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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #35

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #35

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TRY Breathing THIS AiR arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/29/1999 01:30 pm EDT It is the TRY that is important. "For the TRY... ...the purpose of thy INNER self... Him is the RIGHTeousness."* *Page 110 of the Edgar Cayce Companion. ============ TRY THIS........BREATH AIR THIS WAY. For strength... ...take... ...AIR... ...WITHIN the right nostril and exhale through thy mouth.* *Page 250 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. ============ Try ALSO... ....taking WITHIN... ...that which is directly ATTACHED or CORDED to the air itself. And just what that might be? What is ALWAYS attached to air? This is what is attached to air. ...A-I-R... These are the Letters that are ALWAYS attached to air. Just like the Letters G-O-D that have always been attached to God from the beginning.* *John 1:1 They are His. TAKE THEM IN TOO... ...for they are directly attached to the air. =========== A is His symbol that two may be As One. I is His symbol for self R is His symbol for movement ============ Take A-I-R AND air in the RIGHT side. That is where you will find Him waiting... ...on the RIGHT hand of the Father... ...GOD.

The Expanded Universe

This was the uni-verse in the beginning.

The word was WITH God and was God in the beginnning.*

*............G = 07
*............O = 15
*........... D = 04 

* John 1:1

The uni-verse has expanded to 

1 A
2 B
3 C

....................D = 04 

5 E
6 F
....................G = 07

8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N

....................O = 15

16 P
17 Q
18 R
19 S
20 T
21 U
22 V
23 W
24 X
25 Y
26 Z


..........6 + 2 = 8

The symbol 8 is also the symbol of infinity from a different point of view...

...IF the mind is willing to view the expanded universe from that viewpoint

How to unsiut yourself

Just as the pattern of Adam suited himself...

...the mind may unsuit itself to fit the Pattern of Jesus.

Here is how the mind, as the builder,
does it.

First the mind figures out How it became suited in the first place.


In the case of the mind, the woven material is in the form of Letters.

Letters are woven into words and words are woven into thought  patterns.

It is NO coincidence that the letters the mind uses comes from a book called...


Each individual  mind has literally suited....

....or attached...

... or encased...


...itself in the words that the woven letters have produced.

Now, along comes Jesus, the Pattern, the Word made flesh...

...and says that those letters that the mind has encased itself in by using them as its OWN are HIS.*

*Revelation 1:8


The letters ARE His.

When the mind comprehends the magnitude of this revelation...

...the mind may simply unsuit itself by consciously returning its letters to Him.

This is what the Readings refer to as setting self aside ito enter WITHIN.


The word SELF is the only word directly attached to self.

This is HOW the mind detaches itself from SELF.

It will simply Follow the Pattern of going WITHIN...

...and unblock the word like this.


( ) is sort of like His alter Where the spirit and the mind exchange the letters WITHIN.

As the mind can see...

Self as just broke the bondage of the word attached to itself and... become as a little child or Elf.


Because the spirit and the mind BOTH know to whom the letters belong.

Here is another sign of breaking the bondgage or encasement of letters when the mind follows this Pattern.


The word the preceeds the word name of everything...

...and the mind has just made a perfect sign that he went to the cross (t).

Consciousness is built on the movement of letters.

When the mind comprehends that the  letters ARE His...

...the mind may THEN enter into His consciousness...

..(t)he Christ Consciousness...

...for THEN the mind becomes tuned to the SAME vibrational wave length as the Creative spirit WITHIN.

Very simple, yet very profound.


The Inspirational Pattern for the Mind


"WELL, then, hast thou chosen. Be not weary in thy well-doing. 
Let that MIND be in each of you that was in Him...

...who thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with God...

...but made Himself of no estate, that whereby many, whereby man,     whereby those to whom He might become the Savior...

...the channel...     

...of approach...

...the intercessor for those who would approach the Throne of grace...

...making law, making rote, making that which would make men afraid, as naught in the experiences of those (as ye) who put their whole trust in God. 

Not, then, in this or that manner, irrespective of the other's thoughts or feelings...

...but all studying themselves to show THEMSELVES approved unto God...

...rightly divining the words of truth...

...keeping self from reproach, reproach of self, reproach of others, and unspotted from the world. 

Thus may the group, as a group, thus may the individual members of the group go on in the nurture, the admonition of the words of truth 
that are presented by Him...

...the Author...

...the Giver of truth itself.     

