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Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #34

Green Acre Sign Factory Warehouse #34

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The Positive Pole


His Cross is Emblematic of many things.

His Cross is Emblematic of His letter t.

His Cross is also Emblematic of the Positve pole.

Within the BRAIN of the CREATED body are two very important glands.

These two glands are also Emblematic of two churches of the created human body according to the Readings.

The two glands or churches just happen to start with His Letter P which also just happens to be His first root Letter of the word Positive.

They are the Pineal and Pituitary Glands. 

WITHIN the Self conscious mind...

...WITHIN the word...


...there appears His Letter N which is the first root letter of the word Negative.

The essence of negative is deeply rooted right in the middle of the word mind.

IF the mind is willing... is what the mind may do.


..cast out the negative and move towards the positive poles WITHIN the created body.


....see what happens.

As the mind re-verses its course and begins to move WITHIN...

...EMBLEMATIC of the same way that it moved WITHIN the mind itself... will find that the word of the mind is now...


This is WHY it seeks the light of (t)his world as it goes WITHIN.

This is  Emblematic of the poles of the earth shifting.

The created body is formed from earth and is as the Positive Pole.

The mind is negative Pole...

...and that mind that has gone WITHOUT is now beginning to go WITHIN...

...and the manifestation of the Positve pole...

...the christ consciousness... beginning to manifest itself THROUGH the earth plane of the human created body... the free will mind is beginning to go WITHIN.

YOU may be hearing this for the first time right here and that certainly calls for thank you...


The human body and planet earth 08/22/99


The human body and the planet earth are of the same Pattern.

They are both creations and BOTH will eventually pass away.

However, His Words and His Letters that formed the Words will NOT pass away.

Thus, it is the destiny of the MIND to go WITHIN its own created body...

...and RE-CORD to the Word that created the very body that houses the mind and soul...

...while it is STILL NOW WITHIN the earth plane...

...that as not YET passed away.*

"All things will be brought to remembrance that I have given thee since the foundatios of the world...

...for thou wert with me in the beginning (Isaiah 40:21)...

...and thou MAY abid with me in that day when the earth will be rolled as a (S)croll (Revelaton 6:14...

for the heavens...

...(WITHIN the created bodies...)...

...and the earth will pass away...

...but my word shall NOT pass away (Matthew 24:35)"*

*Page 195 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The word WAS with God in the beginning.*

*John 1:1

The Word made flesh returned to show the human mind the way, as the Pattern, HOW to return to God the Father... re-turning the Father's Letters that literally formed the Word in the beginnng.

The mind may GO-SPEL that Word in the beginning as GOD.

From G-O-D, in the beginning, the universe of the mind has expanded to...


The MOVEMENT of these 26 letters has created ALL the remembrance of the mind...

...whose constant companion is its soul.


...the mind as any doubts about the validity of the expanded universe of G-O-D...

...alllow that mind to find the "Relative" Positons of G-O-D in the "current" cord or string of expanded Letters of (t)his universe.

The mind will find the "current" string totals exactly 26 letters.

When these two numbers are As One...

...6 + 2 = 8...

...the number 8 is not only the symbol of the WORD 8...

... but when this symbol is MOVED... is the symbol of infinity which is forever!

U C, Jesus the Pattern, His spirit fulfilled the written law.

That written Law NOW contains 26 Letters.

His spirit fullfills everyone of  those letters.

The letters are His as the individual soul is His...

...and the individual mind (Adam) WAS His in the beginning.

The mind may attune to its companion its soul... MOVING His Letters as His... 

....rather than it THOUGHT were its own.

The mind and soul...

...may THEN attune to the LIVING created body that "current"ly houses the mind and soul WITHIN that created body.

Thus, the mind, the guidance system, moves to become As One with the body and soul...

..and THEN they ALL may become as as One and With the Creative Force that maintains the living created body...

...the Father of ALL Creation. 

The RIVER, the current, (t)he spirit, the cord of letters, passing THROUGH the mind, body and soul...

...has always been Alpha THROUGH Omega...

...except when the mind, because of freewill, following the pattern of Adam, decided to take His Letters as its OWN.

*Revelation 1:8

Simply allow the mind's free will to return His letters...

...and that simple sacrifice will allow the mind to re-return to its maker, the Father within.

Shifting poles of the mind and body arkroc (58/M/Longwood, Florida) 08/22/1999 09:11 am EDT =========== The shifting of the poles of the mind and body is the essence that produces the manifestation of the Christ spirit. Christ is the name for when the spirit of the body... ...the Creative Force... ...which is a reflection of the soul... ...and the spirit of the mind which is the INDIVIDUALITY.... ...NOT THE PERSONALITY... ...of the MIND becomes As One WITHIN THE very created body that houses the mind and soul while it is WITHIN the earth plane of the body. The diffence between individuality and personality is that the mind of the individuality of the soul remembers everything in its OWN experince from the moment of creation in very beginning. The mind of the personality is only physically conscious of its current sojourn WITHIN (t)his earth plane. As the mind... the ACT of LOVE... ...MOVES WITHIN to seek the Father... ...the Creative Force... ...of its created body/soul..., ..the Father..., LOVE... ...WILL joyfully RISE meet the mind that is returning through its own free will. Then this happens... ...the polarity of the Father + and the Polarity of the mind - will move together as One Force, the + Force. This One Force THEN may be manifested through the body and mind as they are now both One. In essence,(t)his is his Pattern for our minds to follow... ...the Pattern of (t)he Son returning to the Father WITHIN the earth plane of the created body. U C, when jesus, the Pattern, went to the cross, not only did he become as one with the His Letter t again... ..that letter t also is EMBLEMATIC of the Positive pole WITHIN the created body, the Father, the Creatve Force. The poles of the mind and body shift in an act of love to provide an OPENING for the manifestation of His Spirit from WITHIN the earth plane of the created body. As these two loves come together from opposite poles... ...this is the sign of that act of love. ....(EVOL...LOVE)...EV(OL)VE The mind simply returns to be as one with thy (L)ord thy G(O)D). In essence, the mind has fulfilled its true destiny... has evolved and re-turned to the Father, its maker, its creator.

