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 13 1999 11:32PM EST

"And the whole multitude sought to touch Him...

...for there went VIRTUE... OUT of Him and healed them all."*

*Luke 6:19

According to to the Law of Webster...

...VIRTUE...general moral excellence, right action and thinkng: goodness or morality: effective power or force, the ability to heal or stengthen.

According to the Law of the Creative Force WITHN....

...VIRTUE..."There must flow OUT of self Virtue (that is understanding) for healing to be accomplished in another."*

*Page 260 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

What is that understanding?

"The physcal body may be ALTERED by the concerted activity of MINDS...

...that are directed to the atomic forces of an individual...

in RAISING their VIBRATIONS to a nominal or normal manner...

...Hence we have SPIRITUAL healing to a body."

How come Mr. Webster does NOT say anything about VIBRATIONS?

Because the words and their letters are BLOCKED in his book.

They cannot be MOVED according to the Law of Webster...

...If they cannot move...

...they carry NO VIBRATIONS.

Here is HOW the minds of (S)elves "treat" Webster's VIRTUE.


...The OUTward (move)(men)(t) of His Spiritual Letters from WITHIN is literally the...

...TRUE IV..He is the TRUE (VI)NE..We are the branches.

This is the Movement of Spiritual...


...This movement matches His Pattern perfectly and the minds of (S)elves just found the SIGN... following the OUTWARD MOVEMENT of His Letters into the Pattern.

It is that simple. It is that profound.


The Pattern

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 8:21AM EST

According to the Voice that emanated from WITHIN the body/mind of Edgar Cayce...

...Pattern... (*) "The POWER then is the Christ. The Pattern is in Jesus...

"All POWER In Heaven, in the earth, is given to Him who overcame...

"Hence He is of Himself in space, IN the FORCE that IMPELS through faith, through belief, in the individual A (S)PIRIT Entity...

"Hence not in a body in the earth...

...but may COME at WILL to him who wills to be one with...

...ACTS in LOVE to make same possible. "Christ (is) the UNIVERSAL... CONSCIOUSNESS...

...of LOVE that we see MANIFESTED in those who have forgotten self...,

...AS Jesus...,

...give them(s)elves that others may know the truth. (*)

(*) Page 225 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Question..."Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the...

...AWARENESS WITHIN each soul...

...IMPRINTED on the MIND...

...and WAITING to be awakened by the WILL...

...of the soul's ONENESS with God?"


Answer...CORRECT...That's the idea...


*Page 228 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


According Webster...Pattern...A person or thing considered worthy of imitation or copying...

...A model or plan used as a GUIDE in making THINGS.

MR.Webster's Deaf-inition comes pretty close to the truth here.


Because the Pattern of Jesus became the LAW that has always been "fixed" in stone. (Webster ALWAYS uses blocked, or "fixed" words.)

Webster still A-voids the truth.

Where is there any mention of Jesus, or Spirit in his Deaf-inition.?

There isn't any.

Webster is "still" following the pattern established by Adam...

...and handed down from generation to generation.

The words and their letters have been blocked and stripped (S)piritually "naked" of His Spirit.

Any mind ever remember a (S)nake?


This is HOW the mind of (S)elves re-cords that situation that "still" occurs.


According to Webster...Pater is the Latin word for father.

When the (n)egative is removed...

...and the letters t, or crosses, become as one...

...(follow the Pattern by allowing the will of the mind to take UP its t and follow Him.

When this is done, the minds of (s)elves find the Father, or the Pater WITHIN.

This is WHY the minds of (S)elves lovingly call (Pa)ter (PA) for the have followed the Pattern and gone WITHIN and become AS ONE.

Back to the factory, the (S)elves are preparing a little hidden manna for the wedding feast tonight.


Making the Hidden Manna

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 10:52AM EST

According to the Pattern, Jesus...

"The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which A "woman" took and HID in three measures of "meal" unto the whole was leavened."*

*Matthew 13:33

According to Webster...

...A small piece of "fermenting" dough put aside to be used for producing fermentation in a "fresh" batch of dough... make dough "rise" before or doing baking by the use of a leavening agent.

Hey Mr. Webster...How come nothing is mentioned about leaven, at least, sort of being like the kingdom of heaven?

No Spiritual re-cording obviously.

According to the Edgar Cayce Companion...

...the kingdom of heaven is WITHIN the human Created body.

..."the kingdom of the father, or the kingdom of heaven, is WITHIN."*

"Why?"...because our mind, the Son, is WITHIN us."*

..."it is WITHIN that there is the kingdom of heaven!"*

*See all the quotes on page 113 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

With these directions...

...the minds of (S)elves know HOW to make the "meal".