Thus may they hold HIGH the banner of the Lord their God, their Savior Jesus, the Christ. 
In Him, will ye glory...

...not in thyself...

...for He made Himself of no estate.
And as He gave, "I of myself can do nothing." 

Let each in the group, realize, practice this in their every activity...

...and thus become aware of the indwelling of that promise... 

..."If ye love me and keep my commandments I will come and abide with thee." 

Thou believest...
...wilt thou but act in that manner!     
Wilt thou be afraid when thou art called? 

Wilt thou be even as Peter who cried out in dismay at the storms of life; 
Will ye cry out at the disappointments in thy daily experience with thy brother...

...the unkindnesses and the selfishness shown ere and there? 

Rather will ye spend thineselves that He, thy Christ, thy Lord, has not given His life, Himself, made   His sacrifice in vain.

For IF ye would KNOW the truth...

...the truth will make you free... in that ye KNOW ye abide in Him... take NO thought of the morrow as to good or evil...

...for each day is sufficient unto itself...

...LIVING life as He has DIRECTED thee...

...meeting Him IN the temple of thy BODY.     

Let each, then, present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Him...

...and it is but a reasonable service. 

For the glorious, joyous life may be thine indeed if ye will but live, not as mere tenets, not as mere trite sayings...

...but as thy life, as thy THOUGHT.

For as ye think in thine heart...

...and YE SEPARATE thy Lord from thyself... 

...wilt thou bid Him come with thee in...

...EVERY WORD... every act, in the associations that thou goest about to do? 

Would thou speak unkindly in His presence?

Doth HIS presence abide with thee, 
Dost thou believe?

They that put on Christ find Him nearer even than the hand. 

They that would know Him become one with Him."* 
*Reading   473-2 3/5/1935



The One Ideal

=========== " Man may NOT ALL have the same IDEA. MAN--ALL men may HAVE the same IDEAL... ...not the one IDEA. ============ "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, thy neighbor as thy self". This (is) the whole Law."* "Study to show thyself approved unto God... ...THE IDEAL."* "IDEALS are principles acted upon by YOUR MIND."* *Page 44-45 of The Edgar Cayce Companion. =========== There is a very specific reason WHY the Readings refer to God as the IDEAL. Here is WHY. Every personality may conceive its OWN ideas. (Personality referring to the mind of Self.) Every individuality may conceive the ONE IDEAL. (Indivuduality referring to the mind of (S)elf that has set the personality of Self aside. =========== The Conception of the ONE IDEAL EXACTLY fits... ...the Pattern... ...of the activities of the Virgin Mary... ,,,who literally conceived Jesus, the Word made flesh, the Pattern for... ...EVERY MIND to FOLLOW. This is the sign that the above is true. ...IDEA...there are many ...IDEAL...there is ONE This IS the ONE IDEAL. ...IDEA(L). Above IS the sign of the Immaculate Conception of the MIND. Yes, the mind may CONCEIVE! This is the conception of the re-cording TO the (L)ord by the human mind. The DIFFERENCE between the conception of an idea by the PHYSICAL MIND... ..and the concepton of THE IDEAL by the SPIRITUAL MIND of a Child of God is the Proper usage... this case... ...ONE Letter... ... the letter (L). When the mind DISCERNS WHAT the difference HIS letters make... ...the mind WILL, in deed... the builder, make its OWN Immaculate Conception... ...Patterned after the Conception produced by the Virgin Mary. This is HOW each and every mind may produce the same IDEAL. Every mind may use the same letters rather than its own. The mind may use HIS Letters... ...IF... ...the mind is WILLING to acknowledge that the letters ARE His. This conception is so that simple... ...that even a child such as (S)elf... ...knows that (t)he Christ Consciousness may be manifested... any mind at any time... ...IF... ...the WILL of the mind is willing.


The Edgar Cayce Readings provide the human mind with the opportunity... view human consciousness from a diffrerent Point Of View. (P.O.V).

The Readings state that in order for the mind to reach that NEW Point Of View...

The mind must MOVE and enter WITHIN its own church called the human body.

The human body is an intelligent creation that literally houses the mind.

The human body is a reflection of the entire created universe.

The human body is formed from the created elements of earth.

Thus, when the mind enters WITHIN human body it enters WITHIN the created Earth.

This is the sign of the mind entering into Earth or the created body...


The mind enters into the first (R)oot or "(R)oute" letter of the Word (E)arth.

