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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #37

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #37

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God's Fifth Foot Race Has Begun 09-10-99


God's Race...

...which is under the Natural CREATED Law of ONE GOD...

...has aready begun.

Where does the natural law come from?

The law comes from WITHIN every human...


...and is now beginning to be manifested by the tramnsformation of  human minds WITHIN this earth plane.

What is God's Race called?

The developing Race is Called the...

...Fifth Root Race.


The Fith Root Race began after the understanding  and the re-generation  of the mind in the Mount.*

*Page 419 of the Edgar Cayce Companion

Where is the Mount?

The understanding of the symbols WITHIN pyramids...

...are EMBLEMATIC of the understanding of the symbols WITHIN the Mount.


The Mount is WITHIN every created human body.

WITHIN Every human body...

...there is a Mount where true spiritual worship may take place.*
*" The Pattern Is GIVEN thee IN the Mount.

The mount is IN the inner Self."*

*Page 85 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

What is the Pattern of understanding given to the Mind WITHIN the Mount?

The VIBRATIONAL PATTERN given to the understanding mind WITHIN... THAT the Pattern of symbols...

...called the 26 alphabetical letters...

...that the mind has been moving as its OWN... 

...from the outside...

...are His Spiritual symbols called the Golden Cord that MAY be...


and MOVED from WITHIN...

...when the mind immaculately MAKES the conception.

Why is the New Race called the Fifth Root Race?

First, the Human Race must develop its five senses to gain Self consciousness.

Then, it may develop the six sense that comes from WITHIN.

It is the GRACE of God...

...that allows the human mind and its five senses... enter WITHIN the sixth sense.



Here is evidence that every mind should ponder.

Count the "root" letters that are WITHIN the Word Grace.

There are five.

Now allow the mind to enter into GRACE...

... BY entering into the Word GRACE that is attached to the activiy of GRACE itself.


This IS the Pattern of God's Race.


Now allow the mind to enter even futher into GRACE and it will find this.


His symbols for the movement of ONE (G)OD.

R is His symbol for movement...

...and OPENING of the human created (B)rain and (B)ody.

The opening the the first root letter B is represented by His symbol R.

Now allow the mind to count the movement letters that that the mind has been using as its own to develop its five senses.


Now allow the mind to go to the bottom of page 111 of of THE Edgar Cayce to SEE the connection between the mind and body...

...which includes the brain...

...and the cord.

Now allow the mind to consider the Word Letters that is the name attached to the Letters themselves.

Count the roots of the word letters.

There are Seven.

Seven is one God's favorite words.


...from the view point of the five human senses...

...has a symbol like this...


From another veiwpoint such as WITHIN...

...that symbol may look a little like this...


L is His first root lettr of the Word (L)ord.

Now allow the mind to enter WITHIN the Root Letters of SEVEN.


S and N represent to the human conscious mind...

..the North and South Poles.

Look who is right in the middle of these pole!  

This Is WHERE the separation occured.

This is where the separation was handed genetically down from generation to generation.

The Pole WITHIN... S...

...and IS the first root letter of the word (S)on and the word (S)pirit.

N is the first root letter of the word (N)egative. 

When the human body...

...(i)...the self conscious self is born...

it is born away from the Positive pole and is at the negative pole.

That awayness is called (S)i(N)

The Pattern, Jesus, His Spirit...

recorded to the Posiitve pole (t).

This also fits the pattern of the beginning and the ending.

The One Spirit WITHIN every Created body begins...

...with the root Letter S and Ends with the root letter "t"*

The mind...

... is born right in the middle of SN...

...which is represented by the Word...


Free will determine what pole the mind moves toward.

The mi(N)d is born in the "mid" and  towards the (N)egative Pole.

It is (G)OD'S will that the mind and its constant companion...

...the soul...

...shift and move towards the (P)ositive polie WITHIN...

...for that is where the glands or the churches of CREATED brain are located.