Children of God Go-spel


The Children of God do go spell a little differently than the children of men.


Because their minds use their letters  to As His rather than as their Own to spell words.


Because they have entered into His consciousnesss.

Here is a few of His words.











Ruth was his sister and she was a witness to His being a As One with the (t) cross.

Earths Life of Purpose

The heading above is set in that WORD order for a paritcular reason.

Many may not see any significance to the "heading" above.

Some may.

The heading above is a reflection of the Law of One.

The heading above fits the Pattern of becoming little children...

...and going WITHIN as little children...

...rather than wandering without as adults.

First, one must be converted to enter the kingdom of heaven to meet WHO?


Guess what?

Adult WORDS may easy be converted as little children.

Those child size words are called acronyms.

Acronyms also follow the Pattern of...

..."the seed that is in itself after His kind".*

*Genesis 1:11

They are the seeds WITHIN the seeds of larger adult size words.

Here is the conversion of the adult size....

...Earth Purpose On Earth... its child size acronym.

..........   E.L.O.P.  .........

When the adult is OUTSIDE looking in...

...the word is POLE.

When the child is WITHIN and is looking out...

...the word is ELOP.

In essence the mind moves from one POINT of view to another.

This is the essence of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

Believe it or not the mind IS capable of moving TO a point of view from WITHIN.

This mind moving process IS the shifting of the POLES as described in the Edgar Cayce Readings.

The Readings themselves are from a Spiritual mind  point of view...

...and most try to interpret them from a physical mind point of view.

No pun intended...

...but it is the mind that must get off its physical ass...

...and as the builder...

...go WITHIN.

"(An entity) is more often trained or convinced AWAY from its natural spiritual IMPORT.

For, is it not for SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT that EACH souls enters...

....and not merely for MENTAL or MATERIAL, or PHYSICAL?"*

*Page 334 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

The Earth Purpose of Life is... 

...shifting the DIRECTION of the mind... ALLOWING the mind to stop moving Letters in the direction of...

....P O L E and returning via...

...E L O P.

Very natural and simple for a child's mind that has been trained to look... WORDS...

...ALL ways.

Very un-natural for an adult mind that has been trained to look... WORDS...

...only one way.   

Your body = THE church

There is no doubt about it...

....the Readings state that your body is the church it and it is true.

The human created body is THE true church.

When one prays...

...where does it pray?

WITHIN its own body.

Jesus, the Pattern, for the mind to follow according to the Readings...

.. and was the Word made flesh according to the Bible.

What is the word re-corded or connected to the thought church?

The word is c-h-u-r-c-h.

Here is His sign that not only may you enter WITHIN the body called the church...

....You are ALRREADY WITHIN the church when the body called the church...

,,,and its doors are opened.

Here is the sign that opens the doors of the church.   ur  ch.......

WITHIN this church is His Pattern of the beginning and the ending...

...and guess who is right in the middle?

...................u r.

The Churches WITHIN the Created body

The human body is the true Church of (G)od.

Accordings to the Readings...

...WITHIN THAT church are SEVEN more churches called called GLANDS by the physical mind.

To the spiritual mind...



...form (G)od's (Spiritual (Land).



...that are WITHIN the ONE CHURCH called the BODY...



The Christ Spirit...

...the Spirit of the Word made flesh...


Where does the MOVEMENT originate?

The MOVEMENT originates from the mind...

...that is LITERALLY housed in the body built and maintained by the Creative Force.   

The free will of the mind provides the moveement.

The Spirit provides the letters.

The NATURAL PATTERN IS for the MIND to NEED and LOVE the very Force that houses it...

..the WORD made flesh...

...and continues to make created flesh formed from letters.

This is the NATURAL PATTERN of the union THROUGH a cord of letters that the Creative Father had with Adam in the beginning...

...until that union formed from a cord of letters was severed by the free will of Adam*

*Page 111 of The Edgar Cayce Companion.

When Adam returned as Jesus...

...THAT NATURAL PATTERN was re-stored...

...and no pun is intended...

..but is re-corded in His Book, the Bible.





Revelation 1:8 IS the NATURAL PATTERN for the mind to follow...

...for this NATURAL PATTERN...


...the NATURAL LAW...

...that has fullfilled EVERY LETTER of the WRITTEN LAW.


...IS that the mind of men and His Spirit were ALWAYS...


...for each other.

Here is His sign that this is true.*

*Matthew 16:24

What is WITHIN the word block?

"Nothing is by chance"*

*Page 44 of the Edgar Cayce Companion.

The word LOCK IS WITHIN the word block.

What is the first root letter of the word body and brain?


This is the sign that the mind knows how to unblock block.


Walk With Jeus, the Pattern


"And as indicated...

DO NOT depart from that awareness...

...that He...

...the Master...


...WILL walk with thee...

IF... DESIRE a walk with Him."* 
*Reading 254-111     9/2/1941