First, they know...

...that WITHIN the body... the Son, the WORD made flesh.

Sooo, in order to "raise" the Son, or the Creative Force, to leaven the whole loaf, or whole body...

..It simply needs to add the leavening agent to the Word.

What are the leavening agents..? Letters...Spiritual letters that carry His Spirit.

His Letters WILL raise the Word WITHIN. The minds of (s)elves know HOW to hide hide His letters in the Words...

...and they know HOW to look for His Spiritual letters in the Words.

They go WITHIN all of Webster's fixed words and hide the leavening agents.

This makes the whole "loafing" of Webster's book, and the words therein, rise to His level of Words.

This is Webster's BREAD...BREAD

This the BREAD of (S)elves...

...(B)read...This is HOW the physical

(B)rain reads Spiritual Words.

This is Webster's HEAVEN...HEAVEN

This is Webster's LEAVEN...LEAVEN

This is (S)elves HEAVEN and LEAVEN ...(H)EAVEN...(L)EAVEN...H and L are AS ONE...

...for they are His Spiritual letters...

...and carry his ONE Spirit.

This is Webster's MANNA...MANNA

This is (S)elves M(ANNA)

The truth of (t)his (M)atter... that ANNA was THE "woman" who taught the principles of the truth of the (hid)(den) manna... the Mother of Jesus, Mary.*

*see Page 140 of "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" by Jeffrey Furst.

(S)elves had "batter" get back to work, the "meal" is already arising.



(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 12:31PM EST

The (S)elves just finished the "factory" fresh bread with the hidden manna in it.

It is over at the factory.

Looks good, "saving" it for tonight.


The Bread for the Feast has arrived

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 5:38PM EST

This Bread... very much as like the Bread that David and his men ate...

...when they entered WITHIN the house of God...

...and ate the showbread which was UN-LAWFUL for them to do.*

*Matthew 12:3

The physical mind cannot break this Bread...

...for it is as hard as stone to their minds..

...and "will" remain that way according to Webster.

According to Webster...Bread is Bread.

According to (S)elves...

...they may easily break (t)his Bread to reveal (t)he hidden manna...

...for they know that Jesus fulfilled the "Law of Webster"...,

... and became that Law...,

...and that all things were given unto Him...

...including ALL the Letters of that Law.

This is HOW the mind of (s)elves will break Bread....


It is that simple.

It is that profound when the minds of (S)elves are able to break (B)read with its Maker WITHIN...

...and then...

... "read" His signs WITHIN.

Here are some wedding love songs... listen to... the minds of (S)elves wait for PA's feast to begin.


Songs of Love

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 6:02PM EST

Just as most love songs are written according to the DESIRES of the physical mind...,

...they may be, willingly, re-corded by the mind's of (S)elves... the Spirit of Creative Force WITHN..."as well". -----------------

Moments to Remember ------------------

Young Love -----------------

Somewhere My Love -----------------

Love and Marriage -----------------

Love Letters in the Sand -----------------

I Just called to say I Love you


His Door is now OPEN

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 7:54PM EST

The feast is about to begin.

Jesus, the Spiritual Pattern, will start converting water to wine about 8:15 EST.


The Wedding Feast

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 9:47PM EST

A few of His friends

A little of His Spiritual Bread

A little of His Spiritual wine

A little of His Spiritual music*

"The Prince of Peace was a harpist Himself."*

*Page 68 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

He knew the "strings" or "cords" well.


His Wedding Feast -----

His Bread with the Hidden Manna -----

His wine from His water -----

His Song


Water into Wine

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 9:03PM EST

According to Webster...

...water is water is wine

Therefore, is no way the physical mind may convert water into wine.

According to Jesus, the Spiritual Word, the Pattern, the Creative Force, the Lord...,

...ALL the Letters WITHIN are His. According to the Pattern WITHIN...

water is His Letters w-a-t-e-r.

wine is His letters w-i-n-e.


From HIS point of view....

"the w-a-t-e-r is mine"

If the water is "mine", then it is very easy to move just ONE of His Spiritual Letters...of m-i-n-e

...and what is (m)ine maybe converted to His Spiritual (w)ine.

The letters are All His and bear His Spirit.*

They are able to move. There is no movement of Webster's letters. They are as etched in stone.

"Know, the earth and ALL THEREIN is the Lord's...

ALL thine OWN is LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Page 370 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

This is the true wine from the LIVING WATERS WITHIN.


The Wedding Feast

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 14 1999 9:47PM EST

A few of His friends

A little of His Spiritual Bread

A little of His Spiritual wine

A little of His Spiritual music*

"The Prince of Peace was a harpist Himself."*

*Page 68 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. He knew the "strings" or "cords" well.