The activities of the mind when it moves in this pattern is re-presented by the letter R.   
                                     When (E) and (R) are consciously  incorporated and moved into His Pattern...

...the mind will take on His P.O.V.

The resultant sign of this activity is...

... P.O.V......  P (R) OV (E).

R is His Movement letter...

...for it indicates a river of communion when the first root letter of the (B)ody and (B)rain unfold or open.

B is the first root letter symbol for the closed (B)ody and (B)rain...

...heretofore referred to as the church.

B opens To R.

That is a Letter of the Law.

R is His...

...the Word made flesh's symbol that B may open to R.

Even the Word (R)IVE(R) EXACTLY fits His Pattern revealed by His Spirit... Revelation 1:8

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending."

Alpha and Omega are Greek letters.

His Spirit is "still" the same.

It is the mind that has "moved" and changed the shape of the letters to "suit" itself.

The mind is CREATED to provide letter MOVEMENT.

The WORD made flesh was manifested to provide the PATTERNED LETTERS that the mind may move.

In essence, HIS SPIRIT provides the letters...

...YOR MIND provides the movement.

This activity IS the returning of the MIND to be in ONE ACCORD with the Father.

The Son returns to the Father.

Very simple. Very profound.



This is HOW the mind the mind, as the builder, built a SELF consciousness.  
It (M)OVED letters to form words that, in turn, became attached to the mind.

In essence, the mind literally (W)oved itself into an encasement of its OWN words.

This, in turn, has caused Self to continously meet itself.

The destiny of the mind is to first know itself...

...TO BE...

...and THEN... MOVE away from itself and become AS ONE again with its Maker.

The human mind and body cannot walk on water...

..but it sure can walk or move on the letters that are attached to the name of water.

And what are those letters?

W A T E R.

When the mind picks up these letters as His...

...the MIND may literally convert water to matter as it moves the letters as His and according to His Pattern.

First the mind picks UP and MOVES its own (t), cross.


Then it moves the w to His point of view.


The mind has just turned water into matter...

...and the process may be re-versed the same way.

The mind may literally move or walk on water as it manifests the movement of letters THROUGH the body of brain matter.

Here is HOW the Master, the Word made flesh, calmed the seas.

As nothing is chance*...

*Page 44 of the edgar cayce companion. is no accident that the w is shaped like a w.

It looks like a wave and IS the first root letter of the word wave.

When the w is moved, or turned, or re-versed it becomes m whose surface is smoothe.

The Self conscious mind considers the GRAVITY of the situaton.

The Christ conscious mind OVERCOMES THE gravity of the situation...

...because the mind is beginning to use the letters as His and those letters are His Letters of Light.

"I am Alpha and Omega"*

Revelation 1:8

"Take heed therefore HOW ye HEAR...

...for whosoever hath, to him shall be given...

...and whosoever hath not...

FROM him shall be take even that which he SEEMETH to have.*

*Luke 8:18 

Are we referring here to HIS letters perhaps...

..that the MIND has SEEMINGLY taken as its OWN?

Here is some further thought evidence that this may very well be true.

"Know that the earth and ALL therein is the Lord's.

"ALL thine OWN is LENT thee...

...not thine but LENT thee. Keep it inviolate."*

*Page 370 of The Edgar Cayce

The Pattern for the mind is to prepare the upper room of its OWN mind... MOVING His Letters into place... that the mind may partake of His Spirit that is AS ONE with His Letters.

Who OWNS Alpha and and Omega has been clearly stated.

Only the free will of the mind, itself, as the builder, may prepare the upper room of its OWN mind according to that...


His Way THROUGH the Crystal Ball


Will I develop any psychic power by looking into a crystal ball? 
(A) "If there is ever held that ONLY that which is of the Christ-making may be presented there. 

The crystal offers rather the concentration of the PHYSICAL powers...

...and thus offers many channels for the entering in of many an     influence...

...yet IF it is held ONLY in His name... His right[rite?]...

....MUCH may be received there."


(Q) Give guidance that will help me to develop this? 
(A) Rather presumptuous is this to take this means (way) FIRST...

...but rather BEFORE...

...KNOW that there has been the still small voice from within...

...that "He will guide." 

THEN, IF it is chosen for a more perfect way... the crystal upon a     background of royal purple...

...and with subdued lights that would come from over the left shoulder - and not from the front.     

Then passing the hands over the ball or crystal... such a manner as to cover the surface with the emanations of the   power that is raised FROM (within) the physical body by deep     meditation...

