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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #36

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #36

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Minimize and Magnify 09-08-99


"We would minimize the faults...

...we would magnify the virtues.     

For this is grace, this is mercy that is meted to thee.     

Though ye find at times in thine OWN consciousness that ye feel far off... 
...know that it is IN Him that ye live and move and have thy being...

...and that His promise has been...

..."If ye call I will hear and answer speedily." 

The conditions, then, are ever conditional. 

There is much for thee to do. 

For He hath given thee body, mind, and soul.     

These are as manifestations of thy consciousness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

Thy BODY is indeed the temple of     the living God. 

Then in thy DEALINGS with...

...thine own body...

...thine own mind...

...thine own soul...

...act as though it (the body) were A consciousness. 

As ye act and as ye speak, and as ye apply... will become more and more aware. 

For as He has given, in  patience, in perseverance, ye become aware of thy soul.

Are ye in attune, then, with that consciousness? 

It is up to thee.*     

*Reading 3902-2 M 40 (Fireman) 3/25/1944 


It is clearly stated here that the mind, as the builder, need only be concerned with TWO types of consciousness.

The ONN self conscious mind...

...that THROUGH patience and perseverance...

...MAY become aware of its soul THROUGH the consciousness of its OWN created body.

When the mind re-cords to the created body...

...the soul also re-cords to the created body.

The created body houses BOTH the  mind and the soul that are constant companions AS AN ENTITY FOR ALL ETERNITY. 

When the mind THROUGH...

...Patience and perseverance re-conects to the created body...

... the mind, body, and soul become  AS ONE.

This re-cording is called the Christ consciousness.   

As nothing happens by chance...*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. is no accident that the INDWELLING voice emanating from WITHIN the body of Edgar Cayce uses the word...


The word sever appears right in the middle of this word.

The word severed is recorded on page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

ALLOW the mind to look up THAT word...

...for the mind will FIND right there...

...the MISSING LINK...

...that has continued to separate...

...the mind body and soul...

...from developing into the Christ Consciousness.  

IN ORDER for the mind...

... to be provided the  OPPORTUNIIY...

 to minimize self consciousness...

...and magnify Christ Consciousness... the very reason...

...and "soul" purpose...

... that the mind is LENT a created body...

...while it REMAINS within its REMAINS...

...while the mind and soul are on (t)his earth plane. 

Keep it inviolate*


HIS green pastures is the place to be. :)

The Third Eye WITHIN 09-09-99


"As ye RAISE the consciousness to that WITHIN SELF...

...He meeteth thee in the own tabernacle... the holy of holies...



"Do NOT trust forces other than those that are WITHIN self."* 


"ENTER INTO the holies of holies WITHIN thine OWN consciousness...


...see what has prompted thee.

And HE (and His consciousness) HAS PROMISED to meet thee there.

And it shall be TOLD thee from WITHIN...


...thou shall take... by day..

...step by step.*


*ALL of this information above is presented on page 110...

...of the Edgar Cayce Companion.


Right here are the most important DIRECTIONS that ANY MIND may ever receive.


The Voice emanating from WITHIN Edgar Cayce is literally telling the mind...

...WHERE... go.


The stumbling block for the mind is...


...does SELF get there?      


The First step...

...according to the above information... for SELF to RAISE His consciousness WITHIN.

How does SELF do that?

SELF does that by literally using that which it has at hand.

And what is that?

Self has at hand...

...a developed...



WITHIN the human body there is ANOTHER consciousness that may be raised from WITHIN...



The destiny of SELF is to TRANSFORM or ATTUNE...

...its own SELF consciousness to MATCH HIS consciosness that will...

...THEN rise FROM WITHIN the created body.


How does SELF transform its own consciousness?


Again, Self may use what it as at hand...

...that directs SELF in ANY direction...

...its MIND.


How may the mind MOVE WITHIN iteslf?

Again, the mind uses what it literally it already has at hand.

And just WHAT does the mind have at hand?

The answer is letters.

When the mind MOVES letters the letters move the mind.

Letters are symbols...

...and when MOVED by the mind CREATE vibrations.

The human mind is the ONLY mind capable of creating vibrations through the movement of letters.

When SELF enters into this planatary system it is "given" letters to MOVE in order to develop a SELF Conscious mind.  

Once the SElf conscious mind is developed... is mature enough to transform itself...

..into and WITHIN...

...the conscious mind that is the Creative Force...

...or the CHRIST consciousness that WILL rise from WITHIN the created body.

How does the Self conscious mind do that.

Again, it literally uses what it has at its created hand.

And what exactly is that?


The very SAME symbol letters that allowed Self to MOVE and BUILD a Self conscious mind...

...ARE RE-CORDED by the mind to the Christ Consciousness WITHIN.

How does the mind do that?

The mind will simply re-turn the letters it was "given" in the beginning...

...back to the Creative Force WITHIN.

Why should the mind do that?

Becaus the immaculate conception WITHIN the mind... that the letters that the mind "USED" as its own were never really "given to the mind...

..they were only "lent" to the mind to use... develop awareness of itself...

...called a Self consciousness mind...

..that is then ...

..developed enough to produce the immaculate conception of its OWN  mind.

If the mind refuses to take that step of development...


...the self conscious mind will only continue to MOVE and become more encased in itself.

The goal is for the SELF conscious mind to move, or vibrate away from its OWN MATURE consciousness...

...and vibrate into the consciousness WITHIN where its letters orginated.

If the mind takes the first step and follows this Pattern...

..the next  steps are literally given FROM WITHIN...

...for the mind will then be using His letters...

..from His point of view...

...Rather ithan its OWN letters from its OWN point of view.


READ Revelation 1:8 over and over again...

...until the mind is literally able to "soak" up this Immaculate Revelation... 

...that is the key to the transformation of the mind...

...of SELF.

The Golden Thread


(Q) What is meant by a GOLDEN CORD ...

...running THROUGH...

...the astrological and numerological and earth's experience...

...of an ENTITY?
(A) This... be sure... as the EMBLEMATICAL activity of that which is the...

...CENTRAL DESIRE of a SOUL... ITS relationships... the Creative Forces.... 

...throughout its experiences into materiality, or mortality. 
Hence... the inference or the suggestive note as to the GOLDEN CORD... as...

...the endearing...

...the enlivening...

...the activity...

...of the soul in its relationships to the universal influence or forces...

...and its CONNECTIONS through its activities in its various manifestations in experiences IN the earth.* 
*Reading 1021-2  10/13/1935




...when THE MIND follows the Pattern set By Jesus.


The severence of this cord is  described on page 111 of the Edgar Cayce Companion...

...and is the missing connection between the soul and the body.

EVERY human being is born genetically with a severed cord handed down from Adam.

That is WHY every human being is born INTO sin.

It is the destiny of the human mind...

...itself... re-cord that severed cord by following the Pattern set by Jesus.

Christ IS the Pattern of RE-UNION...

...when the mind connects the cord between the body and the soul.

That is WHY Jesus is the Christ.

As the returning Adam...

....He re-corded His own severed cord.

That IS the Pattern.

That IS HOW Mary conceived...

and manifested...

...the immaculate conception THROUGH her mind and body.

It is the destiny of EVERY mind to re-cord its soul to the origin of its creation...

...that is part and parcel of ALL creation..

...its created body...

...that literally houses...

...the mind and soul...

...while it "remains" WITHIN the earth plane.