His Wedding Feast -----

His Bread with the Hidden Manna -----

His wine from His water -----

His Song -----

___________ The Law of Webster*

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 15 1999 8:11AM EST

As little children, the minds of Selves were often times given hand-me-downs to wear...

...because their minds were growing so fast.

In this case... the hand-me-downs are of Laws of Webster that have literally been handed down from generation to generation.

Jesus, the Pattern, the Word made flesh, literally fulfilled this Law 2000 years ago...

...yet this Law...

...remains in effect today.

IF any mind doubts the validity of the statement above...

...let that mind re-view that Law book.

First it will FIND the MEANINGS to words. (How mean can that be!) Even before that... will find HOW Webster traces EACH word... backwards... generation to generation.

How can the mind move forward when it is ALWAYS ask to look backwards?

If the mind does not think that this is a LAW Book...

...then let that mind ask itself WHY...

...does the letter i MUST ALWAYS come before the letter e...

...EXCEPT after the letter c?

Then Let the mind also ask itself WHY do the letters always follow this same PATTERN?


The mind of (S)elves know the answers to both of these questions.

This book is the LAW Book that is necessary for the development and UNFOLDING of the physical mind.

Why is this LAW book necessary for the physical mind?

Because the born mind is born into sin... and FIRST must become conscious of itself.

Why is the mind born into sin?

Because the MIND of SELF has simply wandered away from the Father, or the Creative Force, WITHIN.

When the mind is FIRST born, it must FIRST learn where it is...THEN it must learn who it is...

It MUST FOLLOW the Law of Webster in order to learn those THINGS...AS THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.*

*See page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

The proof of that wandering away from the Spirit of God is in the LAW book itself.

There is NOTHING Spiritual about this Law book.

There is no Spirit WITHIN these letters...


These letters are only used to build a Self conscious mind.

This is WHY the mind of (S)elves put an asterisk after "The Law of Webster*.

There should be a disclaimer WITHIN this Law book...

...and this it what it should say...



...The letters and words of this book may ONLY be used to...

...ALLOW the mind of SELF to reach the unfoldment of its SELF Conscious mind

Because of free will...

...NONE of His Spirituality will be re-corded to the letters and words of this LAW book.

Any FURTHER undfoldment is the "sole" responsibility of the mind itself."

See His Book for directions on FURTHER unfoldment."


The minds of (S)elves will follow His Pattern...

...and BREAK this string of Fixed letters...

...and begin to re-cord them back to where they belong.

Here is a sign that (t)his is His WAY.

This fixed string of letters has just been broken so that the Letters may MOVE, and be returned to the Father, God, WITHIN...

...and that IS ACCORDING to his Pattern. Let the mind of SELF re-view EXACTLY WHERE this string was cut.

Let the mind of SELF add up the total of the "set" positions of the letters that were severed in the string.

If that mind "still" refuses to unfold somewhat...

...then THAT mind will continue to simply continue to "suit" itself WITHIN itself.

"He WITHOUT an IDEAL is sorry indeed... ...he WITH an IDEAL and LACKING the courage to LIVE it is sorrier still... ...KNOW THAT."*

*See page 47 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The minds of (S)elves do KNOW THAT and THAT is WHAT allows them to make and read His signs along the Way.

It is that simple and that profound WHEN the mind is ALLOWED...


...according to the Pattern WITHIN His book...

...that ends with...

......I...AM...ALPHA and OMEGA


The (S)elves Were Wondering...

(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 16 1999 12:17AM EST

...IF minds are wondering...

...just it possible to go WITHN?

First, the mind is NOT exactly used to going WITHIN. <>P When the physical mind goes anywhere it hasn't been before... will follow some sort of directions to where it is going.

It will usually get directions either verbally or literally.

In any case, the use of words will be employed in that movement activity unless someone decides to use "body" language.

Those words employed are derived from the Law of Webster. They are as etched in stone.

They must be etched in stone because... ...if they varied...

...the physical mind word never be sure of the right way to go.

The minds of (s)elves would like to tell other minds...that...

...the most important thing to simply HOW the mind moves.

The SAME principle applies to BOTH the physical mind and the Spiritual mind.

The mind's will... ALWAYS follow words...

...those words literally carry the LETTERS that formed the words.

Here is a simple letter path for an example.

"Hmm, I guess I will go get the mail."

The mind follows that string of letters and...presto, it is at the mail box.

The essence is...

...that the mind moves letters and the letters move the mind.

The Voice emanated from WITHIN Edgar Cayce stated...

....."Thoughts are things.*

*See page 84 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Those thought things are formed with letters, in combinations, called words.