The first root letters of those  CREATED churches WITHIN the CREATED BODY are the (P)itutary and (P)ineal glands.

IF the mind follows its true destiny...

...the Word SiN will be transformed WITHIN BY First Root letter of (G)od.


..SiN will become HIS Spiritual Si(G)N for the mind WITHIN.

*Nothing is by chance.*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Pattern of the "th" Root combination. 09-12-99


WITHIN the cord of the human alphabet...

...h always comes before t.

However, when the mind moves letters... usually puts t before h.

Even the process that the mind does best...

usually sets the t just before the h.


Allow the mind to view the word now.

It will also see the word ink.

Many of the words in the Bible end in th.



As His symbols...

the combination of first the t and then immediately the h...

...fits His Pattern to a t.

His letter t is His symbol for the cross...

...and His letter H is the symbol that immedately after the cross...

...the Fa(th)er and Son are re-united toge(th)er

The word the...

is the word that usually immediately preceeds all (th)ings.

The word (t)he is also a perfect reflection...

...or Emblematic*...

...of His Pattern.

*Page 2 of The Edgar Companion.

He did go to the cross (t)...

...and the mind is also asked to go to the cross (t)...

...take UP its "OWN" "t" and follow...

...and become as one with the Pattern ...

..(t(he WORD made flesh.

When the mind does follow (th)is (t)his His Pattern ...

...the mind moves into (H)is consciousness...

..and away from the confines of its OWN self conscious mind.

Likes beget likes*

*Page 36 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

When the mind uses symbols as its OWN letters...

...the mind builds WITHIN the confines of its OWN self conscious mind.

When the mind uses the letters as HIS symbols...

...the mind builds towards...

...AND WITHIN the confines of HIS consciousness...

...line upon line...

.... and precept upon precept (th)rough patience... the next steps are given from WITHIN.*

*Page 110 of The Edgar Cayce companion.

The Entity 00-12-99


When an individual was given a   Reading...

..the individual was often referred to as the entity.

Each time an individual soul enters WITHIN the earth plane... takes on a certain personality.

The sum total of all those personalities is called the entity...

...or the individuality of the soul.

Here again allow the mind to look closely at the word individuality.

It sort of has the word...


...and  the word duel...

...WITHIN the word individuality that is the name attached to the soul.

This indicates a certain degree of division or dueling WITHIN the soul.

This division and dueling WITHIN the soul is caused by the difference of the ONE Ideal set before the soul...

...and the MANY VARIOUS ideals set before the personality of the mind... the mind itself.

The ONE Ideal ALWAYS set before the soul is for the soul to return to its maker WITHIN....

...The Creative Force...

...that literally created and maintains the house...

...called the human body...

...that literally houses the mind and soul while it is WITHIN the earth plane. 

The mind...

...with its OWN free will...

...has the tendency to wander away from the its original purpose of guiding its soul back to its Maker... it plunges its CREATED BODY into the various aspects of the physically created universe...

..and sort of "loses" sight of its original Ideal.

The mind has a tendency to get so wrapped up in the RESULTS of creation...

it sort of wanders away from the SOURCE of that creation...

...the Father...

...called by the Readings...

....the Creative Force.

Every soul is...

...and always has been...

...part and parcel of the Creative Force from the beginning.

The mind... the companion to every soul... 

...keeps tugging at the soul to come and frolic in its own created universe.  

Just as HIS BOOK states...

...the world's playground will NOT last forever...

...but the Words of the Creative Force or Spirit WILL last forever.

It would do the mind "well" to set ASIDE its OWN ideals...

...and thus its own personality...

...and begin to attune to the ONE Ideal...

...while the window of opportunity is "still" at "hand"... part of the created body.

That window of opportunity IS...

...the Created body...

...that the mind has virtually taken for granted to use as it sees "fit".

The created body is LENT to the mind and soul... that the mind MAY make direct attunement to the Creative Force WITHIN the created body.

"Know that the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's.