...then look - look...

...and behold HIS face may appear... 

...HIS directing spirit may lead thee...

...and again may there be OPENED the vistas of light that may guide others.    

And EVER, when such is done, in the recesses of the heart...

...give the glory to the Father...

...and NOT to self."*     

*275-39 F 21 (Musician (Harpist), Protestant) 1/31/1934

RE: Cyrstal Ball


"(The crystal ball is)...

.... a means of concentration...

for those that allow themselves... be possessed...

...or to CENTRALIZE...

...their own spiiritual activity...

...through the RAISING of those activative forces...

...IN the physical BODY known as the centers...

...through which concentration and meditation... ACCENTUATED... the CONCENTRATED effort on ANYTHIHG...

...that will crystalize the SAME into activity."*

Q- HOW can one DIRECT vibrations...

...culminating in the head...

...TO the one they would AID.

A- By THOUGHT.  (Now we are speaking of a purely mchanical, metaphysical, spiritual activity that would take place.*

(In meditation) NEVER open self, my friend...

...without surrounding self with the spirit of the Christ...

...that you may ever be guarded.*

*All on page 107 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.


Here is a very simple way to surround self with the spirit of Christ in this thought processing  activity.

The spirit of Christ is Alpha and Omega.

Allow the mind to return the letters to Him and...

...THEN the thoughts formed from HIS letters will come from HIS crystalized point of view.

The crystal ball may help the mind ACCENTUATE HIS activity when the MIND'S thoughts are formed from His Letters.

The mind of (S)elf knows that this is true.

When the letters of the mind are used as His...

...the mind becomes crystal clear...


He is is the Pattern that went to the "t" for us.

The mind simply needs to to take UP its own "t" and follow (t)he "t"...

...which BOTH "t"s just happen to appear right WITHIN the very word Pattern.

And guess who IS the FIRST root letters in that word Pattern?


Take UP your "t" and follow Him...

...and return to OUR Father.



This Way >


The DIRECTION for the mind to travel IN is clearly given WITHIN the Edgar Cayce Readings.

The entire essence or purpose of the Readings is to provide that DIRECTION.

The Purpose of the Edgar Cayce Companion is to provide a concise road map of those DIRECTIONS...

...that have been scattered throughout the individual Readings themselves.

In effect, the Companon has "crystalized" the DIRECTIONS to  benefit...

...the human mind on its road to its ultimate destiny with its Maker.

It is UP to the WILL of the mind whether or not to partake of the 
DIRECTIONS given therein.

If any mind reads these words... is READY to make that choice... nothing is by chance.*

*Page 44 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

Remember what the Pattern said to the man who wanted to FIRST go bury his father?*

*Luke 9:59

Perhaps it is best for the mind to choose (NOW)...

...for then it WILL have (WON).

Book of Life


(Q) The Book of Life? 
(A) The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space...

...through patience...

...and is OPENED when SELF...

...has ATTUNED to the infinite...

...and may be read by those ATTUNING to that consciousness.* 
*2533-8 M 39 5/3/1944


HOW does the entity itself write upon the skein of time and space?

Very simple.

Every THOUGHT of the entity is formed of words that is formed of Letters that are His and are re-corded...

...because it is His letters that the mind uses...

...and even the individuals mind is His for the mind is even housed in a created body.

The mind is basically not aware of this...

...because it has always used His Letters as its own.

The human mind is not only like a transceiver... is a like re-corder.

It remembers everything.

The mind WILL eventually learn that the Law of One applies to the mind.

Every mind of every entity originated from one mind...

...and may return to that ONE MIND.

That ONE MIND is the Christ Consciousness.  

The mind has simply wandered away from that consciousness.... taking its thought form producing... its own...

..because the mind was also given free will to develop a self conscious mind that through that same free will may...


...convert itself into a Christ
Conscious Mind.

The mind is what is born again.

The human self conscious mind conceives out of itself...

...according to the Pattern...

...the Christ Conscious mind.

The  "tools" are ANY Letters that ANY mind uses.

ALL letters of EVERY language are spiritual and are His.

They belong to ONE GOD.

The letters used in this club are English...

...only because these are the tools  that the founder has it hand.

From the point of view of the individual mind...

,,,the word... (tool)(s).

From His point of view...

...the tools are (S)piritual (loot)...

...or the hidden manna that is the Spirit WITHIN the letters themselves.

His Spirit IS...

..."ALpha and Omega"*...


*Revelation 1:8