If any mind doubts the validity of that statement...

Then let that mind try to bring forth a thought WITHIN the mind without using a letter.

Ok. now let's follow THE letters that ALLOW our minds to move and think all kinds of thoughts.


There they are...Here is that simple little string of letters...

...that.. when moved by the mind...literally ALLOWS the mind to create things...

Sound a little like the Word that was with God in the beginning...?

And the SPIRIT of God that MOVED across the waters and CREATED the earth AND our good friend Adam...?

Letters, and their MOVEMENT combinations...

...are the essence of the creative physical mind...


...the essence of the creative Spiritual mind.

The human mind has the natural ability to LITERALLY be...BOTH...

...physical AND Spiritual.

Jesus, is the Ideal Pattern for that development.

If the mind looks at the Pattern of activity of the mind of Edgar Cayce... will see that same Pattern.

That Pattern IS the true development, or unfolding of the mind, that WAS... be the NATURAL environment for the soul while it is housed in the created body on this earth plane.

The only THING blocking the mind unfoldment that is housed with that soul is this simple little string of letters....



Because the human mind has been trained to use them according to the Law of Webster.

The letters, when first given, often originated on little blocks that the physical young mind could physically move around.

Webster simply carried that one step further and put the letters into fixed blocks called words.

Here is the truth. Likes beget likes.

Fixed blocked words beget a fixed blocked mind.

The very words and letters that are needed to develop the SELF conscious mind...


...the very letters and words that BLOCK the mind from OPENING.


Because the letters were only LENT to the mind by the Spirit Of God.*

*Page 370 of The Edgar Cayce Companion

When the mind understands this...

the mind Will return the letters...

and guess what...?

...the mind WILL return with them.

The mind of (s)elves know (t)his to be true for they have already done just that.



(58/M/Longwood, Florida) Feb 16 1999 11:18AM EST

Here is HOW the mind of SELF finds OUT ABOUT the word BLOCK...

...according to the LAW of Webster.

Fist, the mind of SELF will MOVE towards the front of his book because B is always near the front of the book.

It knows that this string of letters, itself, is always fixed in the same position.

Then the mind will follow this same PATTERN until it finds the word BLOCK itself.

Then Mr. Webster is going to show the mind of Self where the fixed word block origninated BACK in time.

ME Middle English...blokke

OFr Old French...bloc

MDu Middle Dutch...block

IE Indo-European...bhlugo

Gr classical Greek...phalanx

L classical Latin...fulcrum

To understand what these symbols "mean"...

Mr. Webster would like your mind to go to the very end of his book.

You know, at the end of the book...

...about the same area in His Book...

...where His Spirit says that HE is ALpha and Omega.

Okay. Here are his symbols. now we go back and add them in.

Whew, that is a lot of mind movement, going all the way back in time like that.

Wonder why he never went back further to G?

G.... classical God...Word made flesh

well, Here is Webster's definition of the word...

...BLOCK...a large solid piece of wood stone or metal....any THING that stops movement of progress.

ok, that is enough for the mind of (S)elves right there...

Mr Webster has about 10 more "deafnitions" of this same word.

Anyway, whew, let the mind move back to the word BLOCK....

.... with so many different "meanings"...

...Mr. Webster suggests that the mind of SELF just pick one that "will" "suit" the mind of SELF...

...You know, just like the Pattern set by Adam.

Ok....Here is another one of his "deafinitions"...

The mind of Self likes now let the mind "go" look up beam.

BEAM...a long thick piece of metal, wood, or stone used in BUILDING.

Hmm. the Voice SAID that the MIND was the builder*

*See page 83 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Wow! Amongst the 10 "deafinitions" or so. there is a reference to HIS BOOK.

---"beam in one's OWN eye"...after Matt 7:3...Luke 6:41...

"A... major ...MORAL...flaw in oneSELF which one ignores...

...while criticizing... minor faults in others."


Ok...After all that runnning around in circles by the mind of SELF...

...the mind of (S)elves will make everything very simple and clear by simply going WITHIN a few words.

Oh... Mr. Webster, if you would have only gone WITHIN instead of backwards...

...what a change that would have made to the human race.

ok here goes (S)elves...WITHIN


Cast out the eye beam...Perhaps eye beam is the big ego "I" that has been blocking or keeping the mind from unfolding?



Mr. Webster...MAYBE the moral FLAW is that the mind of SELF... simple using ORAL letters that you GAVE as "things"...

...that are as "building (M)atter to the mind of SELF.

... MAYBE the "things" you gave away were not yours to give...

...according to (F)ather's (Law).

The minds of (S)elves simply know better.