ALL thy OWN is LENT thee, not thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Page 370 of The Edgar cayce Companion.

The created body that every entity presently "OWNS"... only LENT to the entity as a window of opportunity.


That is the "soul" purpose of the created body.

That is the ONE Ideal purpose of WHY mind and soul is clothed in the created body. 

The created body has been prepared as the upper room so that the mind, as the builder...

...may make a DIRECT connection or "route" or "root"... that its companion...

...its soul...

...may return to its Maker.

The mind is truly a king WITHIN the earth plane.


...THROUGH the created body... 

,,,the mind truly has the window of opportunity to be AS ONE with the KING of kings...

...the Father...

...the Creative Force.

The Pattern and the Companion

The Pattern and the Route 09-14-99


The Readings state many times that Jesus is the Pattern.

The Readings state many times the mind should go WITHIN.

Jesus, the Pattern, states in His Book that...

"I am the WAY, the TRUTH..."

JOHN 14:6



...Jesus IS the Pattern of the way...

...then TRUTH would also be the WAY.


If The Readings tell the the mind to go WITHIN...

...then the mind should have no problem entering WITHIN truth to FIND the WAY.

The problem is HOW does the mind enter into TRUTH to FIND the WAY?

Very simple.

The mind will enter the closest "thing" attached to TRUTH.

And what is that?

It will enter the Word...

...T-R-U-T-H that is attached to truth itself.

When the mind does this...

...look what it finds WITHIN the Word truth.


It is right here where the CONSCIOUS mind runs into a very major stumbling block.

Why is that?

According to the Readings...

...the SUB-CONSCIOUS mind remembers everything and forgets nothing.

There is no doubt that the mind remembers the meaning of word rut.

Hence, the subconscious mind sees rut stuck right in the middle of TRUTH.

It is no wonder that the mind has difficulty dealing with TRUTH.

However, if the conscious reconsiders the word "rut"... be rUt, as in root, or route...

...then WITHIN TRUTH...

... there really is a WAY.


This is really a play WITHIN WORDS.

Would not...

...the Pattern...

...the WORD made flesh...

...the Spirit...

...the Alpha and Omega...

...find it interesting and enlightening...

...that a mind is trying to find HIS Pattern in the mind's very OWN words?

Would not the Pattern enjoy the communion? 


The "rUt" IS truly the WAY WITHIN T(RUT)H.

SImply allow the conscious mind to re-cord the rut that it has been  stuck in...

...and make it the new "rUt" or root or route or WAY, or direction for the mind to go WITHIN.

After all, the Readings state many times...

...that the MIND IS the builder.


No mind can deny that the letters...


...are THE root letters...

...stuck right dead smack in the middle of the five root letters of the Word...

.......T (R U T) H..........


These root letters are His...

...and these three root letters...

...witness each other WITHIN T(RUT)H.


If the mind is willing to escape the rut ..

..then it do well to go WITHIN TRUTH to find the right...




When the mind conceives that is own letters are HIS roots...

...the mind will begin to take on the...


...of HIS root letters AS they are MOVED by the mind.

HA are of special significance in the cord of His letters in application to the conscious mind...

... for each letter is the representative symbol of His Pattern...

...that two may be as one... their shape...

...and both letters...


...witness each other in the same truth WITHIN the Law of One.
Remember the letters that were added to the name of Abram?


"There is builded about each name...

...that which CARRIES its own significance...

...that gives rather the impelling of...  

...and the LIFTING UP to...

...MEETING such conditions."

"So does the CHANGING or ALTERING of a NAME...

...set about varied environs...


...that makes for the CONDUCIVENESS of changed surroundings."*

*Page 173 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


If the mind changes HOW it uses its letters as HIS...

...then the VIBRATIONS of the mind...

... might just be altered by the changed surroundings...

...or MOVEMENT of HIS Letters.

The mind should ponder the information in this Reading carefully...

...for it is THE Pattern that the mind may build upon.


Just ask ABRA(HA)